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Jane Butler Identity Analysis

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where she adopts a Foucauldian approach to feminism and draws upon of his central notions, power. She draws upon his thesis that the state provides regulation, and society draw upon this regulation to question if they are ‘normal’. In relation to Butler, failing to meet the standards of ‘normal’ in gender can cause many affects and barriers towards an individual in their learning and development. The body gains importance within discourse only in the framework of power relations and according to Butler, the body ‘is not a being, but a variable boundary, a surface whose permeability is politically regulated, a signifying practice within a cultural field of gender hierarchy and compulsory heterosexuality’ (Butler, 1990: 139). Thus, there are …show more content…
Due to the construction of gender and society becoming a barrier to learning for not only children but adults too, the construction is attained through the repetitive ‘performance’ of particular discourses. Butler writes ‘gender proves to be performative - that is, constituting the identity it is purported to be. In this sense, gender is always a doing, though not a doing by a subject who might be said to preexist the deed .... There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender ... gender is performatively constituted by the very ‘expressions’ which are said to be its results’ (Butler, 1990: p24- 25). Thus, Kee-Yoon Nahm illuminates many concepts of Butler’s work especially performativity in her writing ‘Subvert/Reinscribe: Performance Research’ (2016). She writes that ‘Judith Butler’s theory of gender performativity has greatly impacted our understanding of performances that strategically employ stereotypes of minorities in order to subvert naturalized biases of gender’ (Nahm, 2016: 92). Therefore, questioning these ‘biases of gender’ can then lead to being a barrier to learning and developing. Although, to overcome this social division, unlike Butler, Nahm believes that ‘in the case of stereotypes, performativity could explain how cultural signifiers [or social division such as gender] are mistaken for ‘truth’, but we can only examine the subversive deployment of these stereotypes in performance’ (Nahm, 2016: 92). Thus, instead, like Butler, individuals should not accept implemented on them, they should take a subversive approach towards them in order for them to be able to develop and learn in

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