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Racism And Greed Research Paper

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Racism and greed are two of the world’s major issues today. Many people are not aware of how much racism still exists in our schools, workplaces, and elsewhere where social life lives are occurring. Unfortunately, racism is just as bad today as it was many decades ago even though people are educated way more then they were back then. In the novel "The Pearl", it shows you how kino's race and it's people were treated. The author of "The Pearl" Steinbeck described every little thing that happens in there life after they found the evil pearl. Racism and greed are two major themes in the story. It also plays a huge role in real life in the present day and back decades ago. Racism, a discrimination of different groups of people, is terrible in …show more content…
Things that you want. Things that you need. Money is just a green piece of paper that we value. We take money everywhere with us, we keep it for a while then we spend it. Kino's neighbors sat long over their breakfasts, and they spoke of what they would do if they had found the pearl. “And one man said that he would give it as a present to the Holy Father in Rome. Another said that he would buy Masses for the souls of his family for a thousand years. Another thought he might take the money and distribute it among the poor of La Paz.” The townspeople and neighbours mask their greed by discussing the greed of others and thinking of what they would do with the money. The news came to the doctor. And the doctor's eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris. The doctor was surprised who kino was and ran to help his son. Greed is very dangerous and can suck us in a lot of trouble and problems. Greed changed kino, the doctor, he left the dying old lady to die and ran to the brush houses to find Kino and it also changed the priest, it came to the priest walking in his garden, and it puts a thoughtful look in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to the church. He wondered what the pearl would be worth. Greed is very dangerous and can suck us in a lot of trouble and problems. Greed changed Kino, the doctor, he left the dying old lady to die and ran to the brush houses to find Kino and it also changed the priest, “It came to the priest …show more content…
They don't let them learn or get educated in anyway. When Kino went to go see the pearl buyer, he tried to cheat Kino & said that the pearl is worth less than it really was. They tried to trick him because the the pearlers don't know the real price for the pearls. They accept whatever they get. And if he was from their race they would give him a way higher price. Kino and his race were treated very badly they were treated like animals, indeed it is said in the book "The Pearl" while Kino was waiting for a response from the doctor, he responded to his servant by stating that “I am a doctor, not a

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