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Jehue Burre and Family


Submitted By goldsbeary
Words 684
Pages 3
Jun 12-Jul 6 – Puritan Jehue Burre and family arrived with John
Winthrop's famous fleet of 11 ships that arrived in the New World near
Boston. These deeply religious people were escaping religious persecution and coming here largely for religious freedom.
Oct 19 – Burr applied to the general court of Massachusetts for rights as a freeman.
May 18 – Jehue Burr was admitted a freeman. A freeman was a Puritan who was recognized as free to participate in the church and government. Massachusetts' government was representative and restricted to church members. Non-Puritans were allowed to reside in the colony but were forbidden participation in the government.
Freemen were also the only ones able to own land, buy stock, and be free to go where they pleased.
"Jehu Bur" was admitted to the Roxbury church as member #12, which would be at or soon after the 1632 organization of the church. Only freemen could be members of the church, and only church leaders could be leaders in the local government.
Jehue Burre served on a committee with William Pynchon, the Colony
Treasurer, to over-see building a bridge over Muddy & Stony river, between Boston & Roxbury.
July – 11 Native Americans in the village of
Agawam agreed to sell land on both sides of the
Connecticut River to Mr. William Pynchon and his group of planters (Jehue Burre included) in exchange for 18 fathoms of wampum (a fathom =
6 feet), 18 coats, 18 hatchets, and 18 knives. Each of the 8 original planters received a 10 acre house
The Peter Burr House - Timeline - Historic Events
2 of 49 2/23/2012 6:40 PM lot on the east side of the river plus a 3 acre planting lot on the Agawam (west) side of the river. In order to reach his planting land, each man had to cross the 300 yards wide river by canoe. Agawam was renamed and is now known as Springfield, MA. These early founders of
Agawam were described as young men "of good spirits & sound bodies." Agawam was the northernmost trading post of the
Connecticut Colony, seated on major trading routes including the
Connecticut River.
Feb 9 – Burre was appointed by the Gen. Court of Conn, to collect taxes at Agawam, (which at that time was under the jurisdiction of
Connecticut), to assist in defraying the expenses of the Pequot war.
He was appointed Collector for the Connecticut Colony.
Burre was Deputy for Springfield to the Connecticut Legislature in
April 1638 and September 1641.
Jehue Burre and family removed to Fairfield, CT
Burre became a representative for the town. He was granted a home-lot from the town SW of the Meeting-house Green & the pond, afterwards called Edward's Pond, the rear of which adjoined the home-lot of the Rev. John Jones.
Sep – Burre was appointed deputy to the Gen. Court
Mr. Jehue Burre appealed a jury verdict given in Stratford, to the Gen.
Jehue Burre was a grand juror
Sep 1645 & Apr 1646 – Burre was a commissioner of the United
Colonies, a Deputy to the Connecticut Legislature for Fairfield ca.1670 Jehue Burre died and left four sons Jehu, John, Daniel & Nathaniel, & probably other children.
He was a carpenter.
The Peter Burr House - Timeline - Historic Events
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Seventy-eight of the earliest Burrs in the New World are buried in the Old Burying Ground in Fairfield, CT
Judge Peter Burr graduated from Harvard and began an unusually successful career. He was the uncle to our Peter Burr Sr who was not yet born. The Judge was one of those important personages from
Fairfield, having rendered the name of Burr illustrious. He was one of the first of the name who graduated at Harvard, having entered that institution in 1686.
Jul 23 – Peter Burr, Sr. great grandson of Jehue Burre and nephew of
Judge Peter Burr, was born in Fairfield, CT.

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