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Jem Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

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In the book To Kill a Mockingbird Jem and Scout mature throughout the book. Jem matures as a person as he gets older and through the experiences he goes through. He starts out wanting to become a lawyer and then as he goes through things he realizes that it is not what he wants to do. Jem and Scout becomes friends with Dill and they begin to mature together. Jem learns about the Radley’s and begins to have an interest in them. Jem shows maturity by inviting Walter Cunningham to lunch. Jem matures greatly after Tom’s trial because he thought it wasn’t fair. And Jem showed that he had matured by how he handled himself when Bob Ewell attack him and Scout. Jem decides not to become a lawyer after Tom’s trial. Atticus, Jem’s father, was the lawyer for Tom Robinson …show more content…
He told Scout to invite Walter because he didn’t have any lunch that day and had nowhere to get any lunch. Jem wanted Scout to know how to treat people who don’t have much. Scout then a couple years later wanted to invite Walter to lunch again but Aunt Alex wouldn’t allow it because the Cunningham’s were beneath them. At Tom Robinson’s trial Jem, Scout, and Dill wanted to see what all the talk was about so they decided to go and watch. They had to stand with the black folk. Atticus was the lawyer for Tom. Jem didn’t like how the trial was going because no one believed what Tom was saying except the Judge and Atticus. When the verdict was finally given Jem cried. Tom was sent to jail for unfair reasons. Atticus later explained to him that things weren’t very fair where they lived. Jem hated that and couldn’t stand how people could just turn a blind eye. When Bob Ewell attacked Jem and Scout, Jem made sure Scout was safe. Just before the attack Jem keep stopping because he heard footsteps. When Bob started to attack Jem took all the hits so Scout didn’t get hit. Jem got a broken arm out of it but Scout escaped without a

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