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Jenny Coste Case

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This is the case of Jenny Coste, 9-year-old who has completed the treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and is now in remission. Jenny is a typical child who loves to play and particularly enjoys sports activities at school. In addition, she lives with her parents and older brother and sister who walks with Jenny to school as her parents usually works early. She developed acute lymphoblastic leukemia and went through series of chemotherapy sessions for around 18 months to treat it. Jenny has no known allergies to any medication and successfully lowered the cancer cells to undetectable levels. Past medical history includes chicken pox at a very early age and leukemia that is now in remission. Unfortunately, Jenny’s health state declined …show more content…
In addition, it will also discuss the antibiotic ordered, Cefotaxime and its mechanism of action to Jenny’s present condition. This paper will also discuss what happened in simulation scenario and the management of drug adverse reaction associated with it. Also, it will include the importance of collaboration with relevant health professional that contributes to care. At the end of the paper, it will discuss psychosocial issues related to Jenny and will give some recommendations for optimal management needed.

Pneumonia is one of lung infection affecting most often elderly and children that can be acquired from community and hospital (Molina & Walker 2002). It makes the lungs, trigger inflammation and congestion, decreasing oxygen exchange resulting to cough and difficulty of breathing (Molina & Walker 2002). Relevant report has been conducted and deaths from pneumonia is the most common death globally but through the years pneumonia have been …show more content…
Overall health condition of Jenny is not in complete great state due to previous chemotherapy sessions that makes the patient’s immune system still coping up. Jenny developed community acquired pneumonia and has been hospitalized for treatment and appeared to be very pale, weak and fatigues easily. Culture and sensitivity of sputum were done and the results show Pseudomonas pneumonia which are resistant to several antibiotics. During hospitalization, assessment shows a respiratory rate of 24, blood pressure of 90/60 and temperature of 37.4. Patient has an oxygen at 2L/min via nasal specs and oxygen saturation was 97%. Cefotaxime was prescribed and is due for the next dose. Considering the age of Jenny, the management of care includes first, an effective therapeutic communication with children. To have therapeutic relationship and to be able to deliver the best care possible, healthcare worker should have effective communication designed to their patient (Bennet 2016). Bennet (2016) believes that providing quality care for children in health care settings is possible depending on provider-patient relationship which was centered on effective communication. However, communication in health care setting has several factors that often lead to message confusion and simply not transmitted accurately such as stressful, anxiety-provoking and emotional environment. Additional considerations are also needed in

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