...first time writing papers since I attended graduate school in 1996. Like the students in the article, I did not receive direct instruction on how to prevent plagiarism. As a graduate level student, I was advised by a professor to not copy information when writing, handed a plagiarism policy and warned of the consequences. That was the extent of it. As a Christian, I am called to live my life in such a way that reflects Jesus in all I do. The Holy Spirit within me helps me do this. While I would not purposely copy someone else’s ideas and present them as my own, I do find myself worrying about unintentional plagiarism in my writing. Do I paraphrase or summarize correctly? Do I cite properly? Are those supposed to be page numbers in parentheses or just the author’s last name and...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Significance of the Covenant Blessings and Curses in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 for the History and Theology of the Old Testament Submitted to Dr. Don Clark, Semi 500 – B21 by Willie C. Stovall Jr. May 2015 Option A: OT Research Paper – OBST 515 You will choose a topic from the attached list and write a 1600-1800-word research paper. You must follow current Turabian format and present a well-researched analysis and discussion of the chosen topic. A minimum of 7 scholarly sources must be used when writing this paper. Biblical evidence and explanation of key biblical texts is essential. Sources are cited, referenced, and/or quoted must be footnoted, and the paper must be your original work. In light of the length of this paper, avoid lengthy quotations and make sure that the paper stays on topic. Use headings to mark off the major sections of your paper. A bibliography of sources must be included. Submit the OT Research Paper by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7. Bibliography Manby, T. D. (2008). An exigetical study of leviticus 26: Mosaic covenantal laws, blessings, and curses with implications for the reading of selected old testament canonical books (Order No. 1461646). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304817742). Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/304817742?accountid=12085 Rivard, Derek A.. Blessing the World : Ritual and Lay Piety...
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...Full essay Twitter: Taming the firehose Andria Krewson Akrewson45c@mac.com Certificate in Technology and Communication program, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill May 3, 2009 About the Author Andria Krewson, a journalist with more than 25 years of news experience in Georgia, Florida and primarily North Carolina, is a student in the Certificate in Technology and Communications program in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In her journalism career, she has focused on design; learning, teaching and supporting new technologies, especially content management systems; producing local, focused information in niche publications; and managing creative workers. She has been on Twitter as the user @underoak since February 2008, and also as @akrewson since September 2008. She expects to complete the UNC technology program in May 2009. Reach her at akrewson45c@mac.com UNC Honor Code: "I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance while preparing this assignment and I have written the code myself." This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit here. Brief abstract Twitter, the short-message service started in March 2006, has a reputation for being filled with irrelevant noise. But new users continue to stream onto the service,...
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...INTRODUCTION This paper was written based on the faith of Christians. Furthermore, the research referenced the Holy Bible as it is the sole basis of Christians for their doctrines and faith. The progression of the essays was written in accordance on how I think the doctrines of Christians were regarded. Section one: Did Jesus claim to be God?, discloses the dissimilar stand for Christians on the true state of Jesus Christ whether His is God or is He a man or is He God and a man at the Same time. Section two: Does the Bible Have Authority, discusses how the Christians were made to accept as true that the Bible is the sole basis for the words of God. Section three: How can we be confident that Jesus is returning?, opens the notion on where we are heading after our journey in this world. DID JESUS CLAIM TO BE GOD? The confusion on the true state of Jesus Christ often disrupts the mind of the believers on choosing their stand. However, the Holy Scriptures have the apparent stand on the issue on how to recognize Jesus Christ. Believers were divided to three groups on their belief on Christ’s true status such as: Jesus Christ is God, Jesus Christ is a man and last of all, Jesus Christ is God and a man at the same time. According to Apostle Paul, Jesus Christ is a man however a man that serves as the lone mediator of man to God (I Timothy 2:5). According to Apostle Peter, Jesus Christ is man approved of God by miracles and wonders and signs (Acts 2:22). Moreover, Apostle...
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...Research Paper The Babylonian Empire and the Old Testament Submitted to Dr. Curtis Fitzgerald, Ph.D, In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course OBST 520 LUO (Summer 2014) Old Testament Orientation II Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Marcus Banks-Bey_L2444950 June 29, 2014 Thesis Statement This research paper will discuss, and review the history of the Babylion Empire, its rulers, and the Empire’s influential relationship upon some of the major events which developed within Old Testament literature. Introduction Through my research, it is my intent to identify significant points within the history of the Babylion Empire, including its origins, development, expansion, eventual decline, and why it became a focal point of many of the major events of the Old Testament. From the Great Empire of Akkad, Babylon became a major seat of learning, culture, and technology. More than simply a city-state of defiance, and sinful practices, Babylon’s influence, very often viewed through a negative scholarly lens, shaped the history of Asia Minor, Northern Africa, and the world when approached from a biblical standpoint. As such, Babylon remains a critical, powerful nation in relation to its nation-state of Israel, and Old Testament history. Nimrod The Cushite The first nation-state identified within contemporary Biblical literature is the land that is “Ethiopia”, as mentioned...
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...LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Historical Problems in the Book of Daniel A paper submitted to Dr. Michael Heiser In partial fulfillment of the requirements For completion of the course OBST 520 Old Testament Orientation II Lynchburg, Virginia March 2, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION………………….……………………………………………………………..3 BACKGROUND AND MESSAGE….…….……………….…...……………………………….3 PROBLEM #1……………………………………………………..……………………………...4 PROBLEM #2……...…………………………………………………..………………………...5 PROBLEM #3………………………………………………………………….…...……………5 PROBLEM #4…………...…………………………………………..……………...……………6 PROBLEM #5……………………………………………………………..………..……………7 APPLICATION……………………………………………………………………..……………9 CONCLUSION………………..………….………………………………………...…………..10 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………..……….………………………………………...…………… INTRODUCTION: The book of Daniel has been questioned based on some perceived historical problems that would make the current dating of the book inaccurate. Such historical problems would challenge the validity of the message of Daniel. Throughout this research paper, we will take a look at the five historical problems in the book of Daniel. We will carefully examine each of these problems in hopes of uncovering the truth. There are two major questions to be answered in this paper. Are the historical problems actually problems or just misunderstandings and do these affect the message we received from the book of Daniel? BACKGROUND AND MESSAGE: It is...
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...day He was born until the day He died, Jesus was without sin to be a perfect sacrifice. Since, we are born into the world as sinners, a miraculous entrance into the world was required, and that’s why the virgin birth occurred. “For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do: by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and to deal with sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, so that the just requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” (Romans 8:3-4) It was said that if Jesus had be the son of Joseph, he wouldn’t have been able to claim the throne of David. Joseph was a descendant of King Jeconiah, which means Jesus would have been cursed. (Jeremiah...
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...page 5 Prophecies Fulfilled………………………………………………………….page 6 Antiochus IV………………………………………………………………...Page 7 Antichrist…………………………………………………………………… page 8 Summary………………………………………………………………………page 9 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….page 11 Bibliography …………………………………………………………………..page 12 You have no page numbers showing. See the sample paper and Turabian for correct formatting. introduction Daniel, a contemporary of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, went into captivity to Babylon in 605B.C. when he was around fifteen years old. Jeremiah warned that the Lord would was sending the Babylonians to punish Judah. In 605 B.C. , Nebuchadnezzar led the Babylonian army to victory over the Eygptians at Carchemish, establishing control over Syria and northern Israel. Then he marched south and took some exiles including Daniel.1 “The Book of Daniel is not only one of the most intriguing works in the Bible, but it is also filled with timeless truths that are just as relevant to modern believers as they were to those who first heard them.”2 In this research paper we are going to assert that Daniel foresees the antichrist who will appear at the end of the age. There is much controversy about the antichrist. Who is he? Was he Hitler or Mussolini or some other despot that persecuted and...
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...From the author This book was birthed in obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He continually prompted me to put on paper the many truths that He revealed to me over a period of time; allowing me to gain a broader understanding of the inquisitive nature of children. For me, it was indeed a learning curve, a total departure from my own perceptions about children and why they do, say and ask the things that they do. This book focuses on how we can support children to using their “nosy” tendency towards the development of a deeper relationship with the Lord. There is a hunger in every child to know more, and parents, Sunday school teachers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, etc. can play a very important and effective role in supporting the spiritual growth and...
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...Abstract Abortion has been a topic of debate for many centuries and still today is a major topic of debate. Some see abortion as murder of an innocent child, others believe that the fetus is not yet a human therefore can be aborted. Most of the world religions have their own view on abortion, some religious laws allow it while others condemn the act. Abortion in the eyes of religion is a major conflict that is closely related to God and his sole ability to create and destroy life. In this paper I will compare and contrast the positions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on abortion the methods of approaching abortion and each religions position and also my position with abortion. Abortion and Religion When religious positions on abortion...
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...Abortions and Morals versus The Right To Choose Latrice Dixon PHI 103: Informal Logic Professor Victor Reppert 2/7/2012 // . Over the course of history topics have been discussed, debated, and then re-discussed. Some would say can’t they agree to disagree or maybe move on to another topic. The most controversial topic in America history has been and continues to be abortion, the right to choose life or death. This paper will give the argument for and against abortion, the history of abortions, the religious aspects, and the statics of abortions including complications. I am against abortion because of my religious views and I think it is morally wrong to have an abortion. Considering America’s ethics and values, death is morally wrong. This makes the killing of unborn fetuses morally wrong as well. Abortion is not justified because it goes against God’s word, is murder, and, poses risks to the mother. On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decisions, handed down two rulings legalizing abortion in America (http://prolifeaction.org). Prior to these rulings abortion was prohibited in most of the 50 states (http://prolifeaction.org). In two states abortions were allowed New York and California, but various restrictions were in place (http://prolifeaction.org). These restrictions were removed by the 1973 rulings (http://prolifeaction.org). The Supreme Court based its decision on the “right to privacy”, which it claimed was guaranteed...
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... A Research Paper Presented to The Class of Miss Rachelle Lynne A. Rosales Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo High School In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Subject English IV Submitted by: Josh Gabriel Hornilla John Gabriel Celis IV – Gomez Chapter I 1 Introduction Instrumental songs are music that can entertain us and relieved stress. It can also be a fun of everybody when playing an instrument like piano, guitar drums, etc. In this generation, many people likes the genre of Hip Hop, R & B, Rock, Pop, and the famous genre nowadays is Korean Pop (K-Pop). So the researchers want to know if Instrumental songs are important in our everyday lives. This research paper will try to answer the...
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...RELIGIOUS EDUCATION S.B.A #1 PREVIEW Table of Content Acknowledgement Introduction Aim of research Research Topic Method of Collection Summary of Findings Interpretation and Analysis of Data Conclusion Bibliography Acknowledgement The researcher would like to thank my teacher Miss Simmons for her help and guidance. Also my parents who supported me in doing this research, a special thanks to the lord almighty God Introduction The research will examine the festivals in Christianity. There are many different types of festivals in Christianity. However my focus is on the following festivals: 1. Christmas 2. Easter 3. Lent 4. Good Friday Aim of Research The researchers hope to find out: 1. The different festival in Christianity 2. The importance of these festival in Christianity Research Topic The Types of Festival in Christianity Method of Collection This research was done between the months of September through to December 2010. The instruments the researcher used to collect these data are: literature, pen, paper, and computer. The researcher used the Spanish town library to complete this data. CXC 28/G/SYLL 09 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate CSEC® RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SYLLABUS Effective for examinations from May/June 2012 Published by the Caribbean Examinations Council © 2010, Caribbean Examinations Council ...
Words: 35172 - Pages: 141
...CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate CSEC® RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SYLLABUS Effective for examinations from May/June 2012 CXC 28/G/SYLL 09 Published by the Caribbean Examinations Council © 2010, Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the author or publisher. Correspondence related to the syllabus should be addressed to: The Pro-Registrar Caribbean Examinations Council Caenwood Centre 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I. Telephone: (876) 630-5200 Facsimile Number: (876) 967-4972 E-mail address: cxcwzo@cxc.org Website: www.cxc.org Copyright © 2009, by Caribbean Examinations Council The Garrison, St Michael BB14038, Barbados CXC 28/G/SYLL 09 Contents RATIONALE ................................................................................................................................... 1 AIMS ................................................................................................................................................ 1 CRITERIA FOR CONTENT SELECTION .................................................................................... 2 ORGANISATION OF THE SYLLABUS ....................................................................................... 2 APPROACHES TO TEACHING THE SYLLABUS .......
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...The impact of buyer-supplier relationship and purchasing process on the supply chain performance: a conceptual framework Melody J. Hsiao University of Sydney Sharon Purchase University of Western Australia Shams Rahman University of Sydney ABSTRACT Supply chain performance is a rapidly developing area of research. Many companies are trying to find tools for enhancing performance measures in response to turbulent business markets and for efficiently controlling their business activities. Little empirical research has been conducted on the performance of retail supply chain in Taiwan and other Asian countries. Two factors affecting current retail supply chains, buyer-supplier relationships and purchasing processes, and their antecedents that are relevant to this unique cultural environment will be investigated. The objectives of this research are: (1) to identify the determinants affecting the performance of the supply chain at the retail level; (2) to define the antecedents related to each determinant; and (3) to present the conceptual model for this particular context. This research will contribute by presenting a conceptual model for supply chain performance that is relevant to small and mediumsized businesses that predominate Taiwan. INTRODUCTION Supply chain management (SCM) is “a key strategic factor for increasing organizational effectiveness and for better realization of organizational goals such as enhanced competitiveness, better customer care and increased profitability”...
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