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Jesus and Buddha


Submitted By jrdnkmbrly19
Words 413
Pages 2
History has been shaped by great men who are leaders, especially religious leaders. They bring about monumental change; they improve the lives of others; they introduce new ways of thinking, models, and theories to society. Most of the world's religions were founded, developed, or discovered by great men. Two particular religions - Christianity and Buddhism - were developed in different parts of the world and under different circumstances. But each religion is based upon the teachings and life of a great man. When one compares the life of Buddha with the life of Jesus, one finds that the two share many things in common. This essay compares and contrasts the lives of Buddha and Jesus in two areas where they share similarities: conception and birth. The birth of Jesus was revealed to his mother, Mary, by the angel Gabriel, who prophesized, "The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end" (Luke 1:32-33). Similarly, Queen Maya, the mother of the Buddha, had a vision in which she was carried by the gods to a sacred place and Buddha entered her womb. Both births were in unusual places, which the mother of the child had to travel to. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, many miles from his hometown of Nazareth. Mary laid him in a manger. Buddha was born in a grove of sala trees at which his mother stopped while traveling from her home to her native city . Jesus' birth was accompanied by divine signs, such as choirs of angels and a new star. Three wisemen visited Jesus sometime in his infancy, worshipping him and presenting him with luxurious gifts. Siddhartha's birth was announced by the earth and heavens singing his praises. Siddhartha was also visited by a total of one hundred eight brahmins, who were considered the wisest men of India. Instead of worshipping him, they tried to divine his destiny in the world. Both of these men had similar but yet different conceptions and births on Christ and Buddha, two manifestations of divinity, showed us that true salvation lies only on the path of humanity and compassion towards all. Indeed, through their humanity they are both related to us, and through their divinity, to god. The mark that each man left has survived for thousands of years now.


Kelsang, Geshe. "The Illustrated Life of Buddha." 23 November 11, 2003.

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