...Not a lot of people question whether Jesus Christ really did exist. It is usually accepted that Jesus was a real man that was born over 2000 years ago. However, according to R.C. Sproul “No person in history has provoked as much study, criticism, prejudice, or devotion as Jesus of Nazareth.” (Who Is Jesus?) When Jesus is looked at as being more than just a good teacher or prophet debates usually start. The Bible tells us that Jesus was more than just these things. What we know about Jesus is recorded in the Bible by the New Testament writers. Jesus himself clearly tells of his identity in John chapter 10. “I and My Father are one.” (John 10:30 NKJV) Jesus’ earthly ministry began when He was thirty years old. The beginning of this ministry is recorded in the book of Matthew when Jesus goes to the Jordan River and presents Himself to John the Baptist for baptism. Jesus didn’t need to be baptized, but He wanted to identify with sinners so that they would know He loved them. According to R. C. Sproul, the baptism of Jesus not only...
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...Rosemarie Stanislaus Term Paper August 1, 2014 The Quest for the Historical Jesus INTRODUCTION Over the centuries scholars from around the world have written a lot about religion, its meaning, relevance and contribution to humanity. There have been many speculations upon the nature and historical background of Jesus Christ. Many scholars have tried to dig into the few clues as to His identity and come up with a human side to which we can all relate. The study of Christianity and how it relates to Jesus Christ is very important to the whole world. Concerning the issue of Christianity, for example, the majority of people are taught in most schools and churches that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure and that the only controversy regarding him is that some people accept him as the Son of God and the Messiah, while others do not. While the historicity of Jesus is the most debated subject in the field of religion today, the most enduring and profound controversy in this subject is whether or not Jesus Christ really existed. This paper will discuss who Jesus is, the controversy and biblical sources based on the views of scholars surrounding the historicity of Jesus. Finally, this paper will give Biblical evidence that Jesus existed. WHO IS JESUS? It is generally accepted that Jesus was truly a man who walked the earth 2000 years ago. Almost every religion teaches that Jesus was a prophet, excellent teacher or a Godly man. The...
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...Brandon C. Strickland Theology 104-D03 Reflection Paper Introduction Through my research, study and prayer while progressing in the course Theology 104, I have gained knowledge and learned new principles that have helped change my understanding of what it means to be a Christian. One of the main topics that I read about in this course that really had an impact on my beliefs as a Christian, and reinforced my relationship with God was the fulfillment of prophecy that is seen throughout the Bible. A second topic that was addressed in this course was dealing with the assurance of salvation that God gives Christians in the Scripture that assists them with their daily struggles in life. These two topics together have stood out to me and have led me to further my study and research. Fulfillment of Prophecy The topic of fulfillment of prophecy is very important in a Christian’s life due to it proving that God is real and the Bible is truly his Word. These prophecies given to the authors of the Bible by God came sometimes hundreds of years prior to their fulfillment. It was necessary that these occurrences be fulfilled due to it providing further proof that the Bible is the Word of God and also to show God’s plan being fulfilled. There are numerous prophecies throughout the Bible that have been fulfilled as well as prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled. The birth of Jesus Christ was prophesized by Isaiah hundreds of years prior to the birth. In Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah is...
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...Reflection Paper #2 Introduction On this reflection paper, the topics I choose were the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” and the “Rapture”. I choose these topics because they both bring topics of debate with them. There are many different views on these two topics and I will try to shed some light on them. Through Biblical research and theological definitions, we will try to discover the purpose and meanings of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Rapture. The first topic of discussion is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This topic stirs up much debate in the denominational realms of the church. There are many different views and standpoints on this topic. John 1:33 states that when John the Baptist, after witnessing the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove at the baptism of Jesus, recorded these words: “He that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizes with the Holy Ghost”. Later Jesus promised His disciples, “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence” (Acts 1:5). On the day of Pentecost, the disciples had a number of experiences involving the Holy Spirit, including the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The disciples spoke in tongues to address the gospel of Christ to many different nations in attendance of Pentecost. This event was the start of the church and its spread of the gospel of Christ to all nations. Many Christians today have confused...
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...REFLECTION PAPER Last November 13, 2014, our section watched a Discovery Channel Documentary entitled “Jesus: The Missing History” that was hosted by a biblical scholar Kent Dobson. The documentary focuses on the truthfulness of what is written in the Bible regarding the life of Jesus Christ. The documentary has this strong impact on me that the same questions that the speaker, Kent Dobson, have in his mind. Since I was a child I have cling to the Bible verse in John 20:29 saying “Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.” This line was said by Jesus Christ to His disciple Thomas when he doubted the resurrection of Christ. And after having the same questions as Kent Dobson and, somehow, the same doubt as disciple Thomas has I have cling more to the Bible verse in John 20:29. Aside from that, life of Jesus Christ is written in the Holy Bible which, according to Institute for Creation Research online article, is historically testable. Moreover, the Institute for Creation Research stated on their article entitled Biblical Data are Historically Testable that there were these two of the greatest 20th-century archaeologists named William F. Albright and Nelson Glueck who both lauded the Bible as being the single most accurate source document from history. And even though the two archaeologists were non-Christian and secular in their training and personal beliefs, they emphasize that the Bible has been found to be accurate in its places, dates, and records of events...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY EXEGETICAL PAPER: EPHESIANS 6:10-20 A PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR. CHARLES E. POWELL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COURSE HERMENEUTICS NBST652 – D07 LUO (SUMMER, 2013) BY VERONICA MEAD LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA AUGUST 11, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS BIBLE PASSAGE……………………………………………………………………………….3 THESIS…………………………………………………………………………………………..3 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………….3 HISTORICAL-CULTURAL AND LITERARY CONTEXT……………………………………5 CONTENT ………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Be Strong in the Lord……………………………………………………………………...6 Put on the Full Armor of God……………………………………………………………..6 Our Struggle is not against Flesh and Blood……………………………………………...7 The Armor of God—Protection against the Evil Day…………………………………….7 Stand Firm…………………………………………………………………………………8 Feet Fitted with Readiness That Comes from the Gospel of Peace……………………….8 Take up the Shield of Faith………………………………………………………………..9 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit………………………………..10 Pray in the Spirit on all Occasions with all Kinds of Prayers……………………………10 Paul Requests Prayer from the Saints……………………………………………………11 For which I am an Ambassador in Chains……………………………………………….11 APPLICATION……………………………………………………………………………….…12 Stand Strong in the Lord in the Power of His might……………………………………..12 Put on the Whole Armor of God…………………………………………………………12 Prayer…………………………………………………………………………………….13 ...
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...Below is a free essay on "Principal Beliefs Of Christianity" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Referring to their importance, examine the principal beliefs of Christianity. Christianity is a monotheistic religion whose adherents are followers of Jesus of Nazareth. Christianity reformed out of Judaism in the first century CE and originated in Palestine. Christians preached their faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Jewish Messiah, who is saviour of all peoples through his death and resurrection. The principal beliefs of Christianity are highlighted in the Ten Commandments, the Nicene Creed, the Beatitudes and the Golden Rule. The principal beliefs of Christianity are influenced by Judaism. As a monotheistic religion, adherents believe there is strictly only one God, originating from the Jewish YHWH. Christians believe that God is the Trinity, meaning one being of three co-equal persons – the Father who is the creator and sustainer of all life, the Son who is the redeemer, and the Holy Spirit which is the sanctifier. Christians believe that God created the world and all that is in it. It is believed that humanity is created in the image of God, and that God gave people free will therefore there is good and evil in the world. The Ten Commandments are guidelines received by Moses from God on how adherents can lead good lives. They should not be avoided in fear of punishment, but embraced as a way to be saved from The Fall...
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...World Religion 1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, One of the Worlds Religions Jamila Clay Axia College University of Phoenix World Religion 2 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a church that finds its origins with a man named Joseph Smith in the early 1800 in the state of New York. The members of the church believe that they are following the original teachings of God and Jesus Christ original church reviled to Joseph Smith and documented through the Book of Mormon. The people who follow the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are generally referred to as LDS, a shorten version of their name, or Mormons, which is a reference to the Book of Mormon which they hold as scriptural text. This religion has many teachings and also many misconceptions about their beliefs. The LDS teachings emphasis prayer, order, obedience, love they neighbor and good works. One the LDS.org web site they have a chronological list of events in the church history. Below is a listing of some of the early events that help to set the stage of the faith that is followed today world wide. 1820 – The Prophet Joseph Smith received First Vision in a grove of trees in Palmyra and Manchester Townships, New York, near his home. 1823 – Joseph Smith visited by angel Moroni and told of the Book of Mormon record. Joseph viewed...
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...INTRODUCTION This paper was written based on the faith of Christians. Furthermore, the research referenced the Holy Bible as it is the sole basis of Christians for their doctrines and faith. The progression of the essays was written in accordance on how I think the doctrines of Christians were regarded. Section one: Did Jesus claim to be God?, discloses the dissimilar stand for Christians on the true state of Jesus Christ whether His is God or is He a man or is He God and a man at the Same time. Section two: Does the Bible Have Authority, discusses how the Christians were made to accept as true that the Bible is the sole basis for the words of God. Section three: How can we be confident that Jesus is returning?, opens the notion on where we are heading after our journey in this world. DID JESUS CLAIM TO BE GOD? The confusion on the true state of Jesus Christ often disrupts the mind of the believers on choosing their stand. However, the Holy Scriptures have the apparent stand on the issue on how to recognize Jesus Christ. Believers were divided to three groups on their belief on Christ’s true status such as: Jesus Christ is God, Jesus Christ is a man and last of all, Jesus Christ is God and a man at the same time. According to Apostle Paul, Jesus Christ is a man however a man that serves as the lone mediator of man to God (I Timothy 2:5). According to Apostle Peter, Jesus Christ is man approved of God by miracles and wonders and signs (Acts 2:22). Moreover, Apostle...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR BRADLEY MCDANIEL 201540 FALL 2015 BIBL 161-B01 LUO BY DEIRDRE JONES-SHOOK LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA OCTOBER 2015 Table of Contents Definition 3-5 How is the term justification defined by scholars? What is your own definition based on your research? Basis 5-6 What is the act of being justified based or grounded on, that is, what is necessary to have happened or to be true in order for justification to be possible? Means 6-7 How does one obtain justification? What is the means by which one is justified? Time Factors 7-8 Is justification an act or a process? Is it instantaneous or gradual? Results/Fruits 8-10 Once one has been justified, what benefits or results follow? Assurance 10-12 How can one be assured of justification? Conclusion 12 Bibliography 13 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH “Justification by faith alone” (justificatio sola fide) summarizes the doctrine of justification that has come to us as the great legacy of the Protestant Reformation. We frequently hear this formula used in preaching and teaching. The doctrine of justification by faith is a biblical doctrine. The Apostle Paul gives a full exposition of this doctrine. The letters he wrote to the Galatians and the Romans are especially important in this connection. However, the core message of justification by faith is found in the Old Testament. Paul himself argues from the...
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...Research Paper: Discipleship Because I became a Christian at an early age, there are many terms and ideas used in the church that I never pondered upon; I simply accepted them. For example, the term "disciple" I identify as one of Jesus' twelve closest followers, one of the paper characters placed on the felt board during Sunday school. Through my research, I have discovered that while accepting Christ through faith alone grants us salvation, to become a disciple of Christ, or practice discipleship, requires work and commitment from the believer. The word disciple, or the Greek word mathetes, is used over 220 times in the Gospels, but not once in the Epistles, those letters written right after Christ's resurrection ("A Church-speak, n. d.). As customary for the Greek usage of the word, mathetes refers to a student who has personal interaction with their teacher. This offers one explanation as to why the word disciple is not used in the Epistles. No one had direct contact with Jesus anymore because He had gone on to Heaven to be with God. Another explanation for the absence of the word in the Epistles is that the churches that these letters were directed to were aware of Jesus' teachings about discipleship. It is possible that the writer did not mention discipleship because it would have been redundant to do so (Haines, 1999). According to the lecture notes, a disciple is a "student" or a "pupil" and the act of discipleship is "advancing the cause of the kingdom". During...
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... Prophet, Priest & King: Jesus and His fulfillment of each office A research paper submitted to Professor xxxxx xxxxxxx in partial fulfillment of the requirements for BIBL 000 xxxxxxxx by xxxxxxx xxxxxxx 123456789 I. Introduction II. Prophet A. General role of prophet B. Jesus as prophet III. Priest A. General role of priest B. Jesus as priest IV. King A. General role of king B. Jesus as king V. Conclusion Prophet, Priest & King: Jesus and His fulfillment of each office Introduction ...
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...Theology 104-D14 Jenna Erickson Reflection Paper 1 04/13/2015 I. Introduction Upon sitting down at my desk to write this Reflection paper, I had to put a lot of time and thought into which topics I wanted to discuss and go further in-depth with. Knowing where I stood throughout much of my life, and then in the beginning of this class I have decided upon the topics of Doubt and Reconciliation. I believe these two topics can go hand-in-hand with each other. Doubt being first, but then overcoming that obstacle and then seeking reconciliation for the previous doubt. I will tackle these topics in the order in which I believe they happen, and then discuss how this relates to myself and how this class has helped me get to this point, having gained a better understanding of the scriptures. II. Part One – Doubt a. Theological Definition People can doubt many things throughout their life; people, claims, objects, time, situations and sometimes even facts. While there are many people who do not stray or question their faith in God or Jesus Christ, there are still also many that do continue to retain doubts. Doubt is not fully a bad thing with faith because it is a person trying to make logical sense of the stories and teachings by weighing evidence, and in turn doing further research to which gives us a deeper understanding of our faith and belief. Doubt helps keep us from making fast judgements or conclusions, poor choices, trusting inconsistent people or sources and much more...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY HOW PRACTICAL THEOLOGY GUIDES MY LIFE A RESEARCH PAPER ON HOW PRACTICAL THEOLOGY GUIDES MY LIFE BASED ON THE ESSENTIAL WORKS OF ANDREW MURRAY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES BY August 26, 2014 OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. HOW PRACTICAL THEOLOGY GUIDES MY LIFE 2 A. What prompts men to seek theology 3 1. How Andrew Murray views practical theology 4 2. How practical theology causes a deeper Christian life 5 3. The purpose of Practical Theology for a new life in Christ 6 A. How one comes to need practical theology 7 1. Absolute surrender 2. Practical Theology as a tool to abide in Christ 8 4. Conclusion 9 5. Bibliography 10-11 INTRODUCTION How practical theology guides a Christian...
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...it means. With some quick research one can learn that the word gospel comes form the Greek work euangelion, which means good news. But that does not solve what exactly is the good news is. One will also learn that there can be a distorted gospel or more than one gospel according to Galatians chapter one, verses six through nine, and he or she can be confused as to what the gospel really is and unsure if what he or she is reading is true. It says, “...not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ…If anyone is preaching you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him...
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