...Jewish Holy Days Paper REL/134 Jewish Holy Days Paper The Jewish holy day, Yom Kippur, translates to “Day of Atonement”. This holiday occurs on the tenth day of Tishrei and is taken from the book of Leviticus. The Jewish community remains abstinent from all physical pleasures, and reflects on the sins committed in the past year. This holy day, along with other Jewish holy days, differ culturally because they do not fall on a specific day on the twelve month calendar used in America (Rich). Time of the Year Yom Kippur falls on the tenth day of Tishrei. Tishrei is the seventh month of the twelve month Jewish calendar (Yetzira). In the year 2013 Yom Kippur falls on September 13-14. In the year 2014, it falls on October 3-4 ("When is yom,"). This holy day is considered a Sabbath. “It is a complete, 25-hour fast beginning before sunset on the evening before Yom Kippur and ending after nightfall on the day of Yom Kippur” (Rich). Historical Origin Yom Kippur’s historical origin can be found in the book of Leviticus. “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: ‘Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls...It shall be to you a Sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict your souls; on the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you shall celebrate your Sabbath (Leviticus 23:26-27,32).” Moses first went to the top of Mt. Sinai and...
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...gelt? Hanukkah is known as the Feast of Lights or the eight-day Jewish celebration (Molloy, 2010). When the menorah is all-light up on the eighth day, what a beautiful sight. Hanukkah marks a great day in the Jewish history. Throughout this paper, the following will be cover in regards to Hanukkah: the time of year, historical origin, religious practice(s), and cultural differences in observance of this day. Hanukkah occurs during the early winter (Molloy, 2010). This year in 2012 Hanukkah will begin on the evening of December 8 and end on the evening of December 16 (History.com, 2012). Each year is different depending on the year. There are times that Hanukkah can land in late November and early December. Hanukkah dates back to 165 B.C. (Gitelman, Jan/Feb 1997), this is when the Second Temple was rededicated. The rededication of the Second Temple occurred in Jerusalem. This is what happens for Hanukkah to occur. Antiochus IV Epiphanies son of Antiochus III, the Seleucid king of Syria, wanted the Jews to discontinue their worship to one God. He wanted the Jews to worship the Greek Gods. During this time, he outlawed the Jewish religion. Many Jews were slaughter like the pigs that were sacrificed for Zeus as they overtook the Second Temple. Matthias the Jewish priest fought back until his death, his son Judah then took over and within two years was able to defeat Antiochus IV (History.com, 2012). That day marked the beginning of Hanukkah. Judah had the Second Temple...
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...Judaism festival of Passover Abstract In this paper we will be discussing the Jewish festival of Passover, what makes this day(s) considered a “Holy Day”. We will determine the types of religious practices do the differing sects of Judaism part take in during this festival. We will cover the origins of this festival citing the Hebrew Bible in reference to the origins of Passover and the Exodus of Egypt. Determining the time in which this celebration will also be discussed in this paper. This paper is meant to cover the Jewish celebration of Passover and what this festival symbolizes. Keywords: Passover, Judaism, Pesach, Karaite, Samaritans, Nisan, Passover seder. In every society there are times of great tradition and celebration. Religion is made up of several different societies or beliefs however they have deep rooted traditions and celebrations that may be considered holy days. The Jewish faith celebrates several holy days such as Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, and many other holy days. In this paper we will be looking deeper in the holy day of Passover. Passover or Pesach as it is called by the Jewish people is a celebration in honor of the Jewish people being granted their freedom from slavery and the Egyptian people. There are a few problems with actually determining when this festival or celebration actually takes place. It is said that Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan which would typically fall in the month of March or April according...
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...Jewish Holy Day Douglas A. McDaniel REL/134 June 17, 2013 Marilyn Flege Jewish Holy Day That Jewish holy day that this student will be writing about in this paper is Passover. The Hebrew word for Passover is Pesach which means to jump or to pass over. Historical origin of the holy day would be included in this paper. As well the time of year of the holy day with religious practice associate with this day. And, the cultural differences that might lead to different observance of this holy day. The origin of this day began around 3000 years ago. This would have been the time of Moses and freeing his people. As the story goes, Moses was tending sheep when God had appeared to him as a burning bush. God had told him to go to the Pharaoh and tell him to release his people or God will release 10 plagues against him. But the last plague will turn out to be the worst plague. This is where God intended to take the firstborn from error every household that did not have the blood of a sacrificial lamb around the door. With the blood around the door God would skip that household and not taking the firstborn this would be known as Passover. God did tell Moses he would do this on the 14th day of the first month of the lunar year. God did instruct Moses what to do with the sacrificial lamb so it does not go to waste. And to this day the Jewish faith still carries the tradition of this day. Even Jesus had practice this tradition. Jesus was crucified on this day as well, in the Catholic...
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...Jewish Holidays Paper REL/134 Professor Sellers The Jewish community and religious practices has always been one of the religions that I have been curious about. From looking on the outside in, I have always felt that they are a tight knit community along with their religious practices and I am glad that we are learning about the history of Judaism. In this paper we will discuss the time of year of the holy days, the historical origin of the holy days and the practices associated with the days, and the theological or cultural differences that might lead to differences in the observance of the holy day by the various branches of Judaism. When I think of holy days I compare them to the practices of my Christian beliefs. In Christian beliefs, Sunday, is the day that we relax with family friends while focusing on God. Along with that we celebrate other holidays such as Christmas and Easter which are the birth and resurrection days of Jesus Christ. In Judaism, the time of the week they observe as the holiday starts on sunset Friday and last until sunset Saturday at sunset. The reason why Jewish people have given this day as a time of rest is a symbol and reminder of how God created the earth and on the Sabbath day he rested. I remember my grandmother cooking Sundays dinner on Saturday’s and I always thought the reason for that was because after we had a long day of church we could come in and just warm the food up quickly so that we all could eat. Reading the practices of...
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...PASSOVER (PESACH) JEWISH HOLY DAY Passover (Pesach) Jewish Holy Day Tamara REL/134 November 5, 2013 William Sunday Abstract This research paper summarizes the three main branches of Judaism; Orthodox, Conservative, and Reconstructionist (Liberal) Judaism, and how the Jewish Holy Day Passover (Pesach) is observed. The paper displays the time of the year of the holy day, its origin, and the religious practices that were associated. The study also describes the aftermath of the Reform movement, including the derivatives of the traditional beliefs that were reproduced. This study also confirmed the separation of men and women in the three different traditions and beliefs of Judaism leading to differences with the Orthodox towards the Liberals and Conservatives. The Passover (Pesach) Passover is the Jewish holiday commonly known to Jews as Pesach. This holiday is an eight-day celebration to commemorate the deliverance of the Israelites from the rule of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt. The first two days and last two days of Pesach are recognized as being major holy days for Jewish believers. The first day represents the first day that the Jews left Egypt. The seventh and eighth days represent the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea. Pesach occurs in the early spring during the months of March and April from the 15th through the 22nd and is also referred to as the Hebrew month Nissan 15. As believers followed the customs of the Passover or Pesach they also gain the experience...
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...University of Phoenix Material Common Holy Days in Jewish Religious Traditions Part One Complete the template with information from Jewish Holy Days. Identify at least seven Jewish religious holy days and place each holy day in the correct season (time of year) as studied in the course. APA-formatted citation APA-formatted citation Part Two Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following. 1. Describe the three major sections of the Jewish bible. Include its estimated date of being written and what is contained in each section. 2. Describe the major similarities and differences between the four branches of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist). How are these four groups distinct from one another? Denominations of Judaism: Jewish movements, often referred to as denominations, branches or sects of Judaism, differ from each other in some beliefs and thus in the way they observe Judaism. Differences between Jewish movements, in contrast to differences between Christian denominations, derive from interpreting Jewish scriptures in more progressive/liberal or more traditional/conservative ways rather then from theological differences. 1. Orthodox Judaism: Orthodox Jews believe that God gave Moses the whole Torah (Written and Oral) at Mount Sinai. Orthodox Jews believe that the Torah contains 613...
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... * * * Jewish Holy Days Paper * REL 134 * * November 10, 2010 * * Elyse Bell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tishrei Tishrei was the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. The month of Tishrei begins the season of autumn. Tishrei symbolizes God is judging everyone and the world. The letters of Tishrei in Hebrew spells the word beginning. The month of Tishrei is the month that felt like the beginning of a new year to many Jews. In the Bible, Tishrei is the month of the strong. In the Jewish calendar, there are many holidays in the month of Tishrei than any other month, such as Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, and Sukkot. All the holidays are holy and important to the Jewish religion. In this paper, the Jewish holy day, Sukkot will be described, and include the time of year, the historical origin, the associated religious practices, and Theological or cultural differences that might lead to differences in the observance of the holy day by the various branches of Judaism Sukkot In the month of Tishrei, Sukkot is the harvest holiday. Sukkot is on the 15th day of Tishrei, which is five days after Yom Kippur. The Israelis celebrated Sukkot for seven days however; the Jews outside of Israel celebrated for eight days. Sukkot is a Hebrew...
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...Jewish Holy Days Paper REL 134 June 5, 2012 Mark Tate Jewish Holy Day Judaism goes back about two thousand years or longer, depending on one’s point of view. Knowing the history and holy days in Judaism will help understand the religion and the culture. There are several different holy days in the Jewish community such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hanukkah, Purim, Passover and Shavuot. The selected holy day for this paper is Shavuot. This paper will cover time of the year of Shavuot, historical origins. Also the religious practices associated with Shavuot and the theological or cultural differences that might lead to differences in the observance of Shavuot but the various branches of Judaism will be covered in the paper. Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, is the second of the three major festivals with both historical and agricultural significance. The other two major festivals are Passover and Sukkot. Shavuot does not have a particular calendar date but to a counting from the Passover. The length of the months used to be a variable and is determined by observation and there are two new moons between Passover and Shavuot. This year in 2012, Shavuot started at sunset on May 26, 2012 through nightfall on May 28, 2012. For the following year, Shavuot will begin sunset on May 14, 2013 through May 16, 2012. During Shavuot, work is not permitted at all. The customary is stay up the entire first night of Shavuot and study Torah and then pray as early as possible in the...
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...ryanjrod Jewish Holy Day – Yom Kippur HIS/134 - World Religious Traditions II Week 2 Paper Jewish Holy Day – Yom Kippur The Jewish Holy Day known as Yom Kippur, or the “Day of Atonement”, is a day that comes ten days after Rosh Hashanah, which is the Jewish New Year. These two holy days are considered by Jews to be “High Holy Days”, or two of the most important days of the Jewish year. Yom Kippur occurs during September or October, according to the Gregorian calendar, and is observed by fasting and having day-long religious services. The meaning of this day is to atone for one’s sins with God, and to demonstrate repentance and make amends. Yom Kippur is the most important day of the year for people of Jewish faith. Origin of Yom Kippur According to author Amy J. Kramer (2010), “The first Yom Kippur took place after Moses returned from his second trip to Mt. Sinai with the replacement set of tablets containing the Ten Commandments” (para. 2). Moses broke the original tablets containing the Ten Commandments when he returned from Mount Sinai the first time to find the Jewish people worshipping a golden calf, instead of God. He returned to Mount Sinai for the second time on the first day of the Jewish month of Tishri. The Jewish people, who were truly repentant for what they had done, fasted the entire time the sun was up. Moses returned from Mount Sinai on the tenth day of the month of Tishri, and found that the Jewish people were honestly sorry for the sins...
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...ZACKRISON SHABBAT (SABBATH) “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy,” Exodus 20:8 ("Bible Gateway", 2011). It is known worldwide that the Jewish religion observes the Sabbath, known here in the USA as Saturday. The Sabbath worship has actually influenced several denominations of the Christian faith. The Sabbath is also one of the most debated religious beliefs among the religions, but that will be for a different paper. Although the Sabbath is in the Bible, many are unaware of what it really is. The questions that come to mind are: What is the Sabbath? Where did it originate? What day is it? How is it observed? Many people have these and other questions. Others just have absolutely no clue. My reward will be that after reading this paper you will have a much better understanding of this wonderful Holy Day. Shabbat, or Sabbath, is the most recurring Jewish holiday the Jewish faith has. But what is it? For starters, the word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word šabbāt, meaning “to cease, rest,” ("The Free Dictionary", 2013). The Jewish religion is based on the Bible canon, or how they call it, Tanakh. The Tanakh, though, consist of only what we call the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. This paper started with Exodus 20:8, the start of the fourth commandment from the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. If we read the next couple verses, it states “six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God” ("Bible Gateway"...
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...Jewish Holy Days Paper Tyquaise Monette REL/134 April 2, 2012 Mark Pursley Jewish Holy Days Several religions come with vital holidays throughout the year. One such religion that comes with holidays or also called “Holy Days” would be Judaism. Keeping all historical and religious tradition alive within the religion, many members participate in appeasing and worshipping their god and celebrating their religion. Holy days comes in many forms such as in festivals, synagogues or even in the streets, but the focus of the holidays is to show respect to their god and observe the blessing that are given. Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah is considered the Jewish New Year within the Judaism religion. Judaism has several different "new years," a concept which can be confusing at times. Rosh Hashanah falls only once during the year and is celebrated on the 7th month named Tishri, which is consider the last month of the year on the Hebrew calendar (Rich, 2011). The reason behind this is because the Hebrew calendar starts with the month of Nissan, which is seen as the day the Jews were freed from slavery in Egypt, but the month of Tishri is believed to be the month in God created the world. Within American calendar Rosh Hashanah is observe usually in the month of September. Rosh Hashanah is considered one of the High Holy days within the Jewish religion including Yom Kippur (Rich, 2011). This Holy holiday last for only two day, but within those two days many religious...
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...today. It is possible to study many individual religions and never fully understand one religion completely. In this paper only three religions will be discussed. The three religions discussed are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The primary focus religion that will be discussed is Christianity, the second religion will be Judaism, and the third religion will be Islam. In this paper the historical connections between these three religions will be explored. Questions will be answered such as; what makes these three religions similar? How are they connected? The theological similarities and differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam will also be thoughtfully brought up. The contemporary struggles within Christianity today will be explored. It will also be discussed what contemporary struggles Christianity has with Judaism and the contemporary struggles between Christianity and Islam. In this paper it is the expressed hope that the reader will be able to learn about these three religions and gain knowledge. The paper is to help the reader learn something new about Christianity, Judaism, and Islam and with curiosity want to explore these individual religions further. With this hope in mind this paper will start with the historical connections between these religions. When you take a look at the different religions being discussed in this paper you first have to look at how each one is defined. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary Christianity is defined...
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...(UOP Course) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 6 Times, Rating: A+ REL 134 Week 1 Individual Assignment Elements of Religious Traditions Paper (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 1 DQ1 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 1 DQ 3 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 1 DQ 4 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 2 Individual Assignment Jewish Holy Days Paper (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Christianity and the Arts Presentation (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 3 DQ 1 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 3 DQ 2 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 3 DQ 3 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 3 DQ 4 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 4 Individual Assignment Islam Worksheet (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 4 DQ 1 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 4 DQ 2 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 4 DQ 3 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 4 DQ 4 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Contemporary Issues in Western Religions Paper and Presentation (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 5 DQ 1 (UOP Course) REL 134 Week 5 DQ 2 (UOP Course) ------------------------------------------------------------- REL 134 Week 1 Individual Assignment Elements of Religious Traditions Paper (UOP Course) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 3 Times, Rating: A+ Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that does the following: Explains how religious traditions describe and encourage the following relationships: Relationship with the divine Relationship with sacred time Relationship...
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...Jewish Holy Days Paper REL/134 June 12, 2013 Hanukkah Hanukkah is an eight day and night celebration. That begins in the Jewish month called Kislev, occurring in November or December of a secular calendar. The word Hanukkah means dedication. The holiday is rededication of the holy temple in Jerusalem (165 B.C). The event was established when Jewish victory over the Syrian Greeks. Hanukkah is a holiday that has significance like Christmas. The celebration has a meaningful history, traditions practices, and cultural differences in the various branches of Judaism. The story is in 168 B.C. the Jewish temple was seized by the Syrian Greek soldiers. The Jewish people were afraid to fight back. After the Syrian Greek Emperor ordered all Jews to worship Greek gods. The Jews began to resistance and join together to retake their land from the Greeks. The rebels were called Maccabees. Maccabees got control of their land and returned to the temple of Jerusalem. The Jews were forced to eat swine and worship ideal gods. So to cleanse their selves they burned ritual oils in the temple of Jerusalem for eight days. The significant thing was there was only enough oil for one day but, the oil surprised the Jews and lasted eight days. That was the miracle of Hanukkah. There are many traditions when it comes to celebrating Hanukkah. The celebration involves games, the songs, and foods. One of the games is called dreidel. It’s the spinning of the four side toy. The songs are like...
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