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Passover (Pesach) Jewish Holy Day
November 5, 2013
William Sunday

This research paper summarizes the three main branches of Judaism; Orthodox, Conservative, and Reconstructionist (Liberal) Judaism, and how the Jewish Holy Day Passover (Pesach) is observed. The paper displays the time of the year of the holy day, its origin, and the religious practices that were associated. The study also describes the aftermath of the Reform movement, including the derivatives of the traditional beliefs that were reproduced. This study also confirmed the separation of men and women in the three different traditions and beliefs of Judaism leading to differences with the Orthodox towards the Liberals and Conservatives.

The Passover (Pesach)
Passover is the Jewish holiday commonly known to Jews as Pesach. This holiday is an eight-day celebration to commemorate the deliverance of the Israelites from the rule of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt. The first two days and last two days of Pesach are recognized as being major holy days for Jewish believers. The first day represents the first day that the Jews left Egypt. The seventh and eighth days represent the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea. Pesach occurs in the early spring during the months of March and April from the 15th through the 22nd and is also referred to as the Hebrew month Nissan 15. As believers followed the customs of the Passover or Pesach they also gain the experience of reliving the feeling that was at their ancestors encountered. On the Jewish calendar the holiday is listed as Nissan 15 and can begin weeks before the 15th of the month on the civil calendar.
In the press release, The Hebrew Passover stated that many historians indicate that the festival of Passover consists of at least two parts that arose at different times: the ceremony of the

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