Introduction: Identify case study topic and list assertions (3-6) that can be verified with evidence (field notes, interviews, etc.)
1. Assertions and Evidence: Discuss each assertion separately (minimum one paragraph for each assertion) and include supportive evidence. Underline assertion statements as presented. 2. Implications/Effects: Conclude with an interpretive discussion of implications/effects. Inferences and conclusions based on evidence presented can be drawn.
Management Case Study Introduction
Throughout the study, Shelley’s class was well managed. Explanations and evidence to support the following six assertions regarding Shelley’s management style are presented: 1. Shelley did not focus extensively on behavior management; 2. Shelley monitored student behavior throughout lessons; 3. Shelley promptly dealt with potential disruptive behavior; 4. Shelley reinforced acceptable behavior; 5. Shelley was very tolerant of student interaction and discussion; and, 6. Shelley devoted a great deal of time to task management.
Assertions and Evidence
Throughout the study, Shelley did not focus extensively on behavior management. On most days, the students in Shelley’s class were very well behaved and seemed to be familiar with Shelley’s rules regarding classroom behavior. On occasions when Shelley considered student behavior to be inappropriate, she provided corrective feedback in the form of non-verbal gestures or short reprimands. Once the feedback was provided, Shelley continued with instruction and did not dwell on behavior. Examples of corrective feedback statements regarding the behavior of the whole class included, “Let’s get back into control,