...of interoperability will be discussed, how they can be integrated into the Division of Aging Services, the advantages, and disadvantages of each model. Finally, if technology should fail the backup plan will be discussed for each model. The Division of Aging Services helps pay for services provided to the clients to ensure their safety while remaining in their homes. To be eligible for this program the individual must be 65, disabled, or blind, and in need of assistance to live at home. Disabled children with parents who cannot care for them 24 hours a day because of jobs or other obligations may also be eligible for services. Receiving assistance from The Division of Aging Services is an alternative for those individuals who would prefer to remain in their own homes rather than live in a nursing home or board and care facilities. Depending on the type and amount of care a client needs The Division of Aging Services will determine and pay for a specified number of hours per month. Applicants and recipients must meet the following eligibility requirements: 1). Must reside in the United States and be a resident of New Jersey, 2). Must have received and eligibility determination for the state of New Jersey, 3). Must live in a home not a facility, 4). Must complete and submit a Health Care form. After these requirements are met a social worker will visit the applicant in his or her home to determine their eligibility and need. The social workers assessment of the types of services...
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...Organizing Production: Example case study: Competition and Coordination; Examples Coursework Introduction In the basis of every economy stands the production.Any material good cannot be destributed, sold or used if not previously produced.That is why the organization of produstion is so essential for the economy and entrepreneus. This paper will examine issues related to: Essence of organizing production; Functions and tasks of organizing production; Fundamental principles of organizing production process; Production type classification; Competition and coordination. The main goal of the study is to make a survey of the views of scholars on the subject to be learned. For example is taken the organizating production of woodworking enterprise "Bulles" Ltd. Velingrad Essence of Organizing Production Organization of production is a science studying the effects and manifestations of objective economic laws in versatile activities of enterprises and developed on this basis, ways and means for implementation of economic projects.(Zologorov, 2001) Organization of production is set of measures aimed at rational combination through space and time of resources and people involved in the process. Under the organization of the production process are understood methods for selecting and combining its elements through...
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...of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as little resource as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs (in the forms of materials, labor and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and services). Operations traditionally refer to the production of goods and services separately, although the distinction between these two main types of operations is increasingly difficult to make as manufacturers tend to merge product and service offerings. More generally, Operations Management aims to increase the content of value-added activities in any given process. Fundamentally, these value-adding creative activities should be aligned with market opportunity (see Marketing) for optimal enterprise performance. According to the U.S. Department of Education, Operations Management is the field concerned with managing and directing the physical and/or technical functions of a firm or organization, particularly those relating to development, production, and manufacturing. Operations Management programs typically include instruction in principles of general management, manufacturing and production systems, plant management, equipment maintenance management, production control, industrial labor relations and skilled trades supervision, strategic manufacturing policy, systems analysis, productivity analysis and cost control, and materials planning. Origins The origins of...
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...MANPOWER PLANNING Personnel management is productive exploitation of manpower resources. This is also termed as ‘Manpower Management’. Manpower Management is choosing the proper type of people as and when required. It also takes into account the upgrading in existing people. Manpower Management starts with manpower planning. Every manager in an organization is a personnel man, dealing with people. Manpower planning is an important development in human resources management. It has spread rapidly to nearly every size organization in almost every kind of business. The primary function of Manpower planning is to analyze and evaluate the human resources available in the organization, and to determine how to obtain the kinds of manpower needed to staff positions ranging from assembly line workers to chief executives. Smaller companies put Manpower planning in the human resource or manpower department. Some of the largest corporations have established separate departments for this function. Definition of manpower Planning: Planning is nothing but using the available assets for the effective implementation of the production plans. After the preparing the plans, people are grouped together to achieve organizational objectives. Planning is concerned with coordinating, motivating and controlling of the various activities within the organization. Time required for acquiring the material, capital and machinery should be taken into account. Manager has to reasonably predict future...
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...(CAHRS) 5-1-1997 Impact of Information Technology on Employee Attitudes: A Longitudinal Field Study Patrick M. Wright Cornell University K. Michele Kacmar Florida State University Gary C. McMahan University of Texas at Arlington Karen Jansen Texas A&M University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp Part of the Technology and Innovation Commons Thank you for downloading an article from DigitalCommons@ILR. Support this valuable resource today! This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) at DigitalCommons@ILR. It has been accepted for inclusion in CAHRS Working Paper Series by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ILR. For more information, please contact hlmdigital@cornell.edu. Impact of Information Technology on Employee Attitudes: A Longitudinal Field Study Abstract This longitudinal study examined the impact of an information technology system on the job and employee attitudes in a parts distribution center for a Fortune 500 company. Data were collected prior to, during, and following the implementation of an automated information technology system. Results of both the within subjects (N=24) and between subjects (N=58) analyses indicated that the automated technology reduced motivational and increased mechanistic aspects of the job as well as reduced employee attitudes. Keywords study, information, technology, job, employee, attitude, subject, work,...
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...Republic of the Philippines Technological University of the Philippines Ayala Boulevard, Ermita Manila IM – 10: Production Management CHAPTER VIII. Production Process Improvement For Product Innovation Submitted by: Tugade, Erwin Benedict P. Liang, Dongping (Jessie) BAM – IM – 4LE Submitted to: Noel B. Hernandez, Ph. D. Topics to be discussed 1. Production Process. 2. Characteristics of A Production Process. 3. Importance of Continuous Process improvement. 4. Innovation Drivers of Change. 5. Reverse Engineering. 6. Kaizen. Objectives * To be able to know what is Product Innovation. * To identify the reason of Continuous Innovation. * To be able to enumerate different factors Necessitating Change in Process Design * To introduce some new ways of thinking about continuous improvement. * To understand innovation as drivers of change. * To discuss about Reverse Engineering and Kaizen. Introduction To win in manufacturing, not only do you need the ability to innovate, but you must also execute upon that innovation and deliver new product to market before your competitors do. That's true manufacturing agility, and it can't happen if your enterprise is burdened by isolated plant-based execution systems that lack coordination between headquarters, engineering and the shop floor. As Blanchard (2005) believes that innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas. And companies’ success, for example...
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...Office Technology and Management: A Catalyst for Students’ Self-reliance. ABSTRACT This paper discusses office technology and management as a catalyst for students’ self-reliance. The core of the paper is that when students who are considered future leaders are empowered, it subsequently leads to the social, economic and political growth and stability of any nation. Office technology and management formerly known as secretarial studies is proffered as the catalyst education for students’ self-reliance based on all spheres of human endeavour. It guarantees prompt and decent employment for students who have competent secretarial skills. Students, after graduation could also go entrepreneurial to establish small-scale businesses of different types. INTRODUCTION In the national development equation, education remains the fulcrum upon which other indices of national development revolve. It is no doubt, that office technology and management education is one of the disciplines that train students for self-reliance and self-sufficiency. The level and quality of education collectively attained in a given society determines the extent to which other factors of development are exploited for the advancement of that society. Office technology and management creates awareness, develops the potentials in man to subdue and harness the resources in his environment for the betterment of himself and his society. Education according to Boladele (2002) is a process of acculturation through...
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...The Classifier’s Handbook TS-107 August 1991 THE CLASSIFIER'S HANDBOOK Table of Contents (Also See The Introduction to the Position Classification Standards.) PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 1, POSITION CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS........................................................................ 4 DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARDS ......................................................................................................... 5 FORMAT OF STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2, THE FACTOR EVALUATION SYSTEM ................................................................................ 7 THE STRUCTURE OF FES...................................................................................................................... 7 FES FACTORS......................................................................................................................................... 7 EVALUATING A POSITION USING FES ................................................................................................ 9 FES EVALUATION STATEMENT.......................................................................................................... 13 FACTOR LEVEL RELATIONSHIPS ............................................................................
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...Staffing and Skills Human Capital Because of the competition for scarce human resources individual units within a company have to contend with attracting and retaining skilled employees. Internal audit is no different. The numerous career options available to new entrants and the seasoned audit practitioner make it imperative for audit managers to continually re-evaluate their approaches to ensure that the internal audit department is adequately staffed both in terms of numbers as well as skill sets to discharge its functions effectively. The IIA Attribute Standards / and Performance Standards are very clear and definitive on this: i) Attribute Standard 1210 - Proficiency Internal auditors should possess the knowledge, skills and other competencies needed to perform their individual responsibilities. The internal audit activity collectively should possess or obtain the knowledge, skills and other competencies needed to perform its responsibilities. ii) Performance Standard 2030 - Resource Management The Chief Audit Executive should ensure that internal audit resources are appropriate, sufficient and effectively deployed to achieve the approved plan. Professionalism Internal auditing is grounded in professionalism and efficiency. Today's internal auditors are a far cry from the 'fault finders' or 'policeman' role that the profession has long been associated with. Modern day internal auditors are routinely consulted on all aspects of the organisation's activities from strategic...
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...[pic] PROJECT REPORT SSR College of Science, Commerce & Management Study Center: Periyar University-Salem-636011 A Dissertation Report on ‘’Training and Development Systems” @ M/S Pragathi Consultancy Services (PCS). Submitted to Periyar University in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Under the Guidance ____________________________________________________________ _______ Mr. Santosh Avadhani Prof.GG Pai. BA, ATI, MBA CEO Faculty Guide Pragathi Consultancy Services SSR College Bangalore. Bangalore____________ By Sharmila Parveen (Reg No 05DBIA1047) (2005- 2007) SSR College of Science, Commerce & Management Study Center: Periyar University-Salem-636011 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Dissertation Titled “An Extensive study of Training & Development systems at M/S Pragathi Consulting Services . (PCS)” is based on an Original Project Study conducted by Ms. Sharmila Parveen of IV semester MBA Programme under the Guidance of Mr. GG Pai. ...
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...professionals for their critical positions. At Modis, we help businesses overcome this challenge every day by making it easier to connect with, and hold on to, exceptional professionals with the right mix of IT skills and proven experience — those professionals that bring not only technical aptitude, but also deliver significant business value. One of the ways we can make it easier is through our 2013 Salary Guide, which features the most thorough, accurate and current collection of compensation insight for the IT industry. The figures presented in this guide are based on detailed hiring metrics from our nationwide branch network and a comprehensive examination of national hiring data and trends. In addition, the Salary Guide features detailed job descriptions for hundreds of IT positions. Investing wisely in your workforce is the surest way to ensure an optimal return. I hope that you find this Salary Guide extremely helpful in maximizing your ROI and that it helps you connect with the top IT professionals you need to make it happen. Sincerely, Jack Cullen, President 2 2013 sAlAry guIDe for IT...
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...Analysis Learning Curves Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 8-2 1 Human Resources and Operations Management Natural and technology resources depend on the industry Human resources all companies have human resources Skilled human resources Make the difference between successfully competing or failing Shift toward service sector Advances in information technology Manufacturing work is more technically sophisticated Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 8-3 Human Resources and Total Quality Management Quality Management changed the view about employees from replaceable to valuable resource More than half of Deming’s Deming’ 14 points for quality improvement relate to employees Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winners have a pervasive human resource focus Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Employee training and education are recognized as necessary long-term investments Employees have power to make decisions that will improve quality and customer service Strategic goals for quality and customer satisfaction require teamwork and group participation 8-4 2 Changing Nature of Human Resources Management Scientific management breaking down jobs into elemental activities and simplifying job design Jobs comprise a set of tasks, elements, and job motions (basic physical movements) In a piece-rate wage system, pay is...
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...KENYA METHODIST UNIVERSITY AS A PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HUMAN RESOURCE OPTION) JANUARY 2016 CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter gives the background of the study, statement of the problem, research objectives, and research questions, significance of the study, limitations of the study and scope of study. 1.1 Background to the Study Before the introduction of the HRIS too often, personnel files were not well kept. Storage rooms were often overcrowded and security was inadequate. Indexing procedures were not always in place and file tracking systems were often lacking. Many times the HR personnel in public service had no means of finding who had a file at any particular time, and files could not be retrieved without a major search being launched. This Human Resource information is key to making effective strategic decisions. Therefore, the use of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) has been advocated as an opportunity for human resource (HR) professionals to contribute to organizational strategy. According to Lengnick-Hall, Mark & Moritz (2003) HRIS is a system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve and distribute pertinent information about an organization’s human resources. It is often regarded as a service provided to an organization in the form of information. Human resources and information technology are the two elements that many firms are learning to use...
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...industry and Mauritian economy viable. | Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Factors affecting operations decision making. 5 2.1. Quality 5 2.2. Product/service Design 6 2.3. Layout facilities 7 2.3.1. Economies in Handling 8 2.3.2. Effective Use of Available Area 8 2.3.3. Minimization of Production Delays 8 2.3.4. Improved Quality Control 8 2.3.5. Avoidance of Bottlenecks 8 2.3.6. Better Production Control 9 2.3.7. Better Supervision 9 2.4. Location the facility and Transporting materials and products 9 2.5. Designing jobs and work 10 2.6. Forecasting Demands for products and services 11 2.7. Production planning and scheduling 11 3. Changing Challenges for operational Managers 12 3.1. Globalisation 12 3.2. Just-in-time performance 12 3.3. Supply chain partnering 12 3.4. Rapid product development 13 4. Case Study: The Sugar Sector in Mauritius 13 4.1. Historical Background 13 4.2. Challenges to the Sugar Sector 14 4.3. Operational costs 15 4.4. Change in technology 15 4.5. Innovation and Demand for new products: from raw sugar producer to agro-industry stakeholder 17 4.6. Flexibility of production systems 19 4.7. Environmental Constraints 21 5. Conclusion 21...
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...The Role of the Engineer in the Value Chain Executive Summary In the recent past, value chain management has undergone radical transformation through various stages of automation, optimization and integration. This is based on a variety of reasons such as shortened technology and product development lifecycles, globalization, and pressures of competitive forces. This has forced organizations to review their value chain systems in order to survive and grow in such dynamic economic environments. In the field of engineering, value chains have become vital aspects of operations management when it comes to the application of engineering systems to the industrial and commercial processes. The main purpose of this paper is to disentangle the role of the engineer in the value chain. In this context, it will go further in analyzing the key elements of value chain and any accrued benefits that come with use of engineers in the value chain management. Value Chain Analysis The inception of Value Chain is associated with Michael Porter. He gives his understanding to this concept using a model he referred to as; “Porter’s value chain model” (Sekhar, 2009: 115). This model evaluates the strategically vital activities in a firm that boost its competitive advantage. Such competitive advantage is usually achieved through the core competencies of the firm. According to Porter, a firm is defined by a set of processes and functions which he classified into five main activities; the inbound...
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