John Edgar Hoover: The War Against All of the Presidents John Edgar Hoover once said, “No amount of law enforcement can solve a problem that goes back to family,” played a key role in his success (A-Z Quotes). He was willing to keep to put in his best time to be in the FBI before he died (“Wikipedia”). He worked with everyone there and they got it done when Hoover was there (“Wikipedia”). Dedication and attention to detail led to his success at the FBI (“Wikipedia”). From improving the FBI, to his controversial leadership tactics, and his war on the FBI itself, these were some factors of his achievement (“Wikipedia”). The FBI was his favorite job because he fought crime and brought them to justice (“Wikipedia”). J. Edgar Hoover was the first…show more content… He finally figured out the man they were trying to capture because he was sitting right in front of them and he has a suitcase full of money (Aronson). There were 84 thousand dollars and his name is Dasch (Aronson). He was ruthless, devious, and power hungry, but he was not clumsy for war in the FBI (Aronson). His war was his career in miniature: he had real successes, propaganda successes, and illegal plots he hid from his leaders (Aronson). He never wanted to do the war, but the war was between him and all the Germans (Aronson).
From becoming the director of the FBI, to his controversial leadership tactics for his organization, and his war on the FBI itself, these are some factors that contributed to Hoover’s greatness (Aronson). Controversial tactics helped Hoover with building the FBI up into a greater place (Aronson). The FBI created new economic strength in America (Aronson). Worldwide impacts of Hoover’s war was in the FBI (Aronson). J. Edgar Hoover will forever go down in history as one of the best directors of the FBI who initiated a new era in the FBI, but more importantly revolutionized the world by improving a larger crime-fighting agency