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John Locke the Blueprint


Submitted By Emanueldone5
Words 994
Pages 4
John Locke: The Blueprint

Speech Outline

Specific Purpose: to inform my audience about the contributions that philosopher John Locke made to American society.

Central Idea: The impact of John Locke’s philosophies on the American Constitution and society.


I. Imagine living in a land where the Government took away all of your hard earn money without justification or where the expression of your views and ideas are considered a crime of treason against the government or where you can be accused of a crime and hanged without due process of the law. Can you imagine that? Well for most people these circumstances would signal the end of life.

II. The Pursuit of happiness

A. How many of us have migrated to America in pursuit of freedom? Whether is freedom of life, liberty or property? Many of us have left our countries behind to pursue happiness and have found that the United States can offer things that are not available in our native countries.
B. Because of the ideas of English Philosopher John Locke we can today live in a country full of opportunities. This political and social philosopher of 17th century England influenced the author of the Declaration of Independence and the Framers of the Constitution more than any other. After studying the contributions of John Locke towards American society, I would like to discuss the three central ideas that shaped the United States constitution and the glorification of democracy.


I. John Locke is the intellectual father of our country. His first principle was based on the idea that each man (and women) is born with inalienable rights. In other words, natural rights that cannot be taken away, denied, or transferred. For example, the right to life, the right to own property and the right to be free cannot be taken away by anyone without the due process of the law. These exact principles

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