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John Oliver Summary

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In the video John Oliver focused his segment on municipal violation, which are small ways of breaking the laws like speeding and trespassing. Oliver goes on to explain that most people view tickets as annoying and are able to shrug off the incident since they could pay the fine, but if someone does not have enough money to pay off the fine it can affect them in a significant way. He gave an example by introducing a women named Harriet that had low level tickets and could not afford to pay them right away. Harriet found herself getting fees added toward her ticket since she did not pay them in time, even though she tried her best to pay them. This resulted in police showing up to her house and escorting her to jail. Oliver talks about how ridiculous the government adds extra …show more content…
He talks about how courts know that people might not be capable of pay the fine right away so they allow payment plans. The problem with the payment plan is that in some states the courts will add a fee of 100 dollars just to sign up for the payment plan. The reason states do this is because they fund local service through the fees so that state taxes will not increase. Another thing mentioned on the video was that a police department in Missouri would base promotions on who could hive out the most tickets. Also that towns relied on the fine and fees for more than 30 % of their revenue. Last but not least, Oliver talked about how private companies are now working with the courts to collect fines that people owe without charging the courts. In return the private companies are able to charge the people fees on top of what they already owe to the court. Oliver is not saying that there should be no fines he just wants to get his point across that the system is not working for the poor and it needs to

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