...a tough life plus they work hard for very little money. George always has to look after Lennie and be his parent making sacrifices just to keep Lennie happy and safe. John Steinbeck in the novel Of Mice and Men uses foreshadowing and symbolism to prove without friendship they are forced to face many obstacles and soon be left with nothing but loneliness. Lennie is a child stuck in an adult’s body. He doesn’t listen and always does things he’s not supposed to do. “Lennie! Lennie for god sakes don’t drink so much… the small man leaned over and shook him by the shoulder. Lennie, you gonna be sick like you was last night” (Steinbeck 3). George is always looking out for what’s best in Lennie, because Lennie cannot fend for himself. It’s ironic because Lennie is bigger and stronger than George. At this time George is still trying to fulfill his dream by one day owning his own ranch, but realizes he cannot accomplish it with Lennie in his life. “ And George raised the gun and steadied it, he brought the muzzle of the gun close to the back of Lennie’s and pulled the trigger…”(Steinbeck 106). Steinbeck shows this is very ironic because George is the one always looking after Lennie, but is the one behind the trigger of the gun that kills him. John Steinbeck in the novel Of Mice and Men uses foreshadowing and symbolism to prove without friendship they where forced to face many obstacles and soon be left with nothing but loneliness. Even though Lennie would say he could live life without...
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...imagery, metaphor and |In this quote we can identify that Steinbeck is portraying Curley’s wife as an ostrich. Unable to fly, meaning CW can’t leave or escape the ranch. This represents that she is stuck and will never be able to leave. This goes back to portraying her as a lonely woman. It can also portray that she shows off and for that reason she is unable to leave because she no one would care in the outside world. | |Two |34 |‘For the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off’ |Obstacle, trap and as a distraction. |Connotations, imagery and descriptive language |Connotes that she is an evil character who cuts the hopes and dreams of innocent men such as Lennie and George. This is portraying the Curley’s wife is an evil character and warning us that George’s and Lennie’s dreams will always be cut off if she is in the way. | |Two |35 |‘But I have never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her’ |Whore and a trouble. |Connotations and imagery |In this quote Steinbeck shows what the ranch workers think of her. A girl who will get you in trouble due to her level in the hierarchy. | |Two |34 |‘Nobody can’t blame a person for looking’ |Flirty |Symbolism |In this quote it symbolises how the Curley’s wife is always pointing out the obvious. This is if someone like George is ignoring here he will look at here and then she will feel that she is getting attention. | |Two |35 |‘She was suddenly apprehensive’ |Scared |Symbolism Portrayal |In this quote we see how the Curley’s wife...
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...bring out its themes and the point that the author is trying to get across. John Steinbeck’s novel The Pearl is abounding with literary devices that are used to show greed. Greed had a very important role in this novel. The main character, Kino, had found what he called ‘the pearl of the world’ and was overcome with greed because of this relic. Kino originally wanted to use this pearl’s wealth to heal his son, Coyotito, who was stung by a scorpion. However, it wasn’t just Kino that was overcome with the power of the pearl-some characters in the book felt its pull indirectly. This novel shows symbolism, foreshadowing, and character reactions to the power of the pearl. Symbolism in this novel is extremely...
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...Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck was published in 1937 during the Great Depression in the United States. The novel follows two men during the trying period as they search for work. Lennie’s mental condition proves to make keeping a job difficult, but George is always there to protect Lennie when he gets himself in trouble in a time when so little was understood or accepted about mental disabilities. Steinbeck uses literary devices such as symbolism, imagery, foreshadowing, metaphors, and oxymora to tell his story eloquently and expertly. When you first meet Lennie and George, they are beginning the long trek to their new jobs. Lennie has a mild form of autism, and though George and Lennie are not related, George still feels obligated to protect Lennie. When they arrive at the ranch, the pair are afraid that their...
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...In the novel, Of Mice and Men, author John Steinbeck portrays society's harsh judgements of a person’s mental or physical disabilities, identifying them as outcasts. Steinbeck addresses this idea through his use of symbolism. Candy’s old dog that has “pale, blind, old eyes” and “struggl[es]ed lamely” to walk symbolizes Candy because “‘I [he] lost my [his] hand right here on this ranch,’” showing both Candy and his dog have lost their usefulness for the ranch and can no longer provide much service to the ranch. Since Candy’s dog is so old and unneeded, Carlson, a harsh ranch worker, wants to put the dog out of its misery and shoot it. Carlson says that nothing “stinks as bad as an old dog,” depicting that the poor dog’s time was up in its life. After Carlson shoots Candy’s dog, Candy comes to a sudden realization that both he and his dog are just alike, and that Candy will be “canned” soon because he is no longer useful to the ranch, just like his dog was. The old swamper is different from the other men physically because he has lost one of his hands and because of this impairment, Candy is doubtful of himself that he has nothing to offer for the ranch. Steinbeck also shows another character as an outcast through the use of diction by using the phrase said by Crooks, “‘’Cause I’m black. They play cards in there, but I can’t because I’m black. They say I stink,’” to show how Crooks describes himself conveying the struggles Crooks goes through by being black because he is different...
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...John Steinbeck’s 1937 novel Of Mice and Men is a tale of two migrant workers in the Great Depression, who despite being complete contrasts of one and other, work together to survive the difficult lifestyle. George, the vastly more intelligent of the two, is a warden to Lennie, the colossal working machine who suffers from a mental condition. Steinbeck demonstrates the crippling loneliness the people of the ranch suffer from through his impeccable style. Steinbeck reveals via meticulous dialogue that discrimination is a leading cause of loneliness among the people of the ranch. For example, In Chapter 5, Curly’s wife goes to the barn to talk with Lennie while the other ranch hands play horseshoes, she proclaims, “Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely. (Steinbeck 86)”...
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...In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses a lot of symbolism. The story is about two men, George and Lennie, who are living in the great depression and just trying to stay alive. Steinbeck uses symbolism to show readers what life was like for his characters. The three major uses of symbolism are George and Lennie’s dream farm, Candy’s dog, and Lennie’s animal like features. The largest symbol in Of Mice and Men is Lennie and George’s dream farm. Having this dream helps Lennie have hope. Lennie has a mental disability, which makes him act as if he was a kid. The dream far is a way that George keeps Lennie in check. George asks Lennie if he remembers the story, and he responds, “I remember the rabbits George” (Steinbeck 9). Not only does it give Lennie hope, but also it keeps George going. He knows that they will never be able to have a farm, but if it keeps Lennie happy, then George is happy....
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...The Teachings of John Steinbeck, Through the Novel Of Mice and Men During the 19th and 20th century, modernism was introduced. Modernism was a movement that sought to break ties with the classical and traditional ways of life. Many Authors during this time moved away from the American lifestyle and even the country. John Steinbeck was no exception to this movement. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the author uses a simplistic writing style to present the two characters “American Dreams”, while also using symbolism to connect the reader to the characters and the plot of the story. Throughout the book there are many symbols, and each symbol has a story to be told and a lesson to be learned. Candy’s dog for example, represents everyone who...
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...Image it you were lonely with no friends and nobody to care for or care about you. In the novel “ Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck is a non-fiction about two main characters named George and Lennie, they escaped from a town called Weed because of Lennie making his mistakes and get went north to get a job there to get money. They had a dream and it was to have a few acres and rabbits to tend, but sorrowful it ended in loneliness. Steinbeck wants us to understand about loneliness because loneliness it makes a man or woman depressing. Steinbeck uses foreshadowing when George pulls out the luger because the same thing happened to Candy’s dog when Carlson pull the luger to put down Candy’s dog. Foreshadowing is used throughout the novel to know that loneliness is getting through everyone. One example of this is when Candy was laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling after he said his final goodbyes to his dog. In the novel, it states that, “ Take a shovel, said Slim shortly. Oh sure! I get you. He led the dog out into the darkness. Candy lay rigidly on his bed staring at the ceiling”. (pg.48) Loneliness is what damages a man, George believes people that are alone are...
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...Everyone has aspirations is life. Whether they are to become a scientist, discover new and amazing things, or become a star basketball player and be the highest paid player in the league; people dream about their future. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a story about two men’s, George and Lennie, eagerness of owning their own ranch. The readers follow them through the obstructions that stand in the way of that eagerness, which reveals the nature of dreams, loneliness, and sacrifice. Ultimately, Lennie, the mentally handicapped man who makes George's intention of owning his own ranch worthwhile, becomes the biggest hurdle to achieving that target. Through his use of characterization, imagery and setting, and symbolism in Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck demonstrates that dreams serve as an incentive, particularly when one is faced with the adversities of life. Steinbeck’s diction reveals that dreams cause people to persevere in attempts to accomplish their goals.On Sunday nights, all the ranchmen go to the club and the “weak ones” get left behind: Candy, Crooks, and Lennie. Lennie decides to go into the barn to play with his dog and while he is in there he gets approached by Crooks, the stable buck. At first Crooks is...
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...The novel “The Grapes of Wrath” that is written by John Steinbeck is a great novel that talks about the horrors of the Great depression as it probes into the very nature of equality and justice in America. The novel also talks about the lives of an ordinary people who are starving to preserve their humanity in the face of the social and economic desperation. When the Jaods lose their tenant farm in Oklahoma they join thousands of others, on the road going to California to find a better life. Each night society is created, leaders are chosen, and the rates of violence are increasing. John Steinbeck uses symbolism in his novel to show that people in difficult situations start to treat each other badly in order to protect their own interests. The major symbols that the author used in his novel are the turtle, the insects, the pregnancy of Rose of Sharon and the dead child. First, in page 20 it said that as the embankment got steeper the more the turtle showed work to successes in the first challenge. The road represents the steep embankment to those migrant people because they had to cross two thousand miles in order to get California. Along the road the major obstacle that faced them was that they have to take care of their cars because they were old. They were supposed to spend the money on themselves but it turned out that they have spent most of it on the cars. Second, when the turtle was crossing the road she was slow. That’s the reason...
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...Of Mice and Men is a popular book written by John Steinbeck. In Of Mice and Men we are shown a brotherly relationship between our characters, George Milton and Lennie Smalls. George is almost like a parent or guardian for Lennie, and Lennie often gets into trouble. Lennie is unaware of his own strength, thus killing many small animals like mice and puppies. The deaths of these animals are just one symbol out of the many throughout this book. There’s symbolism from mice to Curley’s wife, and from Crook’s quarters to Lennie’s puppy. The symbols that are most important include Curley, Crook’s quarters, and the dream of owning a farm. Have you ever had a dream that was deemed impossible or unlikely? In Of Mice and Men we get a glimpse of George’s...
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...portrayal of Curley's Wife in Of Mice and Men. John Ernst Steinbeck, Jr, was born on February 26th, 1902, Salinas, California, United States. He decided while in high school he wanted to be a writer. Steinbeck studied at Stanford University intermittently between 1920 and 1926 where he majored in English. He married on the 28th December 1950 to his third and last wife, Elaine Anderson Scott. During his lifetime he wrote twenty-seven books, including five collections of short stories, six non-fiction books and sixteen novellas. One of his most successful novellas is ‘Of Mice and Men’ which I am going to explore and analyse. Steinbeck uses Curley’s wife as a symbol to portray and demonstrate male dominance and portray female oppression in the 1930’s USA. He also shows the futility of the American dream throughout the novella. Steinbeck portrays the nameless wife throughout the novella as Curley’s wife, as that ‘title’ shows the apostrophe of possession. Curley’s Wife is not a person of her own but merely a possession. We are not informed the name of Curley’s Wife. Steinbeck never informs us about her at all during the course of the novella, she remains much of a questionable character. Steinbeck's way of showing us this is that she is always asking questions, she never gives any solid information about herself. This gives way to excessive mystery and many different observations about her. Symbolism is used by Steinbeck when he refers to Curley’s Wife in various ways during...
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...November 2012 John Steinbeck: A Champion for the Common Man Born with the hand of a writer, John Steinbeck’s career sparked great political controversy, and greatly influenced the writings of his time. Widely considered one of America’s greatest novelists, his books are still frequently studied in school. Among his many accomplishments is the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the Nobel Prize in Literature. With notable works such as The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, he expressed his dissatisfaction with capitalism and his sympathy for the struggle of the common worker in a way that captured the world’s attention – which resulted in some of his work even being banned. In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck explores the pervasive theme of loneliness and illustrates the fallacy of the American Dream. Widely considered his masterpiece, however, is The Grapes of Wrath which depicts the struggle of a family of Oklahoman farmers who are forced into a migratory existence due to the drought and dust storms following the Great Depression. When considering both The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, it is clear Steinbeck drew from his own personal experiences as a laborer when writing each of these novels. On February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California, John and Olive Steinbeck welcomed their third child and only son, John Ernst Steinbeck. John Ernst Steinbeck, Sr. was a county treasurer and Olive Hamilton Steinbeck was a schoolteacher. By all accounts, Steinbeck enjoyed a happy...
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...OF MICE AND MEN John Steinbeck is an American novelist. He was born on the 27th of January 1902 in Salinas California and died in the 20th of December 1968 of heart disease and congestive heart failure at the age of 66. He was of German, Irish and English descent. He was a college dropout from Stanford University back in 1925 and was a manual laborer before he started to achieve his success as a writer. The story takes place in a stream near Salinas River and in the ranch it the Salinas Valley of Northern California during the Great Depression. During that time, there were massive lack of jobs and increasing number of workers. The population travelled from one place to another to seek employment. Steinbeck’s way of writing reflects his character. Steinbeck concentrates on revealing the characters and presents them directly to focus the reader’s attention of their quandary. Steinbeck is very clever on using stereotypes and has highlighted the importance of human issues, friendship, intellectual prowess, different racial background, social status and responsibility. For instance, he describes Lenny’s appearance as an animal – which Lennie really behaves and looks like. The meaning of Steinbeck’s story is about what it means to be a human being – in different aspects, how the society looks at you as an individual. Steinbeck is a master of description, and one of his many passions was the California landscape. The setting in this novel contains the "golden foothill slopes" and...
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