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Johnny T's Bistro

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Risk Assessment Critique of Johnny T’s Bistro & Blues

By: Adrick L. Harris

Table of Contents


Hazard Identification……………………….…3

Dose Response………………………….……..4

Human Exposure………………….…………..6

Risk Characterization…………………………9

Background In the risk assessment that I chose, it focuses on restaurants and other food preparation and food service areas such as hotel kitchens, takeaways, bar, and etc. The managers at Johnny T’s Bistro and Blues in Jackson, MS conducted a risk assessment prior to their opening. Johnny T’s employs around 20 employees who work a variety of shifts to prepare, cook, and serve their American southern-style food. They are located at 538 N Farish St, Jackson, MS 39202. I was …show more content…
For slips, falls, and trips, kitchen/food service staff and customers may be injured if they trip over objects or slip on spillages. I liked that there were recommendations for how to handle each hazard. For slips/falls, they listed to report equipment faults to the shift manager, have good lighting to improve vision in certain areas like storage closets, keep kitchen equipment maintained, clean up spills ASAP, and keep work areas clean. Manual handling hazards happen when staff are injured because of lifting and handling heavy objects throughout their shifts. There was not a note on how employees can avoid injuries with manual handling. A few examples are: aim to buy packages that are easier to carry, keep common used items in reach areas, sturdy ladders for easy reaching, and train their staff on manual handling …show more content…
Topics that should have been discussed are: lighting, security, sharp objects, and contact with hot/liquids and substances. For example, lighting makes a big deal for restaurants. If I wanted to visit a restaurant at night and I notice that there is no security or good lighting outside, I wouldn’t visit the restaurant at night because of the risk of crime to take place. It causes a liability issue to occur if someone is robbed or other crimes while on their property because of this safety hazards. When it comes to contacts with hot liquid/substances, kitchen staff are constantly at risk of hot oils and water during their cooking and preparation. For example, when working with hot water, steam can cause extreme injuries to the skin. With this hazard, ALL kitchen staff should be required to wear long sleeves to reduce their risks of exposed skin being cut, bruised, and etc. from the various hot liquids they might come in contact with throughout their shifts. Also, another way to address the issue would be to give heat-resistant gloves and apron to their staff as well. There was no hazard identification done for the 540 Ultra Lounge even though it is apart of their restaurant. Another aspect is that there is no accident log book to record risks that have happened before. This could help when he conducts his yearly risk assessments, he could identify previous

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