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Ball Cap-Personal Narrative

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The guy in the cowboy boots stepped in front of me, but I did not see him at first. I saw the front of his ball cap which he wore backward displaying a perfectly white C in the center. We were not alone in the line, but it felt that way. The line oozed forward with one step at a time. I stepped out of the line, just slightly to try to get a glimpse of his face, but could not. Distracted by the perfect locks of curly blonde hair peeking out from under the ball cap, I hoped he would turn around, but he did not. He looked straight ahead, ignoring me, taunting me with the back of his ball cap.

I did not belong in this line. It was not a line for people like me. I did not have curly locks, and I had never owned a pair of cowboy boots. My brother was a known drug dealer. Both my sisters had gotten pregnant before entering grade nine, and I was the first in the family to graduate high school. This line was not a line for me. I stood quietly, inspecting him from behind. Jeans, a red T-shirt, and a bold hooded sweatshirt hugged his perfectly medium frame. He was probably an athlete of some kind. He stood with confidence. I did not have to see his face to know he belonged in the line. I did not have to know the composition of notes that made-up his perfectly layered cologne to know he was not out-of-place. …show more content…
Even so, no matter how hard I tried, I could not fool myself. It was not enough that I was a first-generation college graduate. It did not matter that my mother was a middle school dropout that I had tutored to a passing GED score. It did not matter that I had finally put myself through college making just above minimum wage, or that I had become Pi Sigma Alpha while homeless. The fact of the matter was: I did not belong in the line, and life had a funny way of making sure that me and people like me

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