We all go through some sort of tragedy at one point in our lives. Me, I lost a dear friend and a wonderful teacher. The person I lost goes by the name Jon Sokoloff who was a great person at heart and tried to make people laugh any chance he got using sarcastic lines or rhetorical statements. I didn’t know what it was like to lose someone that I was close to until that fateful, Saturday morning April 25th 2015 when I was at a friend’s house and I got that heart-retching call from my mother. I am going to tell you all about this and more but first I need to take you through the five stages of Grief. The first stage I am going to explain to you is Denial. When we lose someone, we instantly go into a state where all phenomena declared never occurred…show more content… I had verbally abused others and mocked others for having different traditions or customs than I did. During that long period of anger I had disappointed my teacher and was rude to adults I haven’t even met before. I suddenly became this person that I knew in my heart I didn’t want to be. There was so much anger built up inside me that it felt good when I released it on a teacher or a friend and to watch their eyes slowly shift from happy to sad just like mine did. Little by little, I helped myself get better along with friends and teachers by repenting all my wrongdoings in hopes that everything would turn back to normal in no time. Of course, the healing process is a long one and not a process that anyone would like to endure. It is painful, suffocating, and embarrassing. I finally realized that talking about what happened made the pain subside for a while. I conceded to see a therapist and I told him everything about the accident and how I was being rude to people I don’t know and people I did know. He told me that what I am going through is very normal, especially for a boy in his early teens. He told me that all I needed to do was talk about it and the big heavy burden I was carrying on my shoulders would disappear. That is exactly what happened. After three whole weeks, I walked out of that therapist’s office with a grin on my face, feeling one hundred…show more content… We are happy because we can feel his presence in us and we can feel that he is in a good place right now, whether that may be Heaven or in a world where the happiest memories of people are relived by them everyday. Walking away from all of this has made me more experienced and will help me get through other tragedies in my life. This has made me learn the meaning of my life. I now know how blessed my life was to have a friend like Soko in it. My message to whoever is grieving is to drop whatever you are holding or doing and don’t remember their deaths or how sad they were, but remember their lives and the impact theirs had of yours. Jonathan Sokoloff, you are missed and we will remember your spirit for all