Jonathan Dedecker’s created artwork “Unidentified” at the Lawton Gallery consist of wall size murals that cover one large section and two smaller sections. The large section will be discussed in this formal analysis. This portion consists of two separate, side by side, and a vertically view for the viewer. The use of either house or acrylic paint medium was used on the wall surface and added a graphite medium on poster size paper, that is placed on the wall. There is corresponding formal elements and principles relationship. The mural (1) on the left, painted portion’s, line quality has a jagged hard edge, giving movement from one size of the painting to the other side. The hard edge lines much like stairs or buildings repeat under about six times covering little more than half way up. Within each layer, which is the foreground, have a different solid straight from the tube painted color of white, black and the primary colors. A solid black with some transparent areas are in the background, giving the appearance of the night. Just under the mural yellow,…show more content… These squares are equally spaced from one another with the yellow square up higher than the other squares starting towards the bottom moving up to the right corner of the mural, giving a wavy look. A childlike smooth curvy and broken continuous line drawing. These marks are made with a black marker or paint. Looking closely, you can form a human figure or animal shape. These childlike marks have an organic shape that extends from one side to the other. Within the lines (forefront) there is no color (or white) but in the background, there is a haze of watery drip of black paint. The two poster size drawing and one crescent shape are the same as the other mural. Instead of three narrow rectangle shapes on bottom, this one long solid black narrow