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Joseph Lightwies: Homeless Veterans

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Pages 5
Have you ever been driving somewhere and passed by a homeless person on the side of the road and thought what it’s like being homeless? The story of Joseph Lightwies will show you what being homeless is like and having little to nothing as you try to make it to tomorrow. In 1968, Joseph Lightwies was discharged from the the US Navy due to health-related causes. He then went on to work as a carpenter for many years. He found out about the Disabled American Veterans through another friend who was a veteran as well. At first, his appeal to the VA didn’t go through. That left Joseph homeless for another three months until he reached out to his NSO Joe Kauffman, who then realized that he had to do something as soon as he could. Kauffman then …show more content…
The DAV is committed to putting an end to homeless veterans though. The Disabled American Veterans is a nonprofit organization that has a goal of helping veterans of all ages with the support that is needed whether it is medical assistance, VA claims assistance, or help obtaining a job the DAV is there to help. Joseph was so moved by the DAV helping him that he decided to become a member of the DAV. He also said that “I have been a member ever since” (Lightwies). Joseph continues to serve his community by working for the DAV and has also purchased his first home with the help of the …show more content…
Not only do they help veterans, but they also help their families when they are in need. The DAV has made such a positive impact on the community and the veterans who have been helped in a time of need. The story of Joseph Lightwies is a great example of the impact the DAV left on him as he now is a member of the DAV and serves others just like him. The DAV has multiple sources for funding such as its corporate sponsors Ford, USAA, Golden Corral, and Hankook Tires. Also the DAV takes donations, holds fundraisers, and a small amount of funding comes from membership fees. The money goes towards financially supporting veterans and their families and towards public awareness outreaches. The DAV effectively uses these funds as they are very transparent about where the money is going. The “DAV helps veterans with over 250,000 benefits claims and gives approximately $4 billion every year” (DAV). This chart shows how much of the funding went towards each area.
Source of Funds: Programs: 84% Fundraising: 13% Administrative:

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