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Call Me Malcolm Analysis

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Throughout our semester we have read many books and seen a few movies, one of my favorite movies was Call Me Malcolm, a story in which a transgender male tells the story of what it was like throughout his journey in many realms. Malcolm grew up as a woman named Miriam, that always felt identified more as a brother, but was perceived as a girl, which made him feel like he was not right. At age thirteen when Malcolm hit puberty and started growing breasts he tried to make his breasts as small as possible by wrapping them with ace bandages and pulling his hair back to see what he would look like if he didn’t look the way they did. Malcolm found it easy to keep to them self as a child, by playing games with boys and taking advantage of the coed …show more content…
Calpurnia came from a very conservative family, and eventually became a dancer who wore a bikini and heels. After the death of her man she stopped doing shows because she didn’t feel like a woman in drag, she felt that once she transitioned that she then would melt into the woodwork and work on the idea of normalizing transsexuals. She felt that the death would be the turning point to achieve this. When Malcolm asked Calpurnia, what would be important for him to do when he became a minister she said that she hopes that he can help find hope and love and positivity of god to the people who need it. Calpurnia feels as if she is scarred and that she will most likely never turn back to god. When Calpurnia transitioned she severed ties with her past, family, and faith, as well as the life as she knew it, which caused her to feel adrift. At the time this movie was being made a man was murdered and Malcolm went to go interview the mother. The mother took Malcolm to the grave and when they approached the grave they found that it had been defaced and the letters on the tomb stone were strewn about, which not only upset the mother as well as Malcolm because it could have been him. He realized that many people have issues with the idea of homosexuality, as well as transgendered

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