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Whaling Before Industrial Revolution

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Hunting whales was no easy feat before the industrial revolution. It is speculated that the first whale was killed when it washed onto shore. Before the industrial revolution whales were often hunted near shores with primitive harpoons and spears for their blubber, meat, bones, and even their baleen or teeth which were used as materials for baskets and fishing lines. (“Diary of Extinction”). The limited technology humans had during this time prevented an imbalance in the number of whales hunted and the overall population of whales. However, with the introduction of the steam engine and steam powered ships, whaling rapidly commercialized and because of this the number of whales that could be killed and processed each year grew exponentially And while they were hunted for their meat and blubber during this time as well, industrial whaling allowed for more and more whales to be hunted and killed, decreasing the overall whale population by about 85% (Lusted). Whaling became a key factor in economics. Whale meat and oil soon began to circulate in international markets and trade, leading to thousands of more whales being killed each year. …show more content…
What happens to whales can affect many different species that depend on them and vice versa. The commercial killing of whales has caused many populations to become almost irreversibly damaged. Countries like Japan, Norway and Iceland continue to hunt whales, despite bans by the International Whaling Commission, by stating that whaling is necessary for their scientific research. Whaling, however, is not the only threat to whale populations. Other factors such as rising sea temperatures and climate change are also affecting the way these animals live and their

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