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Paul Manafort's Arguements

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Paul Manafort, who was President Donald Trump’s campaign chairman, is accused of a conspiracy against the United States and illegal obtainment of money. He now has a tough road ahead of him and as a result, needs a victory in his upcoming trial. If he does not get it, he may have to spend up to 80 years in prison. Given the strength of the FBI case, it is going to be almost impossible for Manafort to get out without paying some type of price.
Paul Manafort was born into a real-estate family and was involved in many political works throughout his life time. In 1976 he advised President Gerald Ford’s campaign and started to establish deep and sometimes dark connections in Washington and around the world. Democrats in the state of Washington were always suspicious about his international work and now in 2017 they will find out about how they were right to have their doubts about Manafort. Manafort campaigned for Donald Trump, and now is …show more content…
One of the crimes he was accused of committing was a conspiracy against the United States. He planned to confer offenses against, and to defraud the US government. “The Justice Department indicted Manafort on 12 counts, primarily money laundering and false statements, none of which involved his work for Trump. The oldest of the allegations date back to activities that began in 2006, but three occurred in 2016 and 2017.”(Greenberg). This quote indicates how Manafort had begun committing the crimes long before he started to work for Trump also meaning he had been planning this conspiracy for a long time. Manaforts indictment is said to leave him with a chance of having to spend 80 years in prison if he is not able to win his upcoming trial. Since Manafort doesn’t have a very high chance against all the FBI information to cover up the things he has done, he will most likely end up losing the trial and having to face the charges that are given to

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