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Dissociative Identity Disorder Analysis

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According to a CBS news video, hundreds, thousand or even a million people in the United States may have what the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) calls Dissociative Identity Disorder, but they may not know they have it (Smith, 2009). General awareness of Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder could help people put a name to the symptoms that characterize this disorder. Individuals who have Multiple Personality Disorder, which is found in the DSM as a Dissociative Disorder, present a chronic, dissociative psychopathology indicated by memory distortion or loss and changes in personality or identity caused by a traumatic experience (Kluft, 1991). Even now, Multiple personality disorder is a contested topic among …show more content…
They affirm that MPD and trauma are not the same and that people are using MPD in order to explain and find an analysis to some symptoms. Although MPD appears in the DSM as an illness, some professionals assert that the disease is not approved and is just a description of what people believe they have (Smith, 2009).
On the other hand, other mental health professionals ratify that MPD is a disorder affecting uncountable people of the society that need a specific treatment. The people who say that experience what is having MPD are totally committed with this specialists. Experts on this field assure that MPD is a real mental illness caused by a traumatic experience and that there are common symptoms that can define it (Smith, 2009).
Given the amount of cases of Multiple Personality Disorder, it is hard to believe that MPD is not a real disorder. As one can see, MPD is a real issue affecting many individuals of the society nowadays. The symptoms that present people who have MPD, are similar in the majority of the cases, proving that they belong to a same disorder. Focusing in the similitudes of the study cases between each other is demonstrated that struggling with MPD can be dangerous. Thus, people who have this disorder need to be treated by sensitive, capable and experienced specialists (Mierendorf and Steinem,

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