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Mission To Mars Research Paper

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“Mars is there, waiting to be reached.” This quote, said by Buzz Aldrin, shows that he is all for the mission to Mars, however it is dangerous to all mankind. I believe a trip to Mars is physically dangerous and societally terrifying, therefore the manned mission to Mars is bad idea.
Unmistakably, the idea of sending people to Mars is physically dangerous for them. First, the mission would take a turn for the worst when it comes to keeping the astronauts alive. For example, the temperature is too cold to sustain human life on Mars, being nearly -61 degrees Fahrenheit. Since it is so cold and our bodies have not adapted to the Mars environment, it would be very difficult to survive. Second, being away from Earth’s gravity would physically hurt the astronaut. For instance, your bones and muscles get weaker and your body produces less blood. Since we are not made to be in zero gravity for …show more content…
First, the martian life on Mars, if existing, will be dangerous to survive with. For example, some scientists believe that our germs could kill the possible martian life before discovering it. Since the martian life is also a threat to us, we cannot risk the lives of innocent people to martians that may exist, but we also cannot risk killing the undiscovered martian life. Second, the possibility of getting killed while not on Mars is even more dangerous and terrifying. For instance, the possible martian germs could possibly hitch a ride back to Earth and wipe out plants, animals, and the whole human race. Since that is a very dangerous possibility, we cannot send mankind to Mars. Last, the price to take a trip to Mars is too expensive. For example, the price of a mission to Mars could reach 1 trillion dollars. Since NASA does not have a budget that big it would make it nearly impossible to send mankind to Mars. Therefore, the trip to Mars is societally dangerous as well as physically

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