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Mkt/304 Task 1

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Project 3 - Understanding the basic elements of a business plan Jose Montiel MKT 304
Fortune 500 Company: Molina Healthcare Inc.
Rank: 301 (2015) Up from 393 (2014)

Mission Statement

Molina Healthcare's mission since inception has been to provide quality health services to financially struggling families and individuals. Molina Healthcare offers health insurance plan options, medical clinics in various states, and a health management information system as part of its business plan, which no other organization of its kind does all three.

Review of company

Molina Healthcare’s goal since it was founded in 1980, was to be a healthcare provider for low-income families in the Long Beach, CA area and they have grown immensely by concentrating on that market. They have expanded to 11 states and continue to look for opportunities to enter new ones. A key to their success I believe is that they still provide direct medical service through their own clinics, they are not just an insurance company. Keeping the clinics provides their consumers a touchpoint where they can experience the quality care the company promises.

Executive Board

President and Chief Executive Officer
J. Mario Molina, MD

Chief Financial Officer
John C. Molina, JD

Chief Operating Officer
Terry Bayer, JD, MPH

Executive Vice President …show more content…
With the passing of the Affordable Care Act the market of potential customers has grown and includes every individual participating in the Marketplace looking for minimum essential coverage. For its health management information system, the customers are the Medicaid, and Medicare agencies in the states they operate

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