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Submitted By pin8qro
Words 559
Pages 3
Journal 3


* Effective Leaders take a personal interest in the long-term development of their employees to achieve their best. * Link individual motivations in an organizationwide goal. * Leadership is not the exercise of power and force or the possession of extraordinary analytical skill. * LEADERSHIP --> the accomplishment of a goal through the direction of human assistants. * Popularity, power, showmanship or wisdom are not the essence of leadership.

Problems and illusions. * Motivation --> Recognize the team member's success. * If not they could be angry. * Attach the worker's self-interest to the interest of the employer or the group. * Military Leadership * Men get killed and have to be replaced. * Uniformity and mechanical way. * Duties and responsibilities well defined regarding on the autocratic chain of command. * "Somebody's got to be the boss". * How each individual contributes to success. * Create "group wants".

Relations and people. * Men are complex and men are different. * Reward is different for everyone. * Well prepared leader will be able to respond to such individual patterns.

Limits of the Golden Rule. * Treat others as you would like to be treated. * NOT "treat others as you would be treated". * The leader must seem to understand our goals and purposes. * Understand the implications of his own actions. * One impression he makes at any one time will determine the influence he has on his followers.

Pitfalls of perception. * Many difficulties come from misperceiving reality. * Misperceptions on the part of the worker on recognition to superiors. * Leaders must know as human beings those who report to him.

Problems of Subordinate. * Psychological difficulty of being subordinate. * Differentiate from the others with characteristics that goes beyond my own personal situation (age, class, rank, and so forth). * Find the balance. * Leader will not let his workers think that he considers them inferiors. * Wise to maintain a kind of psychological distance that permits them to accept his authority. * People frightened by complete independence. * Adjust amounts and kinds of freedom. * Clear definition of the lines between decisions that can be taken without the leader and the ones taken by the subordinates.

Goals in Development. * Every Decision must involve the balancing of risks and returns. * What we must expect of employees is that they learn from their mistakes, not that they never make them.

Dealing with Tact. * Impersonal and unsentimental interest. * There is nothing personal about this. * Your growth and satisfaction are part of my job. * No genuine growth of an employee will occur without some teaching. * Take away human emotions. * Put the mask of employer or an executive at office.

Secrets of a Symphony Orchestra Conductor. * Men must have the requisite skills and training for their roles. * A psychological setting must be established for the common task. * Share satisfaction with their leader in the music production. * A great conductor: * Each instrumentalist's conviction that he is taking part in the making of a kind of music that could only be made under such a leader.

Low-Pressure Leadership * Finding out the needs of the customer. * Provide the product that will satisfy that need.

Conclusion. * Leaders must be like orchestra leaders. * Capture individual satisfaction. * Democracy is sometimes thought to imply no division of authority. * Provide that recognition of roles and functions within the group that will permit each member to satisfy and fulfill some major motive or interest.

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