1. Write a jQuery script to design 8x8 matrix format with color black and white. It should seem like Chess Board. Need a button with a label Reverse. All div color should be changed from black to white and white to black.
2. Write a jQuery script to design 2 div element in the page. Show big text in those div's and you will get scroll bar. If I move right side scroll bar then left side div scroll bar need to move along with the rite. As well vice verse.
3. Write a jQuery script(toggle) to design menu as below mentioned a) Fruits Banana Mango Jackfruit b) Vegetables Brinjal Bumpkin Snake Guard c) Oil Gingelly Sun Flower Groundnut Initially, all menu should be non-expand mode except Title menu. If I am click Fruits Title, should expand the menus are avail under it. Rest of all non-expand.
4. Write a jQuery script to search a text in the paragraph. Provide a text field and search button below to the paragraph. Highlight all the words in yellow colors once found when search button clicked.
5. Write a jQuery script to design 8x8 matrix format with color black and white. It should seem like Chess Board. Provide buttons like first, last, Odd and Even. When you click first button, first div should be changed highlighted with color yellow and border should be in red color. Like wise, do the same for last, odd and even button clicked.
6. Write a jQuery script to design an UI form for retailing customer and it should contain below information a. date of purchase, product id, product name, rate, quantity, charge, discount, tax amount, total amount b. mode of payment, card no, transaction no, transaction amount,
7. write a jQuery ajax call for country details and it should have below information a. country Name, State Name, City Name, Pin Code b. Populate State Name once country name selected c. Populate City Name once state name selected d. Populate Pin Code once city name selected