...In a podcast called “Pursing Happiness” from NPR on December 29, 2012 there was four religious leaders from Buddhism, Judism, Christian, and Islam. Their names are the Dalai Lama, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain Jonathan Sacks referred to as Rabbi Sacks, Episcopalian Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori referred to as Bishop Schori, and Muslim scholar Seyyed Hossein Nasr referred to as Dr. Nasr. They answer questions about finding, achieving, and practice happiness. A person can handle suffering by being happy and the Dalai Lama, Rabbi Sacks, Bishop Schori, and Dr.Nasr tell about it in similar ways. First the Dalai Lama explains when tragic things happen you can look at it with a different angle and find the positives out of the negative situation....
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