Megan McQuade
US History 2 Summer Packet August 25 2017
Jurgis Rudkus and Ona Lukoszaite recently have immigrated from lithuania to chicago. They held their wedding feast in packingtown chicago because they want to have a better life, but where they move to is dangerous and filthy place to live and it's hard to find work there. The married couple discover that they are more than one hundred dollars in debt with a saloon keeper. Where they're from they have a custom that wedding guests leave money to cover the cost but in america that is not how weddings are done. Therefore believing in the american dream Jurgens dedicates himself to work harder and to make more money.…show more content… Jurgis, One and one's family sign a paper to sign a house but then realize it turns out to be a trick. The agreement is filled with secret costs and the house is basically a shack. As the family's life expenses increase two young children in one's family are forced to find work to help cover debt in the family. In packingtown it is very unsafe and full of crime and disruption. Jurgis dad finds a job after agreeing with a man to give him a cup of his money but his dad very old and the job is too difficult and it kills him very