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Julius Caesar Catullus Research Paper

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Catullus was born in Verona, Italy


Not much biographical information is seen in his poems, but it is believed that he received traditional Roman education, how a wealthy man would.

Significant People:

Catullus includes one woman in most of his poems. She was a married woman, but he still had a relationship with her. Her name was Lesbia, while others believed her name was actually Clodia. Some were even convinced that she didn’t even exist. Along with her, it has been seen that he also wrote about his relationship with a man named Juventius. Despite all of his romantic relationships, he also wrote about his friendship with two significant poets, Cinna and Calvus. His influence came from poetry written in the Hellenistic …show more content…
He died in 54 B.C. at the age of 30.

Writing Career:

Catullus wrote about love and his love for one woman named Lesbia. However, he also gave his opinions about the life of the middle class when the Republic was going through a confusing time. He rarely wrote about the Roman culture, leaders, or citizens.

People’s Opinion of Him:

Catullus was loved and appreciated for his works. He greatly influenced well known poets such as Ovid, Horace, and Virgil. The way he wrote and his unique style stood out to readers.

Daisy Dunn, a writer whose works were published on The Spectator Magazine, wrote her opinion on poem 64 of Catullus’s works, called ‘bedspread.’ It says “Dunn’s undoubted strength is as a sure-footed and elegant literary critic, particularly when it comes to poem 64, the scintillating mini-epic from which she takes the title of her book. The ‘bedspread’, a physical object within the poem, is embroidered with the story of the abandoned Ariadne: as she points out, Catullus often took the ‘wounded’, feminine role, with Lesbia as the cruel Theseus. (Dunn’s own deft version is included as an appendix; and she has translated, with bright-eyed intelligence, all the poems in another volume.) It is insights like this that make our poet come alive.” Daisy Dunn compares Catullus’s writings to characters in the stories of Theseus and Ariadne. As she delves deeper into his writings, she realizes the little details that Catullus could

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