Premium Essay

Justin Patchin's Argumentative Analysis

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Words 324
Pages 2
The yes side of why cyberbullying should be punished by the school has all of the following; appeals to emotions, uses data or research, and tells why the other side’s argument is weaker. Justin Patchin thinks the school should help with students that are getting cyberbullied. On the other hand, Edwin Yohnka thinks if students misbehave off campus, it should be the parents who decide the punishment. In my opinion, Justin Patchin has a more reasonable explanation why cyberbullying should be handled. During Edwin’s debate, he failed to use data or research in his claim. Therefore, it made justin’s persuasive claim better.
Justin W. Patchin appeals to the emotion for the students. The author used words like tormented, mistreated, harassed,

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