A few weeks ago, I featured an interview with the director, Justin Zimmerman, and I am finally getting around to reviewing this fine documentary. I had the privilege of screening this film last year at the Artemis Film Festival, and I was quite moved by what I saw. Just as a word of warning in relation to the content, there are some very disturbing scenes of animals (not that any rescues go awry, but this also deals with the issue of animal shelters, so just be warned). Also, there is some occasional strong language in the film. This is a documentary, and this is real life. Therefore, it is essentially raw and unfiltered when it comes to the life of Armando and his team. You may want to screen this first before showing it to your children.
Before seeing this film, I had no idea at all that groups like this existed. As I settled down to watch the first few frames, I was reminded of the time that our cat was stuck in a tree for a couple days and how hard it was to wait with the realization that she may not come down. She was so frightened, and there was no group nearby that we could call. I breathed a sigh of relief when my mom called with the news that our cat had finally jumped down. So I know from experience that animals can get caught in…show more content… Where else could you see a rescue like this? It is one of the most dramatic in the film. I appreciate the fact that the filmmakers didn't have a massive budget, and yet they still got the ideal shots that gives the viewers the sense that they are there with a front row seat to the action. Even at the scariest moments, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scenes I was witnessing. There were times I was certain that something bad was going to happen, but the good news is that at least at the time I saw it last year, not one animal was ever lost. This team has a perfect record, as far as I know. And I salute them for providing a service that is more necessary than one might