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High Task Cohesion

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I believe there are three important types of cohesion that makes up unit cohesion within the military; social cohesion, task cohesion, and vertical cohesion. Social cohesion refers to the nature and quality of the emotional bonds of friendship, liking, caring, and closeness among group members. A group displays high social cohesion to the extent that its members like each other, prefer to spend their social time together, enjoy each other's company, and feel emotionally close to one another. It is imperative social cohesion is developed amongst all military members who work together. It is what bond us and drives military members to work harder in order to produce better products or whatever the task may be. Figuring out what drives each other …show more content…
Task cohesion on the other hand refers to the shared commitment among members to achieving a goal which requires the collective efforts of the group. A group with high task cohesion is composed of members who share a common goal and who are motivated to coordinate their efforts as a team to achieve that goal. In the Marine Corps School of Infantry combat training course, instructors make it known to their gender-integrated classes that the focus of training is on survival in the field and accomplishing the mission, whether than on the social aspects of men and women getting to know each other. The Marines learn to respect each other, not as males and females, but as Marines. Unit cohesion, for example; is essential for a strong military force, cohesion is more than being liked by others, and it is a willingness to die for someone else. Unit cohesion emphasizes skill diversity, where member skills complement each other for mission …show more content…
It is important that personnel respond effectively to the demands imposed by the work that they do. Sometimes the failure to meet task demands in combat and other high-stress environments can result in loss of life, and in other cases, the failure to meet task demands. The work environment can result in work overload or in moments of “sheer terror,” but can also impose conditions in task under load and boredom. I believe stress and decision making are two types of demands that are highly relevant to performance in organizations. Stress is time-limited; events occur suddenly and often unexpectedly, quick and effective task performance is critical, and consequences of poor performance are immediate and often catastrophic. The organizational, environmental, and task demands that are imposed on us as individuals are very high due to the military demands of its personnel. Stress is a multi-dimensional construct, and this general term can be used to refer to any number of specific stressors or demands that may be present in a given task setting. Although it is useful to speak of stress, it is difficult to predict behavior on the basis of each stressor such as; time pressure, task load, role conflicts, coordination requirements, fatigue, and uncertainty. Stress may increase negative emotions and frustration. Emotional reactions to stress may include subjective feelings of anger, annoyance, tension, frustration, and increased concern

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