...HiperglikÄ“mija | HiperglikÄ“miskÄ lÄ«kne 1. Norma 2. Latentais diabÄ“tsLai novÄ“rtÄ“tu ogļhidrÄtu v/m pacientam, izmanto cukura slodzi – iegÅ«to glikozes lÄ«meņa lÄ«kni sauc par hiperglikÄ“mosko lÄ«kni.Gaita: 1. Vesels cilvÄ“ks tukÅ¡Ä dÅ«Å¡Ä uzņem 1-2 g/kg cukuru, bet nevairÄk kÄ 75 g GLU 2. GLU uzsÅ«cas KZT -> v. porta asinÄ«s 3. aknas daļu Glu pÄrvÄ“rÅ¡ glikogÄ“nÄ, bet ne visu hiperglikÄ“mija 4. pacienta GLU lÄ«menis asinÄ«s 30-60 min laikÄ ceļas lÄ«dz 7,3 – 9,0 mmol/L pÄ“c 2h norma pÄ“c 3h GLU lÄ«menis zemÄks nekÄ normaHiperglikÄ“miskais koeficients: max pÄ“c 60 min norma: 1,5-1,7PoshiperglikÄ“miskais koeficients: pÄ“c 2h norma: 0,9-1,0 | AlimentÄra hiperglikÄ“mija | CentrÄla(emocionÄla) hiperglikÄ“mija | HiperglikÄ“miskÄs endokr. regul. traucÄ“jumi | EtioloÄ£ija: * rodas pÄ“c GLU uzņemÅ¡anasIzmanto: * GLU slodzes testu * GLU dubutslodzes tests * GLU tolerances tests | EtioloÄ£ija: * CNS emoc. traucÄ“jums * CNS organisks bojÄjumsMehÄnisms:KairinÄjums izplatÄs pa zemgarozu un simpÄtiskiem ceļiem sasniedz virsnieres un vairogdziedzeri, tÄ rezultÄtÄ:(↑) AKT, GK, adrenalÄ«na, tireotoksÄ«na daudzums, kas noved pie glikogenolÄ«zes stimulÄ“Å¡anas | EtioloÄ£ija: * slimÄ«bu gadÄ«juos ar hipoinsulÄ«nismu * GLU paaugstina hormoni (STS producÄ“ hipofÄ«zes audzÄ“ji) | OrientÄ“joÅ¡ie rÄdÄ«tÄji: 1. ja slimniekam Ä«slaicÄ«gi tukÅ¡Ä dÅ«Å¡Ä cukurs ir lÄ«dz 4,4 mmol/L, tad viņš ir vesels un nekÄdu papildizmeklÄ“Å¡anu...
Words: 424 - Pages: 2
... This may cause an institution additional expense because they need to allocate fund for the wellness program of their employees. Some researches says that such program may improve employees health, morale and productivity as well. So, if this is also the thinking of the owner he/she might not worry about expenses, because in return the employees will become more productive and they will find work as a fun and fulfilling. Now, with all the studies made, is wellness programs really satisfy employees? How can they prove that there is satisfaction? Are the employees given a chance to choose wellness program that they believe would fit their interest?Are there evaluation tools to assess if the program/s is/are effective? These are jusy few inquiries that may be answered throug a thorough research. The researcher got very much interested in determining the satisafaction of employees with their work with the...
Words: 1441 - Pages: 6
...Entry 1: Dear Diary, I am just now leaving The United States of America and on the plane right now as I’m writing this. Mama, Walter, Ruth, and Travis all dropped me off at the airport to say goodbye. It was really hard because I know I will not see them for a while, but they know what’s best for me. I know Mama wanted me to be with George, but he truly just wasn’t for me. He wanted me to be someone who I was not. He tried to push me away from who I am. I am Beneatha and proud of myself and family and since he couldn’t respect that I had to let him go. I hope Mama will understand why I did such a thing. She will never know how much I love her. As I am looking out of this window at the little specks of houses diapering I am thinking about what my future holds. I wonder if I have made the right decision, but I can only hope so. Joseph has changed my view of life. He has changed me for the better. I have always wanted to help others after I had watched the little boy in my neighborhood cut his head open. I know I am not the greatest follower of god, but I think this might be his plan for me. To look after the sick and diseased. I am delighted I have met Asagai. It’s almost like he is my other half because when I am with him I feel so alive and free. He makes me feel wanted and loved. He may not be the rich like George, but I love him just as much, if not more. Looking out into the clouds I see a happy future. Saving lives, curing patients, and caring for all who have been hurt...
Words: 4697 - Pages: 19