...Juvenile Crime Statistics Juvenile Crime Statistics Law enforcement agencies like to figure out statistics whether it be for adults or juveniles. Statistics give law enforcement agencies an overall view of the rates, whether rates increased or decreased and also allows law enforcement agencies to show the people what is going on. Statistics for juveniles are just as important as they are for adults. Arrest statistics is one set of statistics law enforcement agencies track. “Arrest statistics report the number of arrests that law enforcement agencies made in a given year” (Puzzanchera, 2008). Males, females, race and ethnicity are different categories arrests rates are tracked and viewed. When tracking arrest rates law enforcement agencies can also see what crime more arrests happen for. Juvenile statistics show law enforcement agencies and society how the juveniles are doing when it comes to arrests. Overall Decrease in Juvenile Arrests Juveniles are being arrested every day for multiple reasons. When juveniles are arrested society does not hear anything about it because when a juvenile is arrested or involved in any sort of situation with law enforcement it is kept confidential to protect the juvenile. Juvenile arrests statistics for a given year show whether juvenile arrests increased or decreased from previous years and the overall goal is for the rates to decrease. “In 2008, law enforcement agencies in the United States made an estimated 2.11 million arrests of...
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...Juvenile Crime Statistics Juan Ramirez CJA/374 April 15, 2012 Jerry Kilgo Abstract In this paper I will address juvenile crime statistics, from the Juvenile Justice Bulletin show a growing trend, in that juvenile crime actually appears to be declining according to the Juvenile Arrests 2001 Report. Even though there is a decline in juvenile offenses but the juvenile drugs and juvenile aggravated assault has increased. About 50% of the juvenile crimes be committed by female juveniles. Also I will be covering Minority and female juveniles and the tracking the juvenile crimes. Juvenile Arrests Juvenile crime has been an issue throughout the 1800s. Dealing with juvenile crime committed and examine the juvenile arrests, and criminal activity, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention a study of juvenile arrest statistics (FindLaw, 2011). In Juvenile Justice Bulletin there was a decrease in arrest in juveniles. According, to the Juvenile Justice Bulletin it shows that it was the lowest since 1988 of juvenile arrests being arrested (Flores, 2003). In 1994 juveniles peaked over and also in 1995 and around 2001 juveniles being arrested dropped. In Juvenile Justice Bulletin it breaks down the juvenile crimes committed from aggravated assaults committed by juveniles. It was lower 2001 and down in 1991 but aggravated assaults were lower in 2001 than any other year from 1991. Juveniles that committed murders were low from 1984. Robberies...
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...Juvenile Crime Statistics Kimberlee K. Curley CJA/374 January 9, 2012 Joseph Maffia Juvenile Crime Statistics The following paper will include a discussion on juvenile crime statistics; the areas to examine will include the following points. The overall decrease in juvenile arrests, increase in drug offenses and simple assault, female, ethnic, and racial arrests, the increase in arrests for females and the decrease in arrests for males for violent crimes, and an assessment of tracking methods in measuring trends in juvenile crimes. Between the years 1999 and 2008, the crime rate concerning juveniles first saw a significant rise in juvenile arrests in the years 2005 and 2006. In the later two years there was approximately a 3% decrease in arrests concerning juvenile crimes (Puzzanchera, 2009). Property crimes saw a large increase whereas violent crimes were proportionately smaller in percentage; arson and vandalism are at the top of the list. The number of arrests made was larger than the number of cases cleared by arrests, this may be because juveniles are easier to apprehend than adult offenders (Puzzanchera, 2009). Arrests for simple assaults increased substantially from 1980 to 1997, a rate increase of 156%. While there has been a slight decline in the last two years the rate for arrests of simple assaults is still substantially higher than it was beginning in 1980 (Puzzanchera, 2009). Drug offense arrests have mirrored closely that of simple assaults, the main...
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... Juvenile Crime Statistics CJA/374 Juvenile Crime Statistics Juvenile offenders are classified as any person between the age of seven and 18, and who have not attained their eighteenth birthday (Champion, 2010). This paper will show the issues of juvenile’s crimes and arrests that took place in 2008. The purpose is to show a trend over the years of criminal activities so that there may be a better understanding to help combat the issues that law enforcement deal with daily in the department. In 2008, law enforcement agencies in United States made an estimated 2.11 million arrests of persons younger than age 18 (Slowikowski, 2009). The arrest rate of juveniles did in fact decrease three percent from the previous year. Overall, the juvenile arrests have declined also from 2006-2008 from the highest point in 2004. How the FBI decides and assesses these trends is used or broken down into a few different categories. They are aggravated assault, robbery or larceny, rape, manslaughter, and murder. Overall the last ten years from 1988 to 208 there has been a steady decline in the six different categories, more for juveniles, than adults. For other crimes, such as vehicle theft, burglary, larceny, and arson, even though they are still below the average number of arrests, they have risen slightly since the early 1980s. Between 1990 and 1997, the juvenile arrest rate for drug abuse...
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...Running head: JUVENILE CRIME STATISTICS PAPER 1 Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper CJA/374 JUVENILE CRIME STATISTICS PAPER 2 Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper Introduction Juvenile crime statistics is truly misunderstood by today’s society. The general public pushes for harsher punishment when in reality juvenile crime rate has actually decreased. This paper will summarize the “Juvenile Arrests 2008”. This paper will further discuss the overall decrease in juvenile arrests, the increase in drug offenses and simple assaults, implications for juvenile females and members of ethnic and racial minorities, an increase in juvenile female arrests and a decrease in arrests for juvenile male offenders for violent crimes, as well as what assessment are used to track juvenile arrests in order to measure the amount of juvenile crime as well as its trends. The Overall Decrease in Juvenile Arrests Overall Review Data from 2008 shows that juvenile arrests for violent crime declined between 2006 and 2008. According to Puzzanchera (2009) “In 2008 there were 2.11 million juvenile arrests, which is 16% lower than the arrests in 1999” (p.3). In 2008 juvenile arrests for forcible rape was at an all time low since 1980, aggravated assault arrests were also at its lowest since 1988. However, juvenile arrests for murder were at its low in 2004, but increased from 2005 to 2007. Further, the Property Crime Index decreased by 20%, larceny-theft by 17%, murder by 5%, motor vehicle theft by 50%...
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...Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper A person under the age of 18 years old is considerate a juvenile. A child or youth who commits a crime or is beyond the control of his or her parents is considerate a juvenile delinquent. This paper will summarize the juvenile crime statistics for 2008. The decrease in juvenile arrests will be discusses. Also the increase in drug offenses and simple assaults will be summarized. In addition, the increase and decrease of female, male, and minority arrests, and their implications will be of topic. Finally, the assessment of tracking juvenile arrests as a method of measuring the amount of and trends in juvenile crime will be done. Overall Decrease in Juvenile Arrests The decrease of juvenile arrests was evident in 2008. Juvenile arrests decreased by 3% from that of 2007. Violent crimes that include murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault showed a trend of declined in 2006 and 2008. In fact the rate of violent crimes decreased from 1987 to 2008. Although juvenile arrests declined to less than 10%, property crime arrests increased. According, to the Juvenile Arrests 2008 bulletin, property crimes increased between 2006 and 2008. Drug Offenses and Simple Assaults In 2008, juvenile arrests for drug offenses was of 180, 100. At 11% the arrests differ from that of the previous years. Juvenile drug offenses have increased in the last couple of years. Simple assaults decreased in 2008 to 6% of...
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...Juvenile Crime Statistics According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting in 2008 there was approximately 2.11 million arrests in the United States that were juveniles. The propose for this paper is to further discuss the overall decrease among juvenile arrests, increase of drug offenses, simple assaults, and the increase of female arrests, racial minorities and decrease in male arrests regarding violent crimes. It will also address any concerns or benefits to how data is collected on crimes in the U.S. that are juvenile related. In regards to the overall arrests among juveniles has dropped since 2008. The UCR reported approximately 2.11 million arrests among juveniles alone in 2008 that has dropped by three percent and by two percent for violent crimes (Puzzanchera, 2009). Violent crimes among juveniles between 1980 and 1994 had been high and then dropped by forty-nine percent in 2004. There was a twelve percent increase over two years but it decreased by five percent in 2006-2008 according to Puzzanchera (2009). However, in 1980’s and 1993 the arrests for juveniles almost doubled, and then decreased in the years of 2000 by seventy-seven percent. These arrest were murder related; and the rate which was started in 2004 dropped by six percent in 2008 and maintained at the level of seventy-four percent lower than the high peak in 1993. Aggravated assault crimes increased in the years of 1980-1994 and then decreased a great deal through 2004 by thirty-nine percent (Puzzanchera...
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...Juvenile Crime Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper 1 Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper Gail Rener, CJA/403 University of Phoenix Online Tamra Katcher Watts February 16, 2009 Juvenile Crime Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper This paper will be focused on juvenile crime and the juvenile crime 2 statistics. Juvenile crime, is different crimes committed by children under the age of 18. Their offenses include delinquent acts that is considered to be crimes if an adult were to commit them. Juveniles are children who truly need help before it is too late. There are different theories about what influence juveniles to commit delinquent acts the thing that influences juvenile the most is societies. The reason for this is because society labels people according to their upbringing, their environment and their lack of education. The main purpose of the juvenile justice system is to rehabilitate juveniles so that they can become a contributing member of society and not another career criminal. Now it is, time to get to the main point of this paper and talk about juvenile crime statistics . Juvenile Crime We need statistics to help measure things and in this case we need 3 statistics to help measure juvenile crime. When measuring statistics it is very important to understand exactly what statistics is all about. According to (Snyder, 2003) “the arrest statistics report the number of arrests made by law enforcement agencies in a particular year- not the number of individuals...
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...Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper This paper will address and summarize four different points from the juvenile arrests bulletin from 2001. Such points included in the summary are the overall decrease in juvenile arrests, the increase in drug offenses and simple assaults, implications for juvenile females and minorities, and last an assessment of the tracking of juvenile arrests as a method of measuring the amount of and trends in juvenile crime. In 2001 the juvenile violent crime index arrest rate declined for the seventh consecutive year. The rate increased dramatically from the late 1980’s through 1994 and then began its steady downward trend. By 2001 the rate had fallen 44% from its 1994 peak reaching the lowest level since 1983. Moving on to the increase in drug offences and simple assaults, arrests of juveniles accounted for 12% of all violent crimes cleared by arrest in 2001 specially, 5% of murders, 12% of forcible rapes, 14% of robberies, and 12% of aggravated assaults. The drug offences in juvenile arrests have increased. In 2001 the estimated arrests for drug violations were 202,500 this is one of the highest numbers in the estimates for 2001. Moving on from drug offences and simple assaults to implications for juvenile females and minorities this is also an issue that seems to be growing by the year. Law enforcement agencies made 645,000 estimated arrests of females under the age of 18 in 2001, between 1992 and 2001 the arrests of juvenile females generally increased...
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...Juvenile Crime Statistics Juvenile Crime statistics Paper Juvenile delinquent actions identify an individual’s participation or involvement with an illegal act deemed to be an infraction of implemented Federal, state, or municipal law. An individual under the-age-of 18 who commits an illegal act represents the categorical identification group classified under the term “Juvenile offender”. Juvenile delinquency has increased within the past 50 years. As a result of the extensive increase statistical information supporting juvenile delinquent offenses are compiled to display extensive increases and declines pertaining to delinquency within America. The overall decrease in juvenile arrests, increase in juvenile narcotics offenses, and simple assaults will be identified, dissected, and examined. The implications for juvenile female and minorities will also be thoroughly examined along with an assessment highlighting the tracking of juvenile arrests as a method of measuring the amount of, and trends within juvenile offenses. Overall Decrease: Juvenile Arrests The overall decrease in juvenile detainment for violent juvenile offenses within 2008 decreased in comparison to the statistical information projecting violent juvenile actions within the 1990s. Juvenile delinquency supporting violent offenses extensively increased throughout the 1990s within Northern America most likely as a result of the increase in gang membership...
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...Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper As Mohandas Gandhi a spiritual leader once said, "If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children." These words speak the truth about where we need to start, concerning making the world a better and safer place. Crimes are committed each day by juvenile offenders. To get a better understanding of why crimes are simply committed by young people we have to evaluate the trends. Decrease Based on the juvenile arrests there was a decrease the previous years of 3%. Juvenile Crimes also fell 2% in the same year. These trends were gathered from the Uniform Crime Report and do not include the number of juveniles that had any police contact. These are arrests that were cleared by law enforcement. Juvenile crimes are easier to clear because of the evidence that is needed to accuse a person. Adults need probable cause to be detained and charged but juveniles only need preponderance of evidence. Increase Drugs and Assaults Between the years of 1990 and 1997 the amount of Juvenile arrests were drug related rose 145%. This percent declined 28% between 1997 and 2008. The amount of drug arrests rose 78% then the rate in 1990. This can show the rise in the Creation of drug cartels and the mass production of Heroine and Meth. Compared to the peak of Violent Crimes and Assaults, the rates of arrests fell substantially for this type of crime. The rate fell 40% for violent...
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...Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper CJA/374 August 11, 2014 Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper Data collection has been a great tool for the criminal just system for many of years. The data that is collected can give insight on progress or area’s in which need work. Analysts within Law Enforcement Agencies will use the data to show trends and find possible new way of crime prevention. Tools such as this can make a monumental impact on the futures generation when it comes to crime prevention. For an example: Law Enforcement can look at how many Juveniles have been arrested during the last five years and compare the number to see if the changes that have been made are working. When juveniles enter in criminal behavior it is important that it is addressed immediately. Data that has been collected has shown that overall there is decrease in juvenile arrests in 2008. Decrease in Juvenile Arrests In 2008, law enforcement agencies in the United States made an estimated 2.11 million arrests of persons younger than age 18.* Overall, there were 3% fewer juvenile arrests in 2008 than in 2007 (Puzzanchera, 2009 ). The numbers that are given here come from Law Enforcement agencies that have been collected all across the nation and are not focused on specific area. The data shown that from 2007 to 2008 juveniles arrest have decreased within that reporting year, regardless of the type of crime that was committed. Within the same reporting period of 2008 there was also a 2% decrease in...
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...FREAKONOMICS A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything Revised and Expanded Edition Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner CONTENTS AN EXPLANATORY NOTE In which the origins of this book are clarified. vii PREFACE TO THE REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION xi 1 INTRODUCTION: The Hidden Side of Everything In which the book’s central idea is set forth: namely, if morality represents how people would like the world to work, then economics shows how it actually does work. Why the conventional wisdom is so often wrong . . . How “experts”— from criminologists to real-estate agents to political scientists—bend the facts . . . Why knowing what to measure, and how to measure it, is the key to understanding modern life . . . What is “freakonomics,” anyway? 1. What Do Schoolteachers and Sumo Wrestlers Have in Common? 15 In which we explore the beauty of incentives, as well as their dark side—cheating. Contents Who cheats? Just about everyone . . . How cheaters cheat, and how to catch them . . . Stories from an Israeli day-care center . . . The sudden disappearance of seven million American children . . . Cheating schoolteachers in Chicago . . . Why cheating to lose is worse than cheating to win . . . Could sumo wrestling, the national sport of Japan, be corrupt? . . . What the Bagel Man saw: mankind may be more honest than we think. 2. How Is the Ku Klux Klan Like a Group of Real-Estate Agents? 49 In which it is argued that nothing is more powerful than information,...
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...overgeneralisation and prevents a theory from becoming so abstract that it detaches itself and no longer defines the topic summarised under its umbrella. As a result the theory can become a source of guidance and a framework that clearly includes themes, whilst also representing a boundary that differentiates what lies within from the rest that remains outside its remit. With regard to criminology what lies within includes an agreed methodology to conduct research in order to analyse an observation. What is important is that a theory remains empirically testable and that the evidence gathered supports the theory itself. In addition to this criminology also focuses on the topic of crime and a range of human behaviours and relationships between various entities of society. What is considered to be an act of crime is normally defined by a person in power. Therefore the subject or object of investigation by the study of criminology includes the psychological assessment of a human being and the...
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...3.2 Unemployment effect on crime An additional problem linked with interpreting the empirical connection between joblessness and crime concerns the direction of causation. To the magnitude that criminal activity decreases the employability of lawbreakers, through either a scaring influence on imprisonment or a superior unwillingness among the criminally initiated to accept genuine occupation, criminal activity may in turn contribute to observed joblessness growth and add to regional joblessness levels. Hence, in addition to difficulties associated with excluded variables, previous inferences might also be flawed owing to simultaneity prejudice. To be more specific, simultaneity upwardly prejudices OLS (Ordinary least Squares) evaluations on crime, (Raphael and Rudolf, 2001:261). 3.3 Unemployment effect on family...
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