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Juvenile Suicide Research Paper

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Juvenile suicide is an awfully complex thing that no family should have to endure. Trying to completely understand this is retrospectively impossible, but there are obvious causes that lead to the end of juvenile lives. At an instant, things can change, and the once happy boy or girl you knew could become the complete opposite. Sometimes it is hard to tell that there is a change because they may hide their feelings, and put on a happy face when they are truly hurting on the inside and some may not. You may never know what caused them to change, but there are some general things to look out for in a child that sends out red flags. A more common cause of juvenile suicide is bullying, mostly from peers. There aren’t specific reasons why a child is bullied. It may be the things they wear, how they look, or the bully may not just like them or just need an outlet for their own pain, but those are not excuses. Bullying makes the person bullied feel less than or worthless, and if they are constantly bullied without any help they feel helpless. This causes depression, social isolation, feelings of abandonment, and low self-esteem which in turn translates to suicidal thoughts and action …show more content…
Guns, in my opinion, are not actually a good way to stay safe if you have adolescence around. Children are very curious and at times mischievous, and if they spot a gun some children would take the risk of picking it up and playing with it. This scenario is a percentage of what actually happens to youth today, but some adolescence actually tries to end their own lives and have access to weapons. Having an easier way to commit this devastating deed, helps the child carry out their plan sometimes without hesitation. If a child has a hard time finding a way to kill themselves with weapons, they may take longer to do this and have time to get help, but not having a weapon may result in them using other methods

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