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Military Leadership Report

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I was born into a military family. My father recently retired as a Colonel in the United States Army. I guess you can say that I have learned a lot about leadership from him alone before I experienced being a leader myself. He taught me about accountability, respect, responsibility, fairness, and so much more. I grew up pretty much an only child. My three younger siblings did not grow up with me, so I would say that I matured faster than most of my friends. At a young age, I was able to take accountability for my actions, make right decisions and understand the consequences of my wrong doings, and taking initiative when it came to my work.
I was first given the opportunity to be a leader my junior year of college when I was a part of the …show more content…
I was scared of failure and wanted everything to be perfect. I valued perfection so much that I ended up micromanaging a number of things. I had to really learn how to delegate responsibility and to trust those appointed below me. A lot of the tasks that I was given were things that I had never received training for. I had to figure them out on my own. You would think that asking questions would have helped, but sadly that is not how it happened. As much as it negatively impacted me at the time, I made sure that I grew from that experience. As I grow as a leader, I now have a perspective of, sometimes you will never have help and you have no choice but to figure things out on your own. I now use that in my everyday life as a motivational tool. I don’t sit back and dwell on the fact that I do not have any help. I take my situation, look at it in the face, and move on and figure things out on my …show more content…
He served thirty plus years in the Army and retired as a Colonel. He has accomplished so much in his life. I look up to him in everything I do whether it be in my personal life or my professional. My most recent mentor is one of the people I thank most for helping me get accepted into this very program. My former supervisor. I have only known her for about 10 months now, but in that time, I have learned so much not only as a professional in the workplace but also about myself. She is who I have always dreamt of being in a leader and I am honored that I was able to serve and learn under

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