...American civilians, whites have historically and significantly led the way in the rates of suicides. Although leveling off after the 1990’s, the rate of white suicides has still been almost twice as much as minority groups. It has also been shown that males commit suicide significantly more than females. Figure 1 Figure 2 As the rate of suicides increases in our nation, it has risen consistently with white males leading the way, as shown in figures 1 and 2. There are many theories behind what is driving this, however there are no hard facts behind any of these theories and there is still no concrete reason why white males are more prone to commit suicide. A very important group within the American population has been increasing rapidly as well in suicides. The rate of suicides in the U.S. military is so high now, that in 2012, more service members died from suicide than combat exposure. Determining the driving factors behind this increase is not only important in mission readiness and the safety of our nation but can provide information on whether or not key individuals (whites, males) should not be used in combat situations if already prone to suicide. Because it is already proven in the civilian world that these individuals are more prone to commit suicide, one must wonder if this is true in the military. What characteristics predict whether or not an American soldier will commit suicide? Is it the same as in the civilian world? And if there is any difference, it may be important...
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...Main Idea: Suicides and the Military Thesis Statement: At the end of my informative speech, my audience will know more about the Military Suicide Issue and how the number of military or veterans deaths by suicide has been increasing at an alarming rate, the common misconceptions about the possible reasons why current and former military members are taking their own lives and finally what is being done to try and resolve this issue. I. Introduction a. Attention-getter: Across the US there’s thousands upon thousands of members of an exclusive club that nobody wanted to join. I know it was a group I never wanted to join. We are known as Suicide Survivors, we are the surviving family members of the military members and veterans who have taken their own lives and each day our group grows in size. In one collective voice we scream for answers to the seeming unanswerable question… Why? b. Preview: In 2012, TIME Magazine published an article titled “One a Day” referencing to the rate of active duty suicides. According to an article in the Government Executive the VA reports an average of 22 Veteran suicides per day. A look at some of the statistics and commonalities can help provide a clear idea of the contributing factors. II. Body c. Main Idea 1: Statistics: According to TIME Magazine since 2001 there have been more active duty deaths from Suicide than there have been due to overseas combat. i. 20% of military deaths were suicide vs. 7% that...
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...An Examination of Military and Civilian Suicide Suicide Suicide has historically been and continues to be a significant issue in the United States, for civilians as well as active duty military service members and veterans. While statistics surrounding suicide appear to be just numbers on a page, I personally implore the reader of the following paper to never lose sight of the fact that those numbers represent real people. Each one of those people, be they civilian or military, represent a loss of a father or a mother, a brother or a sister, a son or a daughter, a best friend, a comrade, …a person whose life, and that life’s potential, is now forever lost. The following statistics on suicide rates in the United States do not differentiate if the individual was a civilian, an active duty service member, or a veteran. According to the Division of Vital Statistics, cause-of-death statistics in 1964, 20,588 individuals reported the cause of death was suicide, equating to an average of 56 suicides per day, making it the 12th leading cause of death in the United States in 1964. The most frequently used means of committing suicide in 1964 were firearms and explosives, “… self-inflicted gunshot wounds accounted for 48 percent of all suicides in 1964” (Massey, 1967). A half century later in 2014, statistical reports compiled by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), indicate suicide as the 10th leading cause of death, accounting for 42,733 deaths (means...
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...To: Mayor Eric Garcetti Date: November 19, 2015 Subject: Veteran Suicide Prevention in California (Nationwide) ______________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: “All I ever considered when I thought about suicide was the guilt I was feeling and just wanting a way out, wanting to not have those memories anymore,” said Clinton Hall, 35, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan as an infantryman and now lives in Portland, Ore. His friend and fellow soldier killed himself shortly after returning home. An epidemic is raging among us and some of us have no idea the problem sits next to the very flag of freedom we encounter throughout our day. Suicide is one of the many causes of death for American military forces. A research project in 2012 reported in Times Magazine regarding active duty members of the military, shows a surprising 349 veterans took their own lives; more than the death from combat operations that year. The Veteran Affairs Department estimates that 22 vets die by their own hand every day. For a veteran, the sound of a firework can spark a flashback of war; while shopping at the aisles of the super market, a veteran may suddenly feel the need to seek cover as it reminds him of being ambushed in Iraq or Afghanistan. The reality is that our patriots are leaving one battle and returning home to another. Some veterans feel ostracized, others are homelessness, have become drug addict,, and are unemployed. These problems relate to...
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...consistently in the forefront of one’s mind. These trends of thoughts and concerns are the same when one thinks of their own country or nation. Here in the United States the pressure of this country’s future is placed on the youth and the responsibility of protecting this future is placed on the shoulders of military forces. This heavy burden of “prosperity” and “preservation” could be proven to be responsible for the slow destruction of the vitality of the youth and soldiers in this country. Suicide, death caused by intentional self- directed injuries, has been reported by CDC as part of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States of America as of 2009. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for youth in the age range of 10 to 24 which results in the average of 4600 lives of youth lost yearly (CDC, 2014). This fatal behavior is also the third leading cause of death in the U.S. military forces. (Mitchell, 2012) The military suicide rates have surpassed the civilian suicide rates averaging 164 soldiers’ suicide related deaths reported by the Office of the Chief of Legislative Liaison in 2012. (Mitchell, 2012). What are the major causes or risk factors of suicide? Are there solutions to this major dilemma? This paper will attempt to highlight some causes as well as some possible solutions to slow down the constant rise of suicidal behavior of these two groups. There are quite a few risk factors for suicidal behavior among teens. One of the most popular...
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...Japan's Kamikaze pilots and their suicide attacks on American warships in the last year of World War 2, remain one of the most terrorizing memories of this war. As I write this essay, three years after terrorist suicide pilots killed thousands in New York and Washington, and as suicide terrorists kill innocent civilians worldwide, it is important to note that history clearly shows, that those who turned to systematic use of suicide warfare, lost their war. In addition to the Japanese Kamikaze pilots air campaign, the essay also explores other suicide weapons and tactics in World War 2, and the military and cultural rationale of suicide warfare, in order to better understand this type of fanatic threat that the free world is facing once again. Kamikaze pilots - Japan's last weapon Kamikaze, which means "Divine Wind" in Japanese, was Japan's last attempt to balance the ever increasing technological and material advantage of the American forces advancing to Japan. The Kamikaze attack tactic was suggested on October 19, 1944, by vice-Admiral Onishi of the Japanese Navy, when he was assigned to command the air attacks against the huge American invasion fleet off the Philippines, and then realized that he had less than 100 operational aircraft for this task. There was no way to sink or even severely damage the American fleet in any conventional tactic, so the Admiral needed a force multiplier, a way to get a significantly greater striking power from a given force. The solution...
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...Leading Change: A Plan for SAMHSA’s Roles and Actions Strategic Initiative #3: Military Families Lead: Kathryn Power, Director, Center for Mental Health Services Key Facts • Approximately 18.5 percent of service members returning from Iraq or Afghanistan have post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression, and 19.5 percent report experiencing a traumatic brain injury (TBI) during deployment.48 Approximately 50 percent of returning service members who need treatment for mental health conditions seek it, but only slightly more than half who receive treatment receive adequate care.49 The Army suicide rate reached an all-time high in June 2010.50 In the 5 years from 2005 to 2009, more than 1,100 members of the Armed Forces took their own lives, an average of 1 suicide every 36 hours.51 In 2010, the Army’s suicide rate among active-duty soldiers dropped slightly (162 in 2009; 156 in 2010), but the number of suicides in the National Guard and Reserve increased by 55 percent (80 in 2009; 145 in 2010).52 More than half of the Army National Guard members who killed themselves in 2010 had never deployed.53 In 2007, 8 percent of soldiers in Afghanistan reported using alcohol during deployment, and 1.4 percent reported using illegal drugs/substances.54 Between 2004 and 2006, 7.1 percent of U.S. veterans met the criteria for a substance use disorder.55 Mental and substance use disorders caused more hospitalizations among U.S. troops in 2009 than any other cause.56 According to an...
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...discuss, and research the reasons behind the U.S. military’s rising suicide rate. Before we get into more details, we will have to ask ourselves some questions as part of our research to get the right answers to support our hypotheses in this complex subject. The first question would be: Who are more likely to commit suicide in the U.S. Army, National Guards, or active duty Soldiers? The suicide rate is higher among the National Guard members because active duty members are accustomed to a more structured way of living, established by standard procedures, steady income, and access to support groups at any given time, which translates into a lower suicide rate among active duty members. National Guard and Reserve Soldiers, predominantly serve part-time, which usually consist of one weekend a month and two weeks during the summer, except when activated for deployment missions. Thus, acquiring to adapt to the active duty way of living, which was introduced to them in basic training, in addition, Reservist have to combine his or her personal lives, financial, and work related issues with his or her transition to active duty status. “In addition, most of the suicides occurred outside the military context—not during a weekend drill, or during annual training, and not while performing other active duty military service, but rather in civilian status (90.5 %). Also stated were was the most frequent methods for suicide were gunshots (65.3 %) and hangings (16.3 %)” (Griffith & Vaitkus...
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...Military Veterans From research studies, military veterans aren’t well compensated for their service in the military. Not only are they not well compensated, there were many combat soldiers coming home with anger issues, PTSD, depression, and other psychological problems. According to research, half of the homeless individuals are military veterans not just an opinion but it’s a proven fact. Veterans are often not honored, as they should be. Why aren’t they? Another question is why aren’t our veterans not well taken care of? No health insurance for veterans First, scientific studies show that working age veterans don’t have health insurance. According to Genevieve Kenney, a senior fellow with the Urban Institute and co-author of the report...
Words: 1986 - Pages: 8
...finically. The first step in joining the Army is that you need to talk to a recruiter and go through MEPS. Then after that you, you are told which base you will go to for your basic training. After basic training you are then assigned a unit. Finally when your ready, you retire from the Army. I will not talk about war that’s a whole story on its own which is not something I care to share with anyone. Before the end I hope that I can give you a view of what the military is really like. The first step that every solider takes is talking to a recruiter. You can only believe about 10% of what a recruiter tells you. They will tell you that basic training will be fun. Which it can be, but it will also be some of the hardest days of your life. All you are to them is just another number. A number that is going to help their promotional packet. The recruiter gets you set up for Military Entrance Processing Station or MEPS. At MEPS their main goal is to test you to see if you are mentally and physically eligible to join the military. With doctors constantly poking at you bring up all of your medical history you really just feel like a rat in a maze . Some of the things you will do, include but are not limited too: undressing, bending over, wiggling your toes, fingers, hopping, touching your toes, being touch all over, and sitting in a room with an old man who stares at you for the first five minutes then wants to talk about your personal life and your feelings. They will pick at your...
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...evidence that this (marijuana) is helping patients or that it really relieves pain” (Bill Frist, 01). Bill Frist validates his argument as a physician with a degree in Medicine, his participation in the Senate as Senator, and many other key positions in the government system. The level of credentials for MD Frist is of high ranking credibility. However, the article was submitted in 2009; about 4 years ago. Perhaps, at the time there was not enough collected information, or the data was omitted, or ignored. The article is also a personal opinion sent via email, which deducts reliability to the statement. Researched to rebuttal the argument in question is reported in Toke of the Town. An article by Steve Elliot from 2012, Worth Repeating: Suicide Rates Fall in Medical Marijuana States includes researched facts and statistics. Elliot’s article is based on a research conducted by Ron Marczyk, R.N., retired health education teacher. The research included the following arguments: • “Marijuana improves the "psychological well-being" of young adult males and saves lives! • Marijuana's major actions are that of an anti-depressant, anti-anxiety and anti-anger medication. • Marijuana reduces alcohol consumption in this at risk population.” (Elliot, 2012) The abstract of the research indicates the collection of “state-level data (from Centers for Disease Control) for the period 1990 through 2007” (Elliot, 2012). The research data compared states where...
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...Have you ever wondered how many teenagers have considered suicide? Today in America teen deaths have been on an incline. More teens have died in today’s society than ever before. But today’s society is the main cause of these deaths. These deaths by teens are caused by what goes on around them in their environment. Teen suicide is one of many dangerous killers known to man today. Kids from the age range of 10-15 have thought of if not attempted to commit suicide. Teen suicide is thought of as a shameful and disgusting gesture, but parents, teachers, aunties, cousins, and grandparents do not take the time out to look deeper to what really causes teens to commit suicide. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the number of teen suicide has been increasing in the past year because some teens problems are overlooked and they do not know how to cope with what is going on around them. Teens who commit suicide usually suffer from depression, obesity, bullying, and home based issues. Teens today commit suicide in the presence of grave circumstances. If things in our society were more openly addressed such as homosexuality, bullying, personal infatuation, appearance, drugs, and obesity more than likely teens would be comfortable to talk about their problems instead of resulting to suicide due to the internal pain in which they suffer from. "Teen Suicide." Teen Suicide Statistics and Facts. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://www.teensuicidestatistics.com/statistics-facts.html>...
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...Variable/s 4. Alpha level 5. Outcome (significant results, or fail to reject null hypothesis) What 2 questions would you like to ask the researcher about the results? If you were designing your own study about this topic, what would your independent variable be? What would your dependent variable be? What would you expect to find? Reference: Todd, S. (2010). Traumatic Stress as a Predictor of Suicidality. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Topic: Since the start of the war on terror in 2001, prolonged exposure to combat related stress has been one of the main concerns in our military. Concerns have been most recently centered on two combat-related injuries in particular: post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. Many recent reports have referred to these as the signature wounds of the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts. With the increasing incidence of suicide and suicide attempts among returning veterans, concern about depression is also on the rise. The study aims to review the significant influence of traumatic stress as a predictor of suicidality. Null and Alternative Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis – Traumatic events can be a...
Words: 587 - Pages: 3
...What motivate suicide bombers? Outline I. Introduction:- The driving force behind suicide attackers is not solely based on religion; in fact, it has just as much to do with revenge, humiliation, and indoctrination. II. Suicide bombers decide to take such actions as an act of vengeance III. Humiliation can play a determining factor in suicide bombings. IV. There are general misunderstandings on the motives and root causes of suicide bombings. V. The second phase of the indoctrination process is the recruitment stage. Conclusion:- The reasoning behind suicide bombings is various and wide-ranging. Many factors come in to play such as retribution, degradation, and propaganda. Terror groups justify this action as the only way to respond due to the fact they may not have sophisticated weaponry or military. The fact remains there are constantly gaining new candidates to replace every suicidal mission, which compels terrorist groups to believe it is the right action to take. Furthermore, fear, terror and death caused by suicide bomb explosions can devastate people psychologically and alter societal life Essay The idea of killing oneself for a cause is unimaginable for most people; however, for some individuals, it is a heroic act. Young men, women, and even children have taken their own lives enacting this fatalistic practice. Suicide bombers truly define the meaning of the word terror. This phenomenon is far from new to the world, in World War 2; Japanese...
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...This effects not only the soldier but also the soldier’s family. Dealing with these invisible injuries such as PTSD, depression, and other OSIs is not easy and often the soldier that has returned from military duty is not the same as when he left for it. The negative impact on families that war gives is enormous. Veterans may be fighting for their country but their humanity and their families lives are being changed greatly. There are greater complications than just the intense environment when being deployed and the injuries go beyond physical and sometimes beyond repairable. The impacts of war are emotionally damaging and soldiers deal with these stresses every day. The effects of war are extremely devastating and for someone to have to go through this is not "normal" or "right". If soldiers are going to join the military to serve their country then they deserve the greatest support in overcoming all these battles which come with the war and deserve all the help that can possibly be given during emotional and physical recovery. Military has a total institution that re-socializes you and that is extremely difficult to recover...
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