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Kate Chopin Innocence

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“The Story of the Hour’ by Kate Chopin is story about a young women who has been married to a man for some time when she finds out he was killed in a work accident. She almost has the sensation of being free before her husband walks through the door, unhurt and alive, only to kill the young woman upon sight. Being taken out of context it can be presumed that the young woman's husband was a very unfriendly man and not a good husband. This young woman has a moment in time where she is free from her husband and appears to become a renewed person for a brief time. I believe that the young woman has been freed from the husband only to regain the innocence she once had but her husband had taken away from her and continued to do so. Innocence is …show more content…
In multiple definitions innocence is constantly connected to children. Children are new to the world have not been connected to what may be seen as evil. It is not written but assumed in this short story that Louise Mallard was trapped in a world of evil and hate but she is freed from this lack of innocence once her husband is out of the picture. She regains her innocence once she is free and is able to be the young person that she is. “Except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.” (Chopin) is an act that she would not have been able to do if her late husband were in her presence. She is now able to act upon her innocence. In Lawrence Berkove’s writing “Fatal Self-Assertion in Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour”’ he makes an argument that Louise Mallard is “is suffering from an early stage of delusion” which in my mind can ben easily mistaken for a childlike attitude. The way children act is considered a normal act for someone who is younger but is once an older woman acts as such it can be considered delusional. Children are seen to this world as primarily an innocent

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