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Kenetik Scope


Submitted By Poloviking
Words 1136
Pages 5
Elite Star Technology Group, LLC

Scope of Work Statement

Kinetik Design

Virtual Server Implementation

Table of Contents Revision Table 3
A. Executive Summary 3
B. Business Objectives 3
C. Project Description 4
D. Project Estimates 5
E. Project Controls 6
F. Authorizations 8
G. Approval Form 9

Revision Table Revision Number Revision Date Revision Made
1 10/08/2012 Original Document

A. Executive Summary Kinetik Design has expressed the need for a new server and network system to increase their productivity and communication.
Following a thorough Needs Assessment, the decision was made to implement a Virtual Server solution that will meet their needs and provide the capability for future expansion when necessary.
B. Business Objectives

1. Business Needs

Kinetik Design is a growing company and has, after careful consideration, determined that its’ existing computer network system is no longer sufficient to meet its’ current needs.
Additionally, Kinetik Design currently has no structured corporate email system in place.
There is a specific need to implement the means for Kinetik’s designers and developers to have a test platform in order to better facilitate their productivity.

2. Product Description (Solution)
Elite Star Technology Group (ESTG) proposes that the implementation of a Virtual Server system that hosts Microsoft Server 2008, Microsoft Exchange Server and Linux CentOS would meet all of Kinetik Design’s needs at the most cost effective manner.
By utilizing virtualization, Kinetik Design will be able to avoid additional expenditures that would otherwise be necessary with additional physical servers.

3. Deliverables

Elite Star Technology Group will configure the server currently in possession of Kinetik Design

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