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Kinds of Essay


Submitted By Xcalibr10
Words 4097
Pages 17
Character Sketch
My friend Liz is the most amazing friend anybody could ask for. We’ve been through so much together, we’re basically like sisters. We met on the first day of school in sixth grade, both of us terrified by the massive size of the middle school. She had the locker right above mine. I told her I didn’t know anybody in our class and she said “You do now.” We’ve been friends ever since.
Most boys think Liz is cute. She has long red hair, cascading over her shoulders. She laughs about everything and when she does, you see about a hundred white teeth – so bright, you almost need sunglasses. When she laughs, her eyes grow wide, glowing emerald green. Liz likes to dress kind of skater-ish, in camouflage pants, sweatshirts, and wristbands. But, she’s unpredictable, too. Sometimes she’ll wear overalls or a fancy dress. She must have three closets full of clothes, because she barely ever wears the same outfit twice.
Liz is the most lively, animated character I’ve ever known. She’s always rushing around, trying to get the latest scoop on everybody. It’s like she’s in the FBI. Right before she shares important news, Liz tosses back her hair, takes a deep breath, and quickly looks side to side, to be sure the coast is clear. She never says anything mean about people, she just wants to know what’s going on.
She always supports me in everything I want to do. Not many girls in our group of friends play sports, but when I told Liz I wanted to go out for basketball, she said “Go for it.” Now, she comes to see almost every game I play and cheer me on.
Not only is Liz a tremendous supporter, she also trusts me to give her my honest opinion and to say what I feel. Last year, she thought Mrs. Jones gave her a lower math grade than she deserved. I told her the truth – that Liz handed everything in late and what did she expect? Next marking period, Liz got her work in on time, and pulled off an A-. Thanks to me, she said. Liz is a wonderful listener. She lets me tell her all my problems and she never diminishes the importance of my worries. I can tell she’s really listening, too, because she looks directly in my eyes the whole time, like she’s trying to see inside my head and figure me out.
We don’t always agree on everything, and sometimes we even fight like sisters. But, in the end, we always stick together.

DEscriptive essay


Dogs are considered to be the world’s most common pet. In the course of human history, millions of domesticated dogs have been kept either as companions at homes or helpers in various needs. They are loved not simply on account of their unparalleled display of intelligence and perceived usefulness, but also because they are the kind of animals that are able to establish long-term relationships with man. As a matter of fact, man’s fondness for dogs is something that manifests frequently. If one were to take a stroll at a park or jog on a beach, one is almost sure to find someone taking his or her pet dogs for a walk.


I was born and raised in South America, a continent with a lot of mountain ranges–ideal for mountain climbing and hiking-long winding rivers, lush forests, wonderful beaches, as well as valleys with breathtaking views. Based on experience, I can say that it is a tropical country; which was confirmed during my history class in sixth grade. In a country where it’s hot and humid, my fashion statement is sporting a large white (sometimes blue) t-shirt and a Hawaiian type shorts. A dark pair of shades is also an important part of my get-up as it protects my eyes from the sun’s harsh rays. Being born in South America you might think that I have dark hair with brown eyes and a charming smile; a typical Cabana boy.

Philosophical Essay

Socrates on the Moral Authority of the State

In the Crito, Socrates makes some surprisingly strong claims about the moral authority of the state,which might even seem to be inconsistent both with another fundamental claim he makes in the Crito and with certain claims he makes in the Apology. I shall argue that although these claims seem to be in some tension with each other, the crucial claims about the authority of the state in the Crito can plausibly be interpreted in such a way as to remove any real inconsistency with the other claims.
Commentary: The opening paragraph is very concise, but very nicely written. The problem is plainly stated, and then I explain clearly what I'm going to do in the paper--all in just two sentences. There's no rambling introduction with sentences starting with "Since the beginning of time, mankind has pondered the mysteries of etc." The style is straightforward, striving for clarity rather than literary flair. Jargon is avoided as far as possible. However, the sentences are a bit too long for my taste. Try to avoid wordy sentences.

Many women ask themselves the same questions over and over again: Should I abort? Should abortion be legal? Should I recommend abortion to such person? Should she even consider abortion? Is abortion assassination?, and these are just some. And yet all of these usually turn out into ‘what ifs’, ‘buts’, and other excuses. Abortion is an issue that the U.S. has decided to take a pro-choice position and defend women’s rights by supporting her decision when aborting or not. This is not a pro-life and pro-abortion issue, it is a pro-life and pro-choice problematic.
Abortion is not an assassination, since a fetus depends on its mother for its first three months, and abortions primarily occur in the first two weeks and usually, never after the 3rd month. This is not considered murder. Sometimes people are disgusted with abortions because they cut the baby up, vacuum him, or other gory methods, but there are other ways to abort, including the ‘morning after pill’, the partial birth abortion, and the saline amniocentesis. Also, the cutting of the lining of the uterus is prohibited as an abortion method in the United States. Abortion is a legal process in this country since 1973 when Roe V. Wade overturned the state bans. Before abortion was legalized, women ran into emergency rooms, with severe injuries such as: perforations of the uterus, retained placentas, severe bleeding, cervical wounds, spreading infections, poisoning, shock, and gangrene. All of this just because of illegal abortions, with unhealthy anesthesia, no experts, and no sanitized utensils. Even if abortion became illegal, it would still occur, and this time illegally, causing that the 68,000 women that die each year from unsafe, non-medical abortions increases.
Sometimes people believe that abortions are a ‘luxury’ for high social and economic classes, yet this is not true. Since the early 1970s abortion prices have incredibly decreased and, depending the week in which you abort, the prices are even cheap. Statistics show that 57% of the women who aborted in the year 2000 were women with a low-income. It is also ridiculous that people believe that this might be the annihilation of human life. But then aren’t fertilized eggs in vitro also human lives? Yet these are routinely thrown away. Is this murder? If it is not then how is abortion murder? Abortion is a safe process, if it is done in a clinic, with correct treatment and utensils. Yet, if it is not done by experts it might result in terrible injuries and a probable loss of fertility. If abortion was legalized in the whole world, the 68,000 women who die each year of illegal abortions would surely diminish to its half, or even less taking into account that 54 countries in the world prohibit abortion of any kind. If you were raped, you just couldn’t care for a child, you’re about to die, you’re child is going to be born with some kind of problem, what would you do?

“De Profundis” by Oscar Wilde Essay
Introduction: The book “De Profundis” written by Oscar Wilde is very different from any book a man can possible read. It is a story of a man that had everything in life, but could not satisfy his “thirst”. He says: “I used to live entirely for pleasure. I shunned suffering and sorrow of every kind. I hated both”.It is a story of a man who has been changed by jail. In jail is given the understanding of why people are the way they are. He admits it saying:”…during the last few months I have, after terrible difficulties and struggles, been able to comprehend some of the lessons hidden in the heart of pain”. Being different is always a “label” in front of the whole society, a “label” that is able to make a great difference no matter who you are and what you do. The society presses a “different” man leaving him the only desire – to escape and not to let anyone know the place of his sanctum. Oscar Wilde did not have to use the word homosexual in this book in order to emphasize the feeling of a man and the reasons of actions, and not the manifestations.
The expression through feeling gave the author the possibility to reach the heart of the reader and destroy the living stereotypes. The authors says: “When people are able to understand, not merely how beautiful -'s action was, but why it meant so much to me, and always will mean so much, then, perhaps, they will realize how and in what spirit they should approach me. . . .”. He is trying to awaken the best in the heart of the reader. The terms “homosexual” is a stereotype by itself; it is also a “label”. Therefore the usage of this term in the text would have eliminated the influence it has on the minds of the readers. Nobody can fight a stereotype using one. Oscar Wild felt it with his whole soul. The document would have been definitely less profound with the introduction of the term “homosexual” into it. Its liberal use would lead to a preconceived attitude that is given by this word, which was negative in all times. Oscar Wild says outstanding words, revealing the society’s attitude: “Well, now I am really beginning to feel more regret for the people who laughed than for myself. Of course when they saw me I was not on my pedestal, I was in the pillory”. The concept of homosexuals would definitely change this letter and make it less spiritual. It would have been harder for ordinary people to understand that “these people” also love and want to be loved. And that only suffering made them the way they are. “…That little, lovely, silent act of love has unsealed for me all the wells of pity: made the desert blossom like a rose, and brought me out of the bitterness of lonely exile into harmony with the wounded, broken, and great heart of the world”, - the words of the author make the reader accept that if love is the base of some act then why should it be derided? The concept is not to focus on homosexuality but on the reaction of the society to everything that does not “fit” it, everything it is afraid of and everything it tries to hide.
Conclusion: The message does not have to go in straight words, it does not defend anything, does not speak for or against anything. It just shows that people have no right to laugh at something they do not know, at a tragedy they have not experienced. Oscar Wild reveals a very fine understanding of what suffering are and how much “ different” people suffer. Being “different” does not make them bad people. They are not good, not bad, but simply different. That is the message, a message free of stereotypes. The society has to fight against the desire of these people to hide, because nobody should ever say that he want the night to ”… send the wind over my footprints so that none may track me to my hurt”.


The analysis of morphology based on spatial geometry of theanatomical human eye ball and the planet earth ball andtheir relevance to Stonehenge is a step by step futureperspective into the methods and applications of a newscience.

Since almost eight years and my brain occupied by the observation Icaught between the similarity between the human eye ball and the planetearth ball especially in the same tilt of both which equal 23 degree of arcof their central axes from the axe of their orbits?Launching from the base of scientific methodology and logical reasoning,I as a doctor of medicine decide to grasp significance for this similaritywhich extend beyond the shape and tilt to be similar also in a lot of certain motions.The utilized analogy for the motions of the two balls as a two suspendedspheroid body having movement freedom in many directions revealedthat there is similar motions in the two balls produced a link help toconceptualize something help in the spatial orientation and position of thetwo ball relevant to each other in the space.The harmony of the Eye ball relevant to the head ball in all positions anddirections which produce a reflex motion in the eye ball all the time triesto reserve the “12 clock point of the eye ball” as mush as possible perpendicular to the horizon help to orient the human being in this bigspheroid universe ball a round the earth ball which also has some motions"I mean the earth ball."This part of my studies which I included in my scientific paper (theory of spatial orientation) is briefly mentioned to pay attention that the similarity between the two balls is something very serious and need a help frommany scientific parties to test and review, and because Stonehenge as oneof the calendar arts that points to the evolution and creation of the human being mind may hide the key to understand many facts and concepts.By referring to the assumption that I proposed in my research articletitled:” Similarity relation between the anatomical human Eye ball & the planet earth ball in Stonehenge megalith interpretation” which states thatStonehenge design arrangement is look like an eye ball horizontallysectioned wither this was arranged according to the mentality and culture of the creator of Stonehenge or this is a modern interpretation of Stonehenge I would kindly like to explain this assumption through thislogical reasoning:Actually if we suppose “A”is the eye ball with its optic nerve and “B”the earth ball with its sun light bundle then as the eye ball similar to theearth ball in shape and tilt -as we prove in the former research article and by figures and diagrams – this proved similarity causes a similarity alsoin the apparent motion produced by the earth ball named the Groundtrack of the sun in the horizon with the motion of the eye ball named the Conjugate eye movement because of the same angular radius of the both,and if we know that the two motions is pendulum like and work in thehorizontal plane, and the ground track of the sun at Stonehenge latitude51 north when it reaches its farthest point in summer solstice to itsfarthest point in winter solstice has an angle almost equal the angle produced by the conjugate eye movement when moving from the extremeright side to the extreme left side in the horizontal plane then we can saythe following-:”A”equal “B”in shape, tilt and position in the orbit, if “A”has the samemotion of “B”in the same plane then if we take a sectionin“A”it willstill equal “B”if also sectioned in the same plane and site, andconsequently sectioned “A”or sectioned “B”can help to find thingsrelated to shape or tilt of “A”or “B. Sectioned“A”or“B”is similar to Stonehenge which proved by many academic missions that its work as an astronomical calendar predictsastronomical phenomena related to the earth tilt like summer and winter solstices which is presented by the ground track of the sun.

Attitude Is Everything
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"
He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, 'Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."
"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life." I reflected on what Jerry said.
Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in the restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combinations. The robbers panicked and shot him.
Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.
I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place.
"The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live."
"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.
Jerry continued, "The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, 'He's a dead man.' I knew I needed to take action."
"What did you do?" I asked.
"Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I said. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, "I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."
Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.

I grew up in the Boston area in the 1970s. My mother was a pre-school teacher and my father a playwright. I remember visiting my mother's classroom and reading to the children there; even more vividly, I remember sitting in the back row of theater after theater, watching rehearsals – seeing stories come to life. My mother read me countless picture books, but at my father's house there wasn't much of that nature. He read me what was at hand: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Huckleberry Finn, Sherlock Holmes. He also made up stories for me and recounted the plots of Shakespeare plays. I was a raw child. In fact, I am a raw adult. This is a hard quality to live with sometimes, but it is a useful quality if you want to be a writer. It is easy to hurt my feelings, and I am unable to watch the news or read about painful subjects without weeping. I was often called over-sensitive when I was young, but I've learned to appreciate this quality in myself, and to use it in my writing.
Growing up, I spent large parts of my life in imaginary worlds: Neverland, Oz, and Narnia, in particular. I read in the bath, at meals, in the car, you name it. Around the age of eight, I began working on my own writing. My early enterprises began with a seminal picture book featuring an heroic orange sleeping bag, followed by novel-length imitations of The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken and Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren. I have never kept journals or notebooks for my own sake. I am a writer who writes always with the idea of an audience in mind -- and at nine I was determined to share my Pippi story with the world. I got my father to type it up in a book format and photocopy it 50 times. Then he took me to an artist friend's studio where we silkscreened 50 copies of a drawing I'd made for the cover. I gave it to everyone I knew. That was my first book.I have always been interested in picture books as a form, which stems (I suppose) from my background in theater. I am fascinated by the intersection of words and images – the way meanings of words can be altered by changing their presentation. An actor varies her intonation, or an illustrator changes a line – and the story is new. In college, I studied illustrated books from an academic standpoint. I went to Vassar, where children's book writer Nancy Willard was on faculty. She introduced me to illustrator Barry Moser, and the interview he gave me was the centerpiece of my senior thesis. While I was there, I spent three years as a student assistant in Vassar's lab pre-school, and after graduation found work as an assistant teacher in a Montessori school, teaching 6-9 year olds. That year, I began to write a novel with my father – through the mail. I was in Chicago and he was in New York. We thought it would be a fun way to keep in touch. I wrote a chapter – then he wrote a chapter. We rewrote each other's chapters. And rewrote them again. It took a long time, but eventually that story was published as The Secret Life of Billie's Uncle Myron.
Now I write full time (except when parenting) in a beautiful office in Brooklyn, accompanied by two plump and ancient cats -- the models for the dog characters in That New Animal. Here's a picture of my neighborhood, done by Lauren Castillo for our book together, What Happens on Wednesdays.



Submitted by: Submitted to:
Ryan Kyle C. Pakingan Teacher Rowena Pugay


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English Guru

...How Sir Francis Bacon’s essays philosophical? Francis Bacon, (1561-1626) the most influential and resourceful English writer, is a practically wise man. His essays are store-house of wordy wisdom and practicality. We find a touch of reality and practicality in his views towards truth studies, love, friendship etc. Now we are going to discuss his views. Bacon is very much frank in expressing his view towards truth in the essay “Of Truth”. Truth, according to Bacon, lacks the charm of variety which, falsehood has. Truth gives more pleasure only when a lie is added to it.  He believes that, falsehood is a source of temporary enjoyment as it gives the people a strange kind of pleasure. So the essayist says: “…a mixture of a lie doth ever add pleasure” To Bacon, a liar is brave towards god but cowards towards men. A liar does not have courage to tell the truth to the people but he shows courage to tell a lie disobeying god. As the essayist comments:  “For a lie faces God, and shrinks from man.” This is indeed a paradox. It means that a man does not fear god when he tells a lie. Bacon’s attitude towards study is completely practical. He emphasizes the function of studies. To him, reading improves the natural abilities of man. Through reading a person becomes a full man and by discussion he becomes a ready man. Then he needs writing to which makes a learner’s idea clear and accurate. As Bacon says: “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man...

Words: 677 - Pages: 3

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Critisim for Yellow Wallpaper

...Dec 2014 03:14 GMT) The Pedagogical Possibilities of Covering Gilman’s Wallpaper Karla J. Murphy In his introduction to The Pedagogical Wallpaper, Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock notes how the pedagogical diversity of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wall-Paper” prompted him to collect essays for this book. He goes on to explain that “given the ubiquity of the text within various academic settings, I was also struck by the absence of attention to the text within pedagogical contexts. Despite the large (and steadily growing) body of criticism to the story, very little of it explicitly addresses its importance as a tool to facilitate learning or various ways in which to make use of the text in the classroom” (3). As a collection, Weinstock’s The Pedagogical Wallpaper contains informed, detailed, and diverse analysis that attempts to shore up the absence of “pedagogical possibilities” concerning Gilman’s transgressive short story (9). Among the contributors are a MOO space specialist, a Gilman scholar, a queer theorist, an existentialist, a formalist, and several reader/student-response theorists. Because each essayist presents a distinct critical perspective on Gilman’s text, each essay is likewise concerned with “how the narrative teaches and how to teach the narrative” (5). Thus, it seems to me that Weinstock’s The Pedagogical Wallpaper resonates with Pedagogy’s conviction that teaching is central to our work as scholars and educators, no matter what our particular perspective...

Words: 2869 - Pages: 12

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English Literature Bacon appears as a moralist in his essays, for he preaches high moral principles and lays down valuable guidelines for human conduct. Some of his essays show him as a true lover and preacher of high ethical codes and conducts. For instance, in “Of Envy”, he puts: “A man that hath no virtue in himself, ever envieth virtue in others.” Then, in his essay “Of Goodness and Goodness of Nature” he says: “But in charity there is no excess; neither can angel or man come in danger by it.” Again, he appears to be a lover of justice in his essay “Of Judicature”: “The principal duty of a judge is to suppress force and fraud.” In spite of all given examples, one cannot deny the fact that Bacon was a “Man of Renaissance”. He had a deep insight in human nature. He knew that man is naturally more prone to evil than good. He was a clear-eyed realist who saw the weakness in human nature and drawbacks of human conduct and also knew that man is not capable of acting according to noble set of ‘ideals’. Though Bacon’s morality was greater than that of average man’s, yet it was not of the highest order. The matter of good and right was important for him but not if it proved too costly in worldly terms. On one hand, he preached high moral principles and on the other hand, he also expressed a mean capacity by compromising upon those morals for the sake of worldly success. For this reason, William Blake, a spiritual poet says about his essays: “Good advice for Satan’s Kingdom.” ...

Words: 965 - Pages: 4

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How to Write an Essay

...write an essay about yourself, then this article is just for you. Here, we will present several tips on how to write an essay about myself properly and succeed. Usually, the task to write essays about myself is given to those entering a high school/college/university or even to those applying for a job. An essay about yourself should present necessary information on what kind of person you are, introduce your achievements. Do you want to impress the reader? Think about the best ideas to present in the descriptive essay on yourself! Maybe, some of the ideas presented below will interest you: * How to write an essay about myself: idea #1 Boring: start writing with a mere introduction – your name, education, purposes, etc… Cool: present a catchy proverb or a famous expression that can describe what kind of person you are, what you believe in, what rules you follow, etc. * How to write an essay about myself: idea #2 Boring: say about your strong and weak points, about your goals, etc… Cool: describe an event/person that made you stronger. Prove that everything happens for some reasons, and you are here because you want and can do a lot for the institution/organization. * How to write an essay about myself: idea #3 Boring: be modest and demonstrate your awareness of tact. Cool: prove that you are better than the others. Do you remember such proverb – the ends justify the means. Be a real fighter, but do not break the rules set. You may use some free essays on myself...

Words: 331 - Pages: 2

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...writing essays but then give up midpoint because you simply could not do it anymore? Essay writing is a really tedious task. Because of this, you may want to avoid writing but this is not even an option. Having to write essays on various topics is a common assignment for students in any academic level. Order now Essay-writing is Where Experience Counts Not everyone has the ability to write as easily as riding a bike. It is a skill developed over time through practice. Writing a very good essay requires deep research and exceptional analytical skills. If You Don't Have Time, You Still Have The key here is having TIME. What if you do not have it? You cannot buy time, but you can buy custom essays. This is the most practical course of action when you're buried in a mountain of writing assignments and don't have the natural inclination to write one. Luckily, you are on the right site. is here to take over your paper-writing needs. Regardless of difficulty and academic level, our essay writers are very adept at crafting papers within deadlines. Working with us is very simple: you give us your custom essay instructions and then we deliver the best custom paper. It's that easy! Order now at and solve your writing worries forever! Custom Essays at Prices that Will Not Burn Your Wallet We understand that, as a student, you live on a budget. This is the reason we provide reasonable prices for our essay-writing...

Words: 450 - Pages: 2

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Critical Thinking

...Essays are an essential element of learning, particularly at an undergraduate level. With a well-written essay comes the power to change minds, to influence thinking and create new perspectives. When evaluating the claims presented by a source in an academic essay, a critical and reflective thinker does not simply accept arguments as ‘fact’. Nor do they create arguments based on innuendo and bias. This essay will contend that for students at university level to be taken seriously they must use critical and reflective thinking to write an effective academic essay. The following points will be addressed; what constitutes a credible essay, what is critical thinking and reflective practice, what is the importance of these skills in developing arguments, the benefits of thinking critically and reflectively, the use of critical reflective thinking in evaluating sources and the importance of recognizing those sources correctly for the work to be considered credible. So what constitutes a credible essay? The purpose of the essay is to forward knowledge, to tackle an already existing argument and build on it using sound evidence and research. “Essays are a document of your learning; they show proof of your understanding of the topic and your ability to communicate that understanding convincingly” (Germov 2011, 2). An essay must put forth an argument then break it down to prove or disprove the thesis. The statement needs to be dissected and the main points need to be analysed. What...

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