Journal #4
Univ of Success
My learning style was kinesthetic, which is a “hands on” learning style. I feel that this is a little accurate in a sense, although I feel that I learn just as well visually. One thing that is pretty accurate is the challenge being in a traditional classroom setting with a teacher that does not put visuals or an opportunity for the class to have some type of interaction or activity. Lectures and even power points with a lot of tedious information tend to cause me to lose focus and not understand the material; especially if there are no examples to connect it to something I can better understand. I realized that teachers learning styles have a big impact on how well I do or how interested I am in the material. Although it says my learning style is kinesthetic, none of my classes are labs or allows me to work “hands on” in any way, but with visual as my secondary learning style, it works out for me because I watch a lot of movies and videos. Most of my CJ classes require me to watch a movie and connect it to the terminology and logic we learned in class. My psychology classes are more informative and require me to remember a lot of terminology, which is why I noticed I have to study much harder for those classes in order to do well. Remembering a lot of terms verbatim is hard for me, since I do not have a photographic