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Knights Templar Case Study

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Fourth and most recently founded Mexican cartel is the Knights Templar. As Business Insider (2014) describes, the new group formed in 2010 by a high-ranked member of the extinct cartel “La Familia Michoacán” (Bender, 2014). Although the Knights Templar cartel was recently formed, its reasons for creating the cartel differs from the typical motives other cartels have. InSight Crime (2017) mentions, the Knights Templar was originally founded as a brotherhood with codes and statues. The initial reason for the creation was to protect Michoacán residents from organized crime groups (Los Zetas) terrorizing Mexico (InSight Crime, 2017). Consequently, after forming the brotherhood, members found their location beneficial for starting their own organized crime group. This is where they …show more content…
Giving them access to cocaine shipments, methamphetamine, and other chemicals. Which they would the send the illegal drugs and chemicals north to the border of the U.S. This is where they negotiated with other cartels to their goods because they had no access to the border territory (InSight Crime, 2017). Essentially, the Knights Templar started out as a protection group which later joined the drug-trafficking business. This cartel has a “cult” structure like organization. Although they have power over port they have to ally with other cartels to distribute their goods across the U.S. border. Even though the cartel formed a few years ago, they also added to the violence in Mexico. How? By their brutal killing methods, which would eventually backfire and cause self-defense groups to almost dissolve completely their cartel. The Knight Templar was also a potential danger to the U.S. because they provided the distribution of illegal drugs and chemicals to filter into the U.S. Taking into consideration that the cartel is almost completely dissolved, while they were at their peak they were one of the most brutal

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