...is an global issue and the another one is in Hong Kong. "The impact of the Hong Kong protests for luxury goods has been that they have created a climate in which Mainland Chinese nationals feel uncomfortable, and as such curtail or cancel their travel to Hong Kong," Bernstein Research said. Hong Kong Protest, also called the Umbrella Movement or Umbrella Revolution began in September 2014 when activists in Hong Kong protested outside the Hong Kong Government headquarters and occupied several major city intersections after China's Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC) announced its decision on proposed electoral reform. The occupied area are primarily the shopping center in Hong Kong, such as Tsim Sha Tsiu, Mong Kok, Causeway Bay, Admiraty, etc. Protests in Hong Kong could hit the sales of luxury goods makers as Mainland Chinese tourists shun the region and buy their expensive items elsewhere, analysts warned. During this period, the stores round the occupied areas close irregularly. As Armani have stores in those three areas, therefore Armani also affected by this issue. However, big discounts on products such as watches and handbags had typically attracted Mainland Chinese visitors to spend on luxury in Hong Kong, where they make up 70 percent of purchases. But disruption from the protests has exacerbated a long-term trend of declining Chinese visitors to Hong Kong which will affect top luxury companies. Also, Promotion is very important to...
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...Morning Star, travel to Taipei 4 days 3 nights is just 1,899 dollars for an adult. During the trip, you can go somewhere you never been there, try the taste of food you haven’t try. However, if you chose to stay in Hong Kong , you only got limited choice to enjoy your holiday such as Disneyland, ocean park, shopping, movie etc Since the amount of expenditure is likely the same if you chose to enjoy the holiday in Hong Kong People will think that it will be more worth if u spend money to go for a foreign trip rather than spend the same amount of money in Hong Kong . In addition, the implement of the Individual Visit Scheme which allows more Chinese people come to visit Hong Kong and it make Hong Kong become crowded than before. Take Mong Kok as an example it is the most popular place where visitors and local citizens enjoy shopping there. I had been there last week but that experience makes me feel bad. A crowd had already collected outside the shopping mall and stores .I need to...
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...Cisco Systems, Inc. Supply Chain Risk Management Chuck Munson with María Jesús Sáenz and Elena Revilla Vice President, Publisher: Tim Moore Associate Publisher and Director of Marketing: Amy Neidlinger Executive Editor: Jeanne Glasser Levine Operations Specialist: Jodi Kemper Managing Editor: Kristy Hart Senior Project Editor: Betsy Gratner Compositor: Nonie Ratcliff Manufacturing Buyer: Dan Uhrig © 2014 by Chuck Munson Published by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as FT Press Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 FT Press offers excellent discounts on this book when ordered in quantity for bulk purchases or special sales. For more information, please contact U.S. Corporate and Government Sales, 1-800-382-3419, corpsales@pearsontechgroup.com. For sales outside the U.S., please contact International Sales at international@pearsoned.com. Company and product names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN-10: 0-13-375744-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-375744-6 Pearson Education LTD. Pearson Education Australia PTY, Limited. Pearson Education Singapore, Pte. Ltd. Pearson Education Asia, Ltd. Pearson Education Canada, Ltd. Pearson Educación de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Pearson Education—Japan Pearson Education Malaysia, Pte. Ltd. Reprinted from The Supply Chain Management Casebook (ISBN: 9780133367232) by...
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...ARTIKEL PENELITIAN OUTREACH PROGRAM KEGIATAN I-MHERE UNSRAT BANTUAN PENYELESAIAN STUDI (STUDENT GRANT) TAHUN 2010 STUDI FLUKTUASI KEBUTUHAN OKSIGEN KIMIAWI PADA BEBERAPA SALURAN PEMBUANGAN DI KELURAHAN WENANG UTARA DAN KELURAHAN WENANG SELATAN YANG BERMUARA KE TELUK MANADO Oleh : Mustika Kelana Tarigan/99 053 188 ABSTRAC Mustika Kelana Tarigan. 99 053 188. Chemical Oxygen Demand Fluctuations Studies On Some Points Disposal in North Wenang Village and South Wenang Village into the Bay of Manado. Under the direction of Ir. James J.H. Paulus, M. Si and Sandra O. Tilaar, S.Pi., M.Sc. All of organisms need oxygen no exception organisms that live in the water. Aquatic life like fish, get the oxygen in the form of dissolved oxygen. In the absence of dissolved oxygen at certain levels many kinds of aquatic organisms will not survive in the water. Many aquatic organisms can not survive even be dead in an already polluted waters is not caused by contaminants toxicity directly, but can occur due to lack of oxygen because oxygen is used in the process of destruction of contaminants, both biological and chemical reactions. Bay of Manado is the waters that interact with the activities on the mainland, where all the waste from the mainland, both originating from urban settlements as well as those sourced from the industrial area of trade, restaurants and hotels will go into drainage channels and brought to shore. Waste in coastal waters and marine ecosystems will dissolve...
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...PURPOSE: The purpose of the assignment is to identify the nature of ethical problems in modern business and how to convince the stockholders on the importance of stakeholder’s interests. As a product manager I am tasked to conduct a report regarding the market demand of coffee product in Maldives and this report is based on the product named Old Town Coffee which is produced by Malaysian company and our Company Ugo Investment Private Limited wants to market the product by naming the product and produce the product in a low quality from China. Introduction As working product manager in Ugo investment in Male’ Republic of Maldives the company management has decided to produce nestle coffee product named Old Town coffee which is produced by nestle Brother Investment which has the authorized license in importing the product to Maldives. The Ugo investment company management has decided to produce Old Town coffee product from the company in a way by concentrating more cheap substance into the product as a result the cost of the production would be low and the selling rate would be lower than comparing with nestle Brother investment to bring the competition with the company. The Ugo investment management team is a group of family business owned by the elder son of the company. The company tries to establish the competition to this investment by pouring the market a low quality product which has a huge impact to the many stakeholders. This report contents the impacts for the stakeholders...
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...ARTIKEL PENELITIAN OUTREACH PROGRAM KEGIATAN I-MHERE UNSRAT BANTUAN PENYELESAIAN STUDI (STUDENT GRANT) TAHUN 2010 STUDI FLUKTUASI KEBUTUHAN OKSIGEN KIMIAWI PADA BEBERAPA SALURAN PEMBUANGAN DI KELURAHAN WENANG UTARA DAN KELURAHAN WENANG SELATAN YANG BERMUARA KE TELUK MANADO Oleh : Mustika Kelana Tarigan/99 053 188 Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado 2010 Dibiayai Dana Hibah Kompetisi I-MHERE melalui Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA) Nomor 0147/023.04.2/XXVII/2010 Tanggal 31 Desember 2009 Tahun Anggaran 2010 Satuan Kerja Universitas Sam Ratulangi Kementerian Pendidikan Nasioanal ABSTRAC Mustika Kelana Tarigan. 99 053 188. Chemical Oxygen Demand Fluctuations Studies On Some Points Disposal in North Wenang Village and South Wenang Village into the Bay of Manado. Under the direction of Ir. James J.H. Paulus, M. Si and Sandra O. Tilaar, S.Pi., M.Sc. All of organisms need oxygen no exception organisms that live in the water. Aquatic life like fish, get the oxygen in the form of dissolved oxygen. In the absence of dissolved oxygen at certain levels many kinds of aquatic organisms will not survive in the water. Many aquatic organisms can not survive even be dead in an already polluted waters is not caused by contaminants toxicity directly, but can occur due to lack of oxygen because oxygen is used in the process of destruction of contaminants, both biological and chemical reactions...
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...BİLEŞİKLER İki yada daha fazla elementin kimyasal özelliklerini kaybederek birleşmesi ile oluşturdukları saf maddeye bileşik denir. Bileşikler moleküler yapıda olan kovalent(Ametal+Ametal) bileşikler ve kristal yapıda olan iyonik(Metal+Ametal) bileşikler olarak iki sınıfa ayrılır. ( H2O, CO2, , C6H12O6 Kovalent) (NaCl, AlCl3, CaF2, İyonik) ÖZELLİKLERİ Saf ve homojen maddelerdir. Bileşiğin tüm özelliklerini gösteren en küçük yapı taşı moleküldür. (İyonik kristaller hariç) Yapılarında bulundurdukları elementlerin özelliklerini göstermezler. Sabit basınçlı ortamda erime ve kaynama noktaları sabittir. sabit özkütleleri vardır. Bileşiği oluşturan elementler arasında sabit bir oran vardır. Formüller ile gösterilirler. Kimyasal yollar ile bileşenlerine ayrıştırılabilirler. 2. MOLEKÜL (Gerçek) FORMÜL BİLEŞİKLERİN İSİMLENDİRİLMESİ MOLEKÜL (Gerçek) FORMÜL Moleküler yapılı bileşiğin bir molekülündeki atomların kesin sayılarını belirten formüle denir. Basit Molekül Formülü Formül CH2 C2H4, C3H6 H2O H2O 1. Basit Formül Kütlesi.n= Molekül formül kütlesi Bir bileşiğin molekül formülünün bulunabilmesi için basit formülünün ve molekül kütlesinin bilinmesi gerekir. Bileşikteki atomların türlerini ve en basit oranlarını gösterir. Not: Bazı metaller farklı değerlikler alabilmektedir. Bu tür metallerin bileşikleri isimlendirilirken metalin değerliği Roma rakamı ile belirtilmelidir. Metalin ismi + Metalin değerliği + Anyon...
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...zat pencemar baik secara reaksi biologi maupun secara reaksi kimia Teluk Manado merupakan perairan yang langsung berinteraksi dengan daratan Kota Manado di mana semua limbah dari daratan, baik yang berasal dari pemukiman perkotaan maupun yang bersumber dari kawasan industri, perdagangan, restoran dan hotel pada akhirnya bermuara ke pantai. Melihat kondisi ini dapat ditentukan seberapa jauh tingkat pencemaran lingkungan telah terjadi. Salah satu cara yang ditempuh untuk maksud tersebut adalah dengan melakukan Uji Kebutuhan Oksigen Kimiawi (KOK) atau kebutuhan oksigen kimia untuk reaksi oksidasi terhadap bahan buangan di dalam air. Aktivitas di sekitar pusat Kota Manado, terlihat meningkat pada siang hari dan pada malam hari cenderung berkurang. Kedua keadaan ini diduga akan memberikan pengaruh pada jumlah air buangan pada saluran-saluran drainase, sehingga perlu pemantauan KOK pada waktu siang dan malam hari. Pengujian dan analisis KOK dikerjakan melalui beberapa tahapan dengan menggunakan Metode Standart Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 2004 tentang pengujian Kualitas air dan Limbah di Laboratorium Kesehatan Propinsi Sulawesi...
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...s in Ma AUDIT SUMMARY LETCURER SIR AMIRUL HAFIZ MOHD NASIR GROUP MEMBERS MUHAMMAD IQMAL HISHAM BIN KAMARUDDIN (1100141) NUR ADILA AYUB (1100720) HALIMAHTUN SAADIAH BINTI ZAKARIA (1100138) NUR FAHANA ZAHARI (1100730) MOHD ZULKEFLI BIN HASAN (1100731) AUDIT ASSURANCE AND SERVICES MAD 3013 COMPANIES BACKGROUND NAME OF COMPANY | FAST TRACK SOLUTION HOLDINGS BERHAD | FLONIC HI-TECH BERHAD | FOKUS DYNAMICS TECHNOLOGIES | BACKGROUND | Fast Track Solution Holdings Berhad, was incorporated in 2003, which is an investment holding of multiple subsidiaries in Malaysia. Throughout our various subsidiaries we are involved and provide activities like R&D, Marketing & Distribution in enterprise hardware and software solutions. In addition, we also provide online games development, publishing, marketing and distribution. | Flonic is a global leading manufacturer of critical & precision cleaning system for all kinds of industries. For more than 20 years, they have been supporting companies ranging from Fortune 500 to small-medium sized enterprises across the globe. With their highly advanced technology available on hand, we are able to cater to virtually any types of cleaning requirements for any industry. | Focus Dynamics Group is a fast developing international business specializing in Energy Efficiency Solutions, LED Lighting, Industrial Control Systems and Products. | YEAR | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2009 | 2010 |...
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...tahu siapa anak itu ?"tanyaku sesampainya di kantin. "Eh non Alma. Anak perempuan kemaren itu ya. Itu anak saya paling kecil. Hari ini lagi jualan di rumah. Eh non Alma belom kenal ya, maklum baru 3 hari dia disini, sebelumnya kan ikut neneknya di desa."jawab Bu Minah panjang banget. "Anak Ibu ? Kok Ibu nggak pernah cerita kalo punya anak cewek ?"tanya Alma heran. "Ya sejak kecil sudah ikut neneknya. Kalo non Alma mau kenalan ke rumah Ibu aja sekarang. Pasti ada tuh." "Baiklah Bu Minah. Saya ke rumah ibu ya ?"Alma beranjak dari kursi dan siap-siap jalan ke rumah Bu Minah. Rumah Bu Minah deket ama sekolah. Masuk gang dan sampailah sudah... "Hai, ada kue apa aja nih ?"sapa Alma pada anak perempuan itu. "Aduh kaget aku. Macem-macem lah, ada lemper, ada bikang, ada pukis, ada gorengan. Mau yang mana ?"jawab anak perempuan itu. "Ngomong-ngomong kamu yang kemaren jualan di kantin Bu Minah ya ?"tanya Alma tanpa menjawab mau beli kue apa, gitu lho. "Bu Minah itu ibuku. Sejak ayah dan ibuku nggak bisa lagi kirim uang buat sekolahku, aku kembali kesini dan membantu jualan kue. Aku nggak ngelanjutin sekolah lagi, biar mas aku aja karena dia kan kakak laki-laki.Eh kok aku jadi nangis sih."kata anak perempuan itu sedih dan tak terasa meneteskan air mata. "Kasihan sekali kamu. Namamu siapa dan seharusnya kamu kelas berapa ?"Alma tiba-tiba merasa iba. "Aku Nina, seharusnya kelas...
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...No one believed in him when he had a vision to build a cool climate holiday resort on a mountain for local Malaysians to escape the tropical heat. At that moment, it was an impossible wild dream. Nevertheless he took the plunge against all odds proving his farsighted vision will eventually be one of Malaysia top holiday destinations, attracting approximately 19 million visitors annually in the last five years (Genting Malaysia 2012). This self-made magnate is no other than Malaysia’s highly praised Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong. Goh Tong’s humble take on life and strong entrepreneurial qualities is the epitome of a true rag to riches story. Today’s his multinational empire is worth at RM $23 billion (AUD $7 billion) as of 31st December 2011, making it one of Malaysia largest and most respectful listed company (Genting Malaysia 2012). Goh Tong’s diverse business empire thrived slowly year by year because he believed in the simple approach of success through determination, perseverance, hard work and self-conviction (Lim 2004). His entrepreneurial qualities bloomed from a tender age of 16 and evidently the qualities became more apparent with age and experience (Lim 2004). His admirable qualities and success prompted Malaysia then Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad to correlate the country’s economic development during the economic boom of Southeast Asia to the success of Goh Tong’s story. Mahathir implied entrepreneurs such as Goh Tong will benefit the country’s economic development and growth...
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...Urbanization Trends Ellin Jaquez SOC 120 November 18, 2011 Stephanie Fleming Urbanization Trends Urbanization can be defined as the increasing percentage of population in a given concentrated area during a specific period (Macionis, 2006). It occurs when there is a change in population and there is a need to move from rural areas in the outside of cities, to urban areas in the city. Many factors are taking into consideration before the big move range from climate change, geographical factors, clean water, education and employment opportunities. In South Africa the urbanization process is focus on the climate and geographical factors. According to Todes, Kok, Wentzel, van Zyl, & Cross “South African urbanization was shaped historically by policies to control the movement and settlement of black people. Apartheid policies attempted to limit access by South Africans classified as ‘Africans’ to cities, and to confine many of them to ‘homelands’, most of which were predominantly rural and with limited economic bases. These policies, however, began to break down from the 1980s as people moved to the cities, although some settlement patterns have been remarkably persistent and movement to cities has not been as rapid as was expected. As is occurring internationally, urbanization rates have declined, and are now lower than they were under apartheid” (2010). Most of Africa’s urban growth is likely to be accommodated in intense, unplanned settlements where most people...
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...Tattooing, counterculture or new Livid mystical creatures or infuriated warriors vying for every inch of space on the piece of canvas we called skin. More and more people today are having their bodies tattooed by choice and for myriad reasons. Do having tattoo in this post-renaissance period still serve as an accurate predicator of aberrant behaviour? In our society, people from our older generation who spotted tattoos are either gangs affiliated members or people engaging in nefarious activities, thus bearing such marking will attract remarks akin to signs of rebellion or the marks of a miscreant. Nonetheless, today, we are beginning to see a paradigm shift regarding the use of tattoo in our conservative society. This form of body modification is now sought after by the fashion hungry and it is said that the reason for this transition is attributable to westernisation. Tattoo can be seen on many bodies of public figures as style statements or as an expression of their feeling. From acclaimed footballer, David Beckham, to renowned singer, Justin Bieber, they could be seen camouflaged with pictures of their preference in many parts of their body. This practise of getting “inked” has become increasingly common in the western world in the past decade. A report done by Pew Research Centre, Washington, D.C, states that 36 percent of American from age 18 to 29 have at least one tattoo. Over time, tattooing has gone beyond the realms of savage onto sailor, and from sailor...
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...OPEN UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT COURSE CODE: OUMM 3203 COURSE TITTLE: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS FATHIMATH ADAM S0942950 TUTOR’S NAME: MR MUSLIM ANEES LEARNING CENTRE: VILLA COLLEGE TRIMESTER: SEPTEMBER 2012 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Identification of Ethical dilemma 3 2.1. Reasons why it is an Ethical dilemma 4 3. Analysis of Dilemma 5 3.1. Effects on Stakeholders 8 3.1.1. Deceptive Argument 8 3.1.2. Normative Argument 9 3.1.3. Instrumental Argument 9 1. Recommendation and Solution 9 2. Conclusion 10 Reference List 11 1. Introduction This study concerns ethical dilemma that is occurring in Muartoto Pvt Ltd. In addition the dilemma will be analyzed using all the relevant theories of moral reasoning and ethics. Moreover, a solution statement will be recommended by analyzing the problem in the perspective of economic, legal and ethical. Reduction in workforce due to economic downturn has become a biggest concern for the employee in today’s organizations. The matter has become the forefront of the legal and policy agendas in several countries of employment context. Downsizing the workforce is critically challenging for human resource (HR) professionals. HR professionals must be a concerned about designing and executing a workforce reduction strategy that is ethically balanced. (Ronald, 2007) 2. Identification of Ethical dilemma Muartoto Pvt Ltd is expanded into wide range of service...
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...Kenalin nama gue Sarah Winawan. Gue tinggal di Bandung, kota gue tercinta. Gue sekarang masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswi semester V jurusan kedokteran salah satu universitas swasta di Bandung. Hari ini gue selesai kuliah agak sore. Gue bergegas pergi dari ruang kelas. Satu per satu lorong gue laluin, tadaaa… sampailah gue didepan lift. Tapi.. ternyata lift padat peminat rupanya, kalo gue nungguin lift itu mungkin gue harus nunggu untuk masuk sesi kesekian. Oke gue putusin lewat tangga aja, walaupun sedikit menyiksa, tapi masih beruntung kelas gue yang tadi ada dilantai 3. Satu per satu anak tangga gue pijak, akhirnya sampai di dasar. Hah cukup lumayan menguras tenaga sih. Perlahan gue mulai melangkah ke pintu keluar, lalu gue menyusuri halaman depan gedung. Gue berhenti sejenak. Gue tertunduk sambil menghela nafas.Gue balik badan gue, sambil ngarahin mata gue ke gedung itu, ya ke gedung fakultas gue. Gue bergumam dalam hati sambil tersenyum, “ Udah lama ya ? Gue kangen banget” . Bulan ini , Mei 2013 selalu dan masih ngingetin gue sama salah satu sahabat terbaik gue, Ganda Muliawan. Ganda adalah temen sepermainan gue dari kecil. Kebetulan rumah gue sama dia enggak jauh-jauh amat, bisa dibilang masih satu kompleks perumahan didaerah Gegerkalong, Bandung. Selain itu, orangtua kita juga akrab sejak lama. Alhasil kita jadi deket banget. Kita berdua seakan enggak terpisahkan aja, mulai dari TK kita selalu bareng. Apa-apa pasti berdua. Inget dia, gue selalu pengen ketawa. Karena...
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