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Submitted By carner
Words 594
Pages 3
Text analysis of "Tickits" by Paul Milenski

1 . Composition:
a) Divide the story into 4 sections and give each section a headline.
b) The opening sentence: What do we at first think Toby is?
c) The ending: Is there a twist in the tale? A surprise at the end?
d) Explain the title.

2. Setting: What sort of place does the story take place in? Country? What sort of family? What about the time of the story - old, modern? Time of day?

3. The main character:
What sort of person is Toby? What is wrong with him? What does he like and dislike? Whom does he look up to? What sort of things matter to him - and why do they matter so much to him?
Describe Toby's mother. What is your impression of Toby's relationship to her? Why do you think Toby keeps his mother's "tickits" rather than giving them to her?
Patrolman McVee: What seems to be McVee's attitude to Toby? Would he agree with Toby's mother that he's "a goddamn nut"?

4. Point of view and narrator:
a) What is the point of view (synsvinkel) ofthe story? Note here that the sentence structure is fairly simple: mostly short main clauses (hovedsætninger) without any subordinate clauses (ledsætninger).
b) Is the narrator omniscient, or do es he have restricted knowledge of the characters?

5. Theme, aim:
a) What would you say is the theme of this short short story??
b) What might the author want to show us, what is his point?

6. Putting the text into perspective, seeing the text in a broader context (sammenhæng): If you have found answers to section 5, you will also have put the text into perspective.

Der er vedlagt et eksempel på hvordan punkt 4 & 5 kunne bevares. Derfor skal I ikke besvare disse punkter.

Besvarelse til Tickits:

a. The first seventeen lines is the first section. I have given the section the headline: TOBY. In the beginning of the story, we meet Toby and I feel like the first section is about the introduction of Toby. The second section is from the eighteenth line and to the edn of line two on the second page. The headline, I have given this section is: Life is a bitch. I think the headline illustrates the frustrations Toby gets from all those tickets he gives to the people on the street. The third section is from the third line on page two to the seventeenth line. The headline for this section is “The rain came”. Toby is forced to stop his daily job, because his slips of paper get wet in the rain. The fourth and last section is when he gets home, from line eighteen to the end. The final headline is:
b. My first thoughts were that Toby had hit the Oldesmobile, with his car. I thought it was his personal information, he had written down on the yellow slip a first.
c. Toby is no frightened to give random people on the street tickets, but the twist comes when he gets home to his mother. He is very shy and possible frightened of his mother. He don’t what her attention and instead of giving her a ticket, he pulls out a shoebox, filed with tickets for his mother, and place the new tickets for her, which show that he lives in contempt to his mother.
d. First of all, Toby is dyslexic and mental handicapped. He know he has his own issues in life, so tries to

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