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Kyphoplasty Recovery

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Kyphoplasty Recovery Time Thinning of the bones of the spine (vertebrae) due to osteoporosis can cause painful compression fractures. Surgical treatment (kyphoplasty) may be needed for this type of condition. It involves injection of a special kind of cement into the vertebrae. If that sounds scary, you might also wonder about kyphoplasty recovery time. Read on to know more about this surgical procedure.

Part 1: Kyphoplasty Recovery Time
Kyphoplasty is done to treat pain caused by compression fracture of the spinal bones. This minimally invasive procedure is often used in patients with osteoporosis of the backbone. Aside from relieving pain, it also aims to stabilize the spine and to restore height to the bones, which is reduced due to compression. …show more content…
The procedure is guided by imaging devices, so there is minimal injury to the tissues. The cement hardens quickly and pain decreases rapidly. Kyphoplasty recovery time occurs within a few days and most patients are able to return to their usual activities quickly. However, bone specialists say that it takes about 12 weeks for the vertebrae to heal completely after kyphoplasty.
Hospital Discharge
Right after the procedure, you will be monitored for 2-3 hours in the recovery room before you are finally discharged from the hospital. You will be advised to move carefully during kyphoplasty recovery time. If you experience pain or any problem after kyphoplasty, you may be advised to stay overnight in the hospital.
Rehab instructions from a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation may be given before you go home. You will be allowed to go home after kyphoplasty if you are able to ambulate, eat, and go to the bathroom by …show more content…
 Avoid taking two or more medicines for pain at the same time unless instructed by your doctor.
Call your doctor immediately if you experience:
• Wound swelling
• Red, hot skin, or wound drainage
• Chest pain
• Difficulty breathing
• Swelling/tenderness in the legs
• High fever
• Loss of bladder/bowel control

Part 3: Rehab Exercises After Kyphoplasty
To optimize your rehabilitation during kyphoplasty recovery time, you need to do some exercises at home, at least 3-4 times daily. Ask a physiotherapist for proper instructions about these exercises:
1) Ankle Pumps
• Lie down on a firm bed or floor.
• Straighten your legs then bend ankles up and down.
• Do these 15 times.
2) Static G1uts
• Lie down on a firm bed or floor.
• Tighten your buttock muscles. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax.
• Do these 10 times.

3) Quadriceps Setting.
• Lie down on a firm bed or floor.
• Straighten your legs, then tighten the front thigh muscles and push the back of your knees into the bed. This results in straightening of your knees.
• Hold for for 5 seconds.
• Do these 15 times.

4) Trans Abdominal Setting
• Lie on your back with knees

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