...Step 1: Select secret image S and target image T. If the size of the target image T is different from that of the secret image S, change the size of T to be identical to that of S Step 2: Convert target image into HSV image by using the equation (1) to form new target image T Step 3: For performing color conversion, first means and of S and T are find out and then find standard deviation quotient from equation (3.5) for each color channel Step 4: Limit mean value by eight bits and standard deviation quotient to seven bits Step 5: Based on this value, for each pixel p in each secret image S with color value c where c = r, g, or b, transform c into a new value by (3) Step 6: if is not smaller than 255 or if it is not larger than 0, then...
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...Lab 4 Daniel Torres NT1410 Mr. Kay 1/28/2016 Virtual Lab Tour The first difference I did take notice was the entirely different look that it brought up. With Windows 10, we have the start menu, which in my case, is a reason I love Windows and its OS. Ubuntu doesn’t have one, but it is still manageable. The office applications it comes with is pre-installed and works just as fine as it would with Windows. Spreadsheets to Word, it is all in there with no hassle. The office suite that really makes the difference in both configurations is the look and feel. With icons being changed and a different feel about it. The windows landscape of it changing the closing current window bugs me because it is on the left rather than the normal right I am used to. Although Ubuntu office software is limited and only most used applications for that suite would be used on everyday uses, it doesn’t compare to that of Windows 10. The dash home environment from Ubuntu brings up limited content that you would use immediately, but not the essentials in Windows 10. I would like to implement the Start Menu to Ubuntu as many users in the Windows 8 community did not like the fact that Microsoft took the number one feature out. The installation of Ubuntu differed on the fact that it took quite some time to install and the student next to me had a problem himself though. It sent him into terminal rather than the GUI interface of the desktop. I had no issues on my part, other than installing...
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...Sandra Guzman 01/22/2015 Lab 4 Deliverables Note: Screenshots will be provided at the end. Q: From your local computer, use your favorite Internet browser to research the threat identified on this screen and the possible remediation steps and document your findings in your Lab Report file. Viruses found: 1. Win32/DH{eR4UTxVzG3U} 2. Win32/DH{eR4UTxVzG3U} 3. Win32/DH{HhMXFE8Vcxt1} 4. Trojan horse Dropper.Generic4.BVMA 5. Trojan horse Hider.BNG 6. Trojan horse PSW.Generic11.NYJ 7. Potentially harmful program Logger.IAC 8. Potentially harmful program RemoteAdmin.IH 9. Potentially harmful program Tool.IT Assessment: 1. It seems that the first three are all the same type of virus. A “Win/DH is a malicious software that once it is executed has the capability of replicating itself and infect other files and programs”( Win/DH). They “can steal hard disk space and memory that slows down or completely halts your PC, corrupt or delete data, erase your hard drive, steal personal information, hijack your screen and spam your contacts to spread itself to other users” (Win/DH). To avoid the possibility of one, you should be careful of e-mail attachments especially if they are from an outside source, as well as download links on websites. Having a virus removing application such as AVG is essential to being able to remove these viruses before they spread. AVG is capable of detecting this virus while surfing the web and...
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...Willie Harris ------------------------------------------------- is3230 lab 4.2 Implement Organizational-Wide Network and WLAN Access Controls 1. Each time you open a port or allow a program to communicate through a firewall, your computer becomes a bit less secure. The more allowed programs or open ports your firewall has, the more opportunities there are for hackers or malicious software to use one of those openings to spread a worm, access your files, or use your computer to spread malicious software to othersEach time you open a port or allow a program to communicate through a firewall, your computer becomes a bit less secure. The more allowed programs or open ports your firewall has, the more opportunities there are for hackers or malicious software to use one of those openings to spread a worm, access your files, or use your computer to spread malicious software to others. 2. 2. By going to start -> control Panel -> Select firewall there it gives you the options that are on Windows Firewall. 3. First if you’re sitting in a coffee shop and decide you want to check your Facebook page and your email to kill some time. You scan the available networks and see one that’s open and unsecured. You connect and start surfing. Coffee and free WiFi, what could be better, right? Wrong! A hacker is also fond of coffee shops and he is located within range of the router you connected to. He’s waiting for one or more people to connect to the network so he can start a...
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...Leando Henderson Jr NT1210 Lab Exercise 4.1.1 On page 107 the book explains that standards exist for the NIC and the cabling so that all networks and equipment would match up if not then you might buy a computer and it not fit your cabling on your network or vice versa. These standards exist so that all equipment would match up and networks could be simplified. Exercise 4.1.3 Shielded copper cable is currently best known for POE equipment. Security systems, Microphones, and other high end audio cables would be my best examples for a clear visual. This super expensive cabling is used for these types of applications because the shielding help to prevent the Electro Magnetic Interference to be more specific on a security system this shielding and braiding eliminates the false alarms that would occur if not for the shielding. Exercise 4.1.10 Multimeter : The purpose of a multimeter is to measure how much voltage or electrical signal that is currently being transmitted thru a cable or medium. A basic tool for any electrician or IT personnel Tone Generator: This equipment generates audio pulses to components. In the case of audio equipment testing, frequency response and sound evaluation are recorded. Pair Scanner: A Pair Scanner is used to find faults on cabling in a network. Time domain reflector (TDR): Used to locate faults in metallic cables (for example, twisted pair wire or coaxial cable). It can also be used to locate discontinuities in a connector, printed...
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...Windows XP Control Panel Accessibility Options Magnifier Because your grandmother’s eyesight is failing, she cannot see the computer screen clearly. How would you configure the magnifier utility to make it easier for your grandmother to view the screen? On-Screen Keyboard Because of an accident that has left him with limited use of some of his fingers, an employee has asked if the IT department could configure his computer with an on-screen keyboard so that he may use the mouse to type data. How would you configure this user’s computer to comply with his request? Sticky Keys A friend with severe arthritis is having difficulty pressing multiple keys simultaneously (for example, ctrl-alt-delete). You offer to enable sticky keys for her. How would you configure this setting? Add Hardware Driver Not Detected You are running Windows XP Professional on an old Pentium II computer. A friend has just bought a new network interface card (NIC) for his computer and asks if you would like to have his old one. You install the NIC and the correct driver on your computer, but you discover that when you restarted your computer, the operating system did not detect the new NIC. Without restarting your computer, how would you troubleshoot this problem? Add/Remove Programs Add Components How would you install IIS (Internet Information Services) on your computer? Remove Programs Adobe Reader has recently...
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...Johny Yako Motherboard The socket 1156 processor list includes Lynnfied and Clarkdale processors. for Lynnfield, the Core i5 700 series, the Core i7 800 series and the X3400 series and L3400 series Xeon processors. For Clarkdale; the Core i3 500 series, the Core i5 600 series, the Pentium G6000 series and the Celeron G1000 series. The H55 chipset should be used with a 1st generation Intel® Core™ processor like the Intel Core i5-660. This chipset/boards were looked at as general/media purpose boards for every day use. At-a-glance Gigabyte has nailed it with the fab, affordable, full-featured H55M UD2H motherboard. It ticks all our boxes. It may be a compact MicroATX motherboard, for example, but it still packs a pair of 16-lane PCI Express graphics ports. Thanks to the H55 chipset, it's also about as flexible as it gets for an Intel compatible motherboard. Drop in any LGA1156 CPU and you can be sure you're getting the most out of it. That includes Intel's new Clarkdale Core i3 and Core i5 'fusion' chips. You know, the little dual-core blighters with on-package graphics. Gigabyte has gone one better than most H55 boards by providing not just HDMI, DVI and VGA video connectivity, but also a DisplayPort socket. You could argue, of course, that Clarkdale's graphics are so ghastly that any video-out functionality is moot. But being able to boot your PC without the graphics card installed is a handy debugging tool. Likewise, support for Intel's integrated...
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...1. The five steps to a hacking attack is reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access and covering tracks. 2. During the reconnaissance step Zenmap GUI performs the task of fingerprinting and port scanning. It sends commands to the platform-specific nmap executable and pipes the output back. The process monitors and captures network traffic. The traffic is analyzed to determine which operating system is used. 3. Zenmap GUI is used during the scanning process. 4. Vulnerabilities and exploits are identified in the enumeration step of the hacking process. 5. The software vulnerability that was found was ms-08-067 and this vulnerability makes the remote host vulnerable to a buffer overrun in the Server service that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the remote host with the System privileges 6. The tools used to exploit the identified know software vulnerabilities on the targeted Windows XP professional workstation were the Microsoft Server Service Relative Path Stack Corruption and Metasploit. 7. When you are a member of a security penetration testing team. You should obtain written permission from an owner prior to compromising and exploiting the know vulnerabilities. 8. Ettercap is a free and open source network security tool for man-in-the-middle attacks on LAN. It can be used for computer network protocol analysis and security auditing. It is capable of intercepting traffic on a network segment, capturing passwords...
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...Review 4.1 It allows the ability to wire the cables however you would like without having to create a crossover. so that the cabling can have a strong signal. If you put it at the end it will have send a weaker signal than by putting it a little closer, inevitably giving you less packet and data loss. It cuts down the bandwidth and speed of the connections the more you add. Review 4.2 the bend radius is the amount a fiber optic cable that can be bent without worry of breakage. The current recommendation is to have the bend radius no smaller than 20 times the cable diameter. Some cables will have a fiberglass rod for stability, a larger jacket around each cable, Kevlar is sometimes used, and tight buffer coating. Review 4.3 Legacy equipment such as current home scenarios require UTP. But if you are going far distances than fiber is most definantly the way to go. I would have the audio/video put onto one wireless ap and then a second for the remaining computers in the office. If it is a small business I would have 2 wireless AP setup at either end of the building as well. Review 4.4 the divide and conquer has you test each layer of the osi model and then decide where the trouble is coming from and than work up/down from there. Most times it is the hardware or software that is breaking connection or needs setup rather than a cable issue. Though if you have a high traffic area there are times that cables could become...
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...NT1210 Lab 4.1 : Copper Cabling Exercise 4.1.1 Stability, consistency, and minimization of packet errors. Exercise 4.1.2 The power requirements to send data is much lower than the requirements to transfer electricity. Exercise 4.1.3 Protection from power frequency, radio frequency interference, reducing errors generated. Exercise 4.1.4 CategoryMaximum SpeedApplication 11MbpsVOICE ONLY( TELEPHONE WIRES) 24MbpsLOCAL TALK & TELEPHONE 316Mbps10 BASE T ETHERNET 420MbpsTOKEN RING 5100/1000100 BASE T ETHERNET/GIGABIT ETHERNET 5E1Gbps/1000mbpsGIGABIT ETHERNET 610GbpsGIGABIT ETHERNET/IP TELPHONY 6E10GbpsGAGBIT ETHERNET/HIG END WORK STATION Exercise 4.1.5 Exercise 4.1.6 Coaxial cable conducts electrical signal using an inner conductor (usually a solid copper, stranded copper or copper plated steel wire) surrounded by an insulating layer and all enclosed by a shield, typically one to four layers of woven metallic braid and metallic tape. The cable is protected by an outer insulating jacket. Normally, the shield is kept at ground potential and a voltage is applied to the center conductor to carry electrical signals. Exercise 4.1.7 The distance limit is 100m for UTP cabling. It is very important that you know exactly how to wire UTP cables. Cabling is the base of a solid network, and doing it correctly the first time will help you avoid hours of frustration and troubleshooting. On the other hand, if you are dealing with a poorly cabled network, this...
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...Fredrick Donaldson January 1, 2015 Introduction to Networking Chapter 1 Lab 1:1:1 Reading Binary 1) The mapping of 2931 should contain the values 2, 9, 3, and 1 in the lower-digits places and 2000, 900, 30, and 1 in the bottom boxes. The place values are the same regardless, so the only change is the addition of 103 as the leftmost digit value. 2 | 9 | 3 | 1 | 2,000 | 900 | 30 | 1 | Exercise 1.1.2 The mapping of 1102 will have 1, 1, and 0 in the lower bit values and 4, 2, and 0 in the bottom bits, for a sum of 6. 1 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 0 | Exercise1.1.3 The mapping of 112 will have a leading 0 to fit the mapping, which does not affect the results. The lower bits will have leading 0s and then 1 and 1 in the rightmost bits. This results in all 0s at the bottom, with 2 and 1 in the rightmost bits, for a sum of 3. 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |...
Words: 349 - Pages: 2
...respondents, 65 or 59 % are female and 45 or 41 % are male. They were at average age of 17.5 in female and 17.23 in male. On frequency of respondents in favorite SNS, number of hours usage, moments spend using SNS, priority of reasons in using SNS and number of friends on line, the respondents’ mean favorite site used is 93 respondents preferred Facebook as networking site, followed by 69 or 62 % who prefers other sites, 65 or 59 % prefers Youtube, 46 or 41 % prefer Twitter, while 44 or 40 % prefer Yahoo messenger. Out of 110 , there are 46 or 42 % who spend time with SNS in 30 to 1 hour, 44 or 44 % spent 2 to 3 hrs, while 13 or 11 % used 4 to 5 hrs, and only 7 or 6 % devoted 5 hours or more. In moments used in SNS, Out of 110 respondents , there are 16 or 14 % use SNS in vacant period, while only 2 or 2 %% do it during class, 4 or 3.6 % do SNS in before class and 88 or 80 % use SNS after their class. Out 110, there were different reasons why they use SNS, such as bumming around which ranked 1 , 84 or 76 % , 75 or 64 % ranked studying as 2, 73 or 63 % meet new friends on SNS, and 42 or 38 % both for UpdaIng with family and friends. Out of 110, there are 10 or 9 % who have 10 to 100 friends on line , 16 or 14.5 % have 101 to 200 friends,...
Words: 790 - Pages: 4
...improvement and future success of this company moving into the public market. In order to properly perform an assessment of the LBJ Company, there first had to be some set of standards or regulations that outline the internal controls and proper procedures for companies and businesses to adhere to for financial reporting. As it turns out internal control is a key component of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act(FCPA) of 1977 and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act(SOX) of 2002 which required companies to follow this set of internal controls. This list of internal controls is as follows: 1). Conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner, 2). Safeguard its assets and resources, 3). Deter and defect errors, theft, and fraud, 4). Ensure accuracy and completeness of accounting data, 5). Produce reliable and timely financial and management information, 6). Ensure adherence to its policies and plans.(O’Malley) From this point on all senior management officials will be held responsible for enforcing and ensuring that their company follows these regulations and...
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...Lab 4 – Energy Sources and Alternative Energy Experiment 1: The Effects of Coal Mining |Table 1: pH of Water Samples | |Water Sample |Initial pH |Final pH (after 48 hours) | |Pyrite |6 |7 | |Activated Carbon |6 |6 | |Water |6 |6 | POST LAB QUESTIONS 1. Develop hypotheses predicting the effect of pyrite and coal (activated carbon) on the acidity of water? a. Pyrite hypothesis = If pyrite is in the water source, then it will make the specimen more acidic b. Coal (activated carbon) hypothesis = If coal is in the water source, then it will make the specimen less acidic 2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this. a. Pyrite hypothesis accept/reject = Rejected, The hypothesis “If pyrite is in the water source, then it will make...
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...such as someone’s vacation hours and stocking merchandise for the store, those tasks should be delegated out to the assistant manager and to the store clerks. Being a supervisor means being in a role of leadership, logic, common sense, and decision making for yourself, the employees, and for the company. The “in Basket” debate and discussion gives us and our fellow classmates the opportunity to see if we can successfully delegate out certain tasks as a supervisor at a fictitious company. The discussion between me and fellow classmates was a great one and it appeared as though everyone agreed on everything accept for different incidents. The only two incidents where I came across disagreement were in regards to task number 3, and task number 4. These are the examples in which I will be using in this paper as far as disagreeing is concerned. Task number 3 is in regards to the mall hours changing for an upcoming holiday and that there is a request for store plans. In my own opinion and the opinion of all of my fellow classmates accept for one that I could find agreed that this task needed to be done by the Supervisor. The disagreeing student felt that it should be delegated to the Assistant Manager. This task should be done by the supervisor because it is not only a very important one...
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