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Labor Movement Research Paper

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The work development in the United States became out of the need to ensure the regular enthusiasm of laborers. For those in the mechanical area, sorted out worker's guilds battled for better wages, sensible hours and more secure working conditions. The work development drove endeavors to stop tyke work, give medical advantages and give help to laborers who were harmed or resigned. The origins of the labor movement lay in the formative years of the American nation, when a free wage-labor market emerged in the artisan trades late in the colonial period. The earliest recorded strike occurred in 1768 when New York journeymen tailors protested a wage reduction. The formation of the Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers (shoemakers) …show more content…
When Pittsburgh police refused to end the strike, Carnegie hired 300 private agents from the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency to subdue the protest. The laborers, however, won a surprising victory after a bloody standoff. President Benjamin Harrison eventually sent troops to end the strike. In 1894, reelected president Grover Cleveland made a decision similar to Harrison’s to end the Pullman Strike in Chicago. When Pullman, a railroad car company, cut employees’ wages by 30 percent, labor organizer Eugene V. Debs organized a massive strike. Over 150,000 Pullman workers refused to work, Pullman cars were destroyed, and train service was cut off from Chicago to California. Cleveland sent federal troops to break up the strike and had them arrest its ringleader, Debs. During these turbulent years for America’s labor unions, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) quietly grew in power, coordinating efforts for several dozen independent labor unions. Samuel Gompers founded the union in 1886, seeking better wages, working conditions, shorter working days, and the creation of all-union workplaces for its members. Unlike the National Labor Union and the Knights of Labor, the AFL represented only skilled white male craftsmen in the cities. Despite this limitation, however, the AFL survived the Gilded Age and would become one of the most powerful labor unions in the new century. Terence Powderly joined the Knights of Labor and by 1879 had succeeded Uriah Stephens as its pioneer. Amid the following dozen years, the Knights accomplished their most noteworthy impact and numerical quality. Powderly was by and by restricted to the utilization of work stoppages, yet strikes brought them expanded force. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in Manhattan, New York City on March

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